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Where I write whatever is on my mind when I feel like writing it.

Entries in this blog

Custom Streams

OK a lot of people keep talking about not wanting to see certain sections of the site over and over and don't seem to realize you can choose your own content, and it is very easy to boot. So here in 7 easy steps (with pictures) I'll show you how to do it. Since the Debate Pit is the big one, that is what I am concentrating on, but since I don't care about Roleplay or Ponyverse TV and the like, I'll add them to. Step 1: Find your activity streams at the top of the page. Click the down Arrow.



Celestial Advice / All Bottle Up

OK, going to try to add these as the season goes by. We'll see how it goes on my keeping it up, especially as busy as my Saturdays usually are.   Well I watched the two premier episodes and was impressed. The first episode was pretty good, I loved the characterization and flashbacks with Celestia, and although it was not a total Celestia episode, I really can't complain. Also, I think the fact that it was a Slice of Life episode tying up some of the last seasons ending made it even str



Double Dragon: A Love Story

Welcome one and all to my simple and meandering observations through the world of Double Dragon for the NES. This will sort of be a review, but will also just be me poking fun at the game as I did with 8 Eyes previously. Don't take anything I say too seriously and if you have not played the original game i suggest you go give it a shot.. especially the arcade version since it is still pretty fun to this day.   Anyway onward! Hooooooooooooo!!!!!     So Double Dragon is your standard walkin



An MLP Adventure

I was actually going to post this in the thread about feeling weird for watching MLP, but decided it was too long and worked better here.   About a week ago I bought a MLP DVD set, however upon getting it home and opening it up, I noticed one of the discs was cracked (not the first time this has happened to me, I had the same problem with Avatar), so upon discovering this I headed back to the store to exchange it for a new copy. Well the store was Fry's, normally a pretty awesome store overall



8 Eyes = A summary

OK, honestly I am not much for reviews or playthroughs, I am just not fond of sitting down and trying to write about my thoughts on any game or having people watch me play anything. However I did promise someone I would give it a go, so that is what i am doing. So without further ado, here is my incredibly semi sort of playthrough and review of a classic NES game... 8 Eyes! And by playthrough I actually mean pictures of screen shots with my assorted rambles and comments thrown underneath. I'll t



NES - An Adventure

Anyone who knows me knows I have always loved a good game. My love of gaming started all the way back to the original NES system, and I treasured the hours I spent getting new games, learning them and conquering them.   Eventually my old NES gave up the ghost, and the games went off to a pawn shop. Now I am trying to revisit those old classics and recapture some of the magic I felt before. It is no secret I have become somewhat disillusioned with games in the last few years.. they have become



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