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One man's potentially idiotic attempt to become a Pegasus through hypnosis.

Entries in this blog

#3, #4 - Progress / The First Negative Effect

Hello, friends. Hope you're doing well.   This hypnosis experiment is still going quite well. It's feeling better and more comfortable to "be a Pegasus" as the days go by. I still can't believe it's working so well...so vividly, you know? Maybe I'm just very susceptible to hypnosis...I don't know.   Side note: I think my taste buds are getting more sensitive or something, because fruits and veggies taste like food from Heaven now. Lol. I didn't eat too many fruits or veggies before this ex

Valiant 2.0

Valiant 2.0

#2 - Noteworthy Effects

Hello again, everypony. Hope you're doing well.   Here are some interesting tidbits about my experiment so far. And yes, I realize how legitimately crazy this all sounds, but I'm just 100 percent typing up exactly how I feel during this hypnosis experiment. I'm not making any of this up. So, with that out of the way, let's begin.   Ever since "becoming a Pegasus," I've noticed that I can feel my "new form" even when I don't use any trigger phrases from the hypnosis files.   For example, I

Valiant 2.0

Valiant 2.0

#1 - Notable Changes in Behavior

Hello, everypony.   So, I've noticed a few behavioral changes since I've started this Pony Hypnosis thing.   One of the most interesting changes is this: Apples are freaking DELICIOUS now. Seriously. I can't get enough! Lol.   I mean, apples were alright before, but now...every bite is heaven! Haha. And don't get me started on apple pies...this is a change I never anticipated.   Another change I've noticed is this: I seem to be more caring of others and what they have to say to me. Like

Valiant 2.0

Valiant 2.0

Introduction and First-Time Results

Hello, world. My name is Valiant Venture, but you can call me Valiant.   I've been a Brony for about 4 years now, and I've come to love a lot of things about the show and its fandom. I've even fallen in love with Fluttershy. She's my waifu, I guess you could say. Haha.   So, this blog will be a journal of my experiences with Pony Hypnosis and all of its effects, from the good to the potentially bad.   A short while ago, I came across a topic on MLP Forums talking about Pony Hypnosis. I'v

Valiant 2.0

Valiant 2.0

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