So i should start with a disclaimer, i will speak positive things about America, i realize that that is controversial and may be a trigger for some people, so im just putting a little warning up here
OK, so as the title suggests yesterday was a pretty bad experience, i mean ive had worse, but i got a little ticked off about a subject that should of not come up, i would of posted this yesterday, but the forums were broken at the time
So before we begin, you should probably know where i
Yes folks, Nintendo has decided to stop making games for casual gamers, instead focusing on core gamers
Nintendo is leaving its entire fanbase to mobile games on smart phones, leaving them to appeal to everyone else
how do you feel about this?
So i played the beta for BF: Cops and heres what i think
over all its fine, though i personally prefer BF4, like BF4 the game play has the same sort of feel and helicopters are near impossible to control, another similarity is that the destruction inst very noticeable, in fact its even less noticeable in this game.
I get the feeling that less team work is involved, the Blood Money game mode especially, but Heist also has this problem.
in Blood Money in the center of the map, located
That is my lifes goal, is to be a successful video game designer who owns his own company, i know that seems like a far away dream right now, but hey, its good to plan ahead, currently i dont know a whole lot about the subject, i can do simple things in GameMaker, ive got the basics down in RPG Maker XV Ace, and currently I am going to school for graphic design, its the closest to Video Game design there is in this state, i do plan on moving out of state once im done here to go to an Arts Instit
So im sitting here in my dorm, its like 3 in the morning, im a tad hungry so i think to my self, im going to go buy something from a snack machine
now before i go on, heres how my dorm is set up: the building has 4 floors on it, each floor has a lobby, a laundry room and a hallway where all the dorms are, the snack and drink machines are in the laundry room
so i live on the 4th floor, my floor only has a drink machine, so i take the stairs to the 3rd floor, its snack machine is almost co
so ive been thinking about this, people complain that CoD has been the same game for the past couple of years since CoD4, now these games do change, slight graphical changes, little mix ups in game play especially in the multiplayer part, adding and removing weapons and perks, ect. however i feel that it is unfair to the franchise to say that it hasnt changed, i think that the changes are too small, that many players dismiss these changes, also i dont think many people keep in mind that it isnt
(heres the trailer if you havnt seen it)
So earlier today i saw the Amazing Atheist make a video on this tralier, so i watched it and wanted to talk about it a bit
I get the distinct feeling that i wont like this movie, i mean yeah, its so obvious that its propaganda, but is this really what christans think atheists are like? a bunch of angry hateful people who actively hate religion? i mean yes there are some people who are like that, but most arent, i dont hate religion, also the profe
so heres the story, im bored so im messing with the tape measure, pulling it out and watching it roll back in, so im doing this for a few minutes then suddenly the end of the tape measure breaks off and it rolls all the way in, so i take it upon my self to fix it, i unscrew the thing and i take the roll out and tape the end back together, but theres a problem now, it turns out when you take the roll out, instead of retracting the tape, it expels it like crazy! so ive been trying to roll it back
(before we start this i want to go ahead and state that i am actually looking forward to the game and im impressed with what i saw, but that doesnt mean i can have a little fun)
Hi, I'm Activision Overlord Eric Hershburg, now i know you've been waiting almost an hour to see some kind of game play footage, so im going to make this quick, maybe you were expecting MW4, well your wrong, we at Activision decided to get rid of all the creative restrictions on our slaves team at Infinity Ward, and
so ok, im going to rant a bit here
Rest room stalls are infuriating, when you go into a public rest room there is usually about 4 stalls and then one big one at the end, my complaint is not with the big one, oh no, its the freaking other ones, you walk in and its cramped maybe only 2 ft. from the toliet, and if thats not bad enough the door opens inward, so to leave you have to step all over around the toilet and in a lot of cases the lazy asshole who installed the door doesnt bother lining
When your a little kid, everything around you is something else, the stick isnt just a stick, its a gun or a tommahawk, or a ray gun, or anything, and of course kids are allowed to run around and do this its what kids do, however around age 12 or so, imagination is suddenly frowned upon, being creative and having imagination is suddenly weird and discouraged, you cant be fun, you cant make up your own stuff, you can only use whats given to you, that stick isnt a hand scythe or a gun, its just a
so ive came to the realitization that i might be ready for a girl friend
now of course there are several obsticals of course, one being the fact ive never had one before and there are like no suitable candidates in my area
however there is the internet! and because of that i can be as picky as i want! i will also be avoiding dating websites, because well, thats for people in their 30's :\
if your curious, this is what im looking for
some one who is nice
they HAVE to be a gamer
im kinda his official ambassador to the forums,
if you want to ever say anything to him tell me
for those of you who dont know, strong hooves was a good member here, he had to leave due to his parents not liking him being on a forum
so yeah i am strong hooves's ambassador to the forums
so this is a thing i will do, every now and then i will listen to 5 songs and give my honest opinion on them so this might contain strong language
so lets begin
Mercy(kayne west)
ok first what is this song even about? like the chorus implies that its about a car, but they dont rap about the car, they dont really rap about anything! i mean you know your song starts off good when the first few lines of the song are puns about some girls ass, in addition to kayne, the other rapper on
so, some of you may know that i am very emotionless and rather apathetic about things, well today im going to tell you why
around this time time, October 2010, my grandmother passed away, she never saw my 16th birthday, something she was looking forward to
*note im actually tearing up writing this*
my grandmother was 76, she died of some sickness(cant remember) in a hospital bed around 6:00pm
my grandmother was the nicest person i knew, she was kind and sweet
i kinda regret
so earlier today i had a sort of "emotional attack" on struck by stress i have found out, now i have had one of these before, but i wasnt sure of the cause
these attacks include all of my emotions,mainly the negative ones, all going hay wire and on the fritz, it often brings me to the verge of tears, fortenantly i have enough control to stop my self from bursting out into a crying fit, and during these i some times do irrational things, during this attack, i almost broke down and actually
so ive noticed lately that my near emotionless state is being interrupted by weird...i dont know, random emotional outbursts i guess is the best way to classify them, so im going to start doucumenting when one of these happen
starting with this one
last night, went to pick up my phone to set my alarm, and dropped it, now normally this is no big deal, i just bend over and pick it up, but instead a flare of anger attacked me, and for those few seconds i was just extreamly angry, and then i
this is actually my fourth day at school but what ever
before i begin, you must know my class schedule
English 4 honors
Pottery 2
French 2
so heres what happens, in english class, im the only senior, everyone else are juniors (because i failed last year) there was an announcement calling all juniors to the auditorium, once everyone else, leaves i look around me and im the only one in my class, it was an awkward silence for a good 10-15 minutes
nothing of note happens u
so yeah, this is my little blog thing
i will mostly either complain or yeah, mostly complain
ill be sure to add an entry every day after school documenting my school experience,
so yeah, follow this if you are interested in my life, in a totaly non stalkerish way of course lol