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About this blog

A blog for my MLP related thoughts and some stuff about my short youtube film productions that I wish to share. 

Entries in this blog

MLP G5 general thoughts

I just remembered I had this blog. My apologies for not posting. In Brony news I follow MLP G5 and I don't hate it. I loved "Roots of Evil" 2 parter so much! I loved the cameo of Spike but I agree the designs of dragons are a bit weird. I love the song "Magic in Us" ! I also follow Tell Your Tale and find the episode about Misty and the Spell book and Sunny feeling alone as an alicorn to be 2 of the best episodes of G5.  I'm still making films as well so stay tuned for more! 

TV interviews?

This is a re post from my personal film blog. https://cripvideoproductions.blogspot.com/2020/01/3-presentations-in-one-big-day.html  I am not just trying to get traffic to my site. I just wanted to share this with follow bronies because I mentioned Lauren Faust in it. New posts on top.   On January 27th 2020,  I did 3 presentations about Crip Video Productions films with members of my cast. John Diodato and I did the first regular presentation together where we discuss



MLP Series Finale review

MAJOR SPOILER ALERT FOR ANYONE WHO HAS NOT SEEN THE FINALE YET:I LOVED THE FINALE! I'm perfectly satisfied with the ending to the series as a whole. I adored when Spike became 2nd in command to Twilight as "Royal Advisor." Spike SO deserves a high position and a proper title! It was so touching when Celestia and Luna spoke about being "all grown up" on her throne. How far Twilight Sparkle has come in 9 seasons….Her interest in magic started with the summer sun celebration so she has truly come f



Thank You Big Jim! And Review

This entry is a re post from my DA page    Review of MLP season 9 episode 18 “She Talks To An Angel”   SPOILER ALERT! So not one of my top favorite episodes but definitely a HUGE improvement over “2,4,6 Great” and “Trivial Pursuit”. Even though a similar concept was used for “A Royal Problem” the writers were able to use the episode to their advantage to do something they have not done before which is to develop Angel Bunny as a 3 dimensional character with a real range of e



How to back up Tumblr

Hello Everyone,  I saw quite a new bronies freaking out about Tumblr deleting accounts because some stuff that is NOT actually adult content is getting censored. Even my blogs were having ordinary things pop up with an orange "flagged" symbol at the top. If bronies are concerned I would suggest making a backup of your entire blog in a word document or other documents in your computers and external hard drives. Then if you guys wish to share it again online simply find another social media p



Crip Video Productions audio described

Not MLP related but it is related to my films so I'm posting it here on the blog. Just want to share the news. Not spam or get viewer traffic.    Hi Everyone,   This post is to announce that all current Crip Video Productions films have been audio described! If you do not use audio description yourself please pass along the links below to people who do use audio description. If the audio descriptions do not play properly simply re load the pages.    "Drama Sighted" 



"A Stroke Of Endurance" screening

I am announcing a new screening of my brand new film "A Stroke Of Endurance"! Please note that I am NOT asking for donations,I do not receive monetary gain, and I am not trying to spam or just get viewer traffic. I simply want to share this wonderful news with fellow bronies. Please note this screening is taking place in the USA.  Teatro Paraguas in collaboration with Crip Video Productions, presents screenings of “A Stroke Of Endurance” a film about friendship, faith, and endurance.  Dat



trailers, bloopers and captions

Hi Everyone,  I am just wishing to share with fellow bronies. Not get viewer traffic. Here is the open captioned version of "A Stroke Of Endurance" to make the film accessible for the deaf and hard of hearing, along with official trailers and bloopers below.  Crip Video Productions presents "A Stroke Of Endurance"  Film Synopsis: A college student with Cerebral Palsy named Ava, and her classmates must deal with the emotional and physical ramifications when their professor has a stroke that



My new film "A Stroke Of Endurance"

My new film was just uploaded and I wish to simply share with fellow bronies.    A Stroke Of Endurance" a film by Margot Cole, the writer and director of “Drama Sighted” “Only Those Who Limp Allowed”   and “Crips Not Creeps”     Synopsis: Crip Video Productions presents a story of friendship,faith and endurance…A college student with Cerebral Palsy named Ava, and her classmates must deal with the physical and emotional ramifications when their professor has a stroke



Diversity fest and disability

This is a re post from my personal film blog. I am not just trying to get traffic to my site. I just wanted to share this with follow bronies because I mentioned Lauren Faust in it.  I was once again invited to the KCC Diversity Festival. We originally planned to screen the new film “A Stroke Of Endurance” for the festival but since “A Stroke Of Endurance” is not released yet we came up with the plan of showing “Drama Sighted” and a few, brand new exclusive promotional clips from “A Stroke



First thoughts on MLP the movie

THIS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS! I just saw "My Little Pony The Movie" I must say I thought it was really good. The animation was beautiful and the music was used to nicely compliment the story. I really liked Twilight's arc. Some of the previews and spoilers I heard from other bronies made me concerned that Twilight might be portrayed as OOC or a jerk. Luckily that was not the case in my opinion. You could easily see how Twilight's insecurity leads to her anxiety, guilt and frustration to the point o



My article on creating disability centered media

Hi everybody,    As some of you might know I write films about people with physical disabilities which you can read about in my thread here https://mlpforums.com/topic/97063-my-short-films-about-physical-disability/ A lot of my writing is inspired by My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic and Lauren Faust. After a recent post in that thread it was suggested by one of the mods that I make a blog to share an article I wrote(so I hope it is okay to post it this way, let me know if it isn’t.



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