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About this blog

Not much of a blogger, but I like to use this for those very specific works of writing that just don't fit anywhere else and news updates that would not fit in a status update. 

Entries in this blog

Bizarre Dream: G5 Equestria Girls

I had another weird dream last night, this one involved me being lost in a mall. I was trying to find my away around while I was getting confused by turns that would take me to these swamp-like areas, as if I was walking in a forest. Then, suddenly, I was with my siblings by these screens showing this poster of a G5 Equestria Girls movie that was playing in theaters. The poster looked like anime-inspired fanart, showcasing a human Sunny with these other characters who looked like The Dazzlings.

Misty Shadow

Misty Shadow in Dreams

Terrifying Nightmares: Set on Fire

I had a really awful dream on Sunday night where people broke into my home and tried to kill me. One of them was someone I knew from the past who hated me and somehow lit me on fire with these flakes I was trying to get off my clothes before they burst into flames and set me on fire. I ran towards the person screaming something and I don't remember what happened after that. Probably the worst nightmare I've had since my dream about my mom and the guns. 

Misty Shadow

Misty Shadow in Dreams

Understanding Sunny Starscout

It was only a matter of time after I did my essay on Izzy that I did one on Sunny.  https://www.deviantart.com/mistybrightshadow/art/Understanding-Sunny-Starscout-MLP-Essay-1007900134 It will also only be a matter of time before I do one on Hitch. 

Misty Shadow

Misty Shadow in Essays

My Personal 2023 Retrospect

Doing this a little earlier than usual, totally not because of inspiration from Props. Anyway, to recount what 2023 was like for me personally, it was another pretty mid-tier year of ups and downs.  Work this year, unlike last year, was not a slog at all early on. Unfortunately, that furlough I've talked about in the past hit me like a truck in June, lasting two months longer than I would've wanted. The middle of the year was definitely not good in regards to progress with work, especially

Misty Shadow

Misty Shadow in Personal Life

Why the Mane 5 Were Not Better in the G5 Movie

I feel my latest essay is going to be my most controversial one yet... https://www.deviantart.com/mistybrightshadow/art/G5-s-Character-Cast-Was-Not-Better-in-the-Movie-1003931901 ...and I don't care.  I like the characters better in the G5 shows, this essay fully explains why. 

Misty Shadow

Misty Shadow in Essays

The Root of G5 Negativity

I've already discussed G5 criticisms I feel are bunk, so how about trying to get to the root of all the negativity?  https://www.deviantart.com/mistybrightshadow/art/The-Root-of-G5-Negativity-MLP-Essay-1001126731 I think there's more to it than meets the eye. 

Misty Shadow

Misty Shadow in Essays

Make Your Mark Chapter 6 Review

After watching all of Make Your Mark Chapter 6 hours after its premiere, I got straight to work on my full review of it, which I now have up!  https://www.deviantart.com/mistybrightshadow/art/Make-Your-Mark-Chapter-6-Review-996798944 I'm really going to miss reviewing MYM if this is the end of it, but I think I'm going to like reviewing the next part of G5's story. 

Misty Shadow

Misty Shadow in Reviews

Got Locked Out of My Bedroom Last Night

Last night, I came home from work to find that my bedroom door was locked on me. It has a European style handle with a lock that got turned slightly somehow and locked me out. This had me freaking out last night, since all of my important stuff is in my bedroom, including my computers. I couldn't find any bobby pins or good, sturdy cards for sliding to help get the door open, so I just had to make do with the cards I had in my wallet and brute force. After fifteen minutes of trying, I was finall

Misty Shadow

Misty Shadow in Life

Horrific Nightmare: Held Responsible for Influencer's Death

I had a pretty disturbing nightmare last night where I was overhearing two relatives talking about how I wasn't doing good enough in life, which got me depressed and led me to taking all sorts of antidepressant drugs. Then I was in this truck that was on its way to see popular Youtuber, penguinz0/MoistCr1TiKaL. When we met, we had this conversation. I don't remember what we talked about, but the next day, it was all over the internet that he had committed suicide. I was blamed for his death for

Misty Shadow

Misty Shadow in Dreams

Had a Dream About Watching a Bad MLP G5 Movie

Yes friends, I disliked something from G5...in a dream. I dreamed last night that I was watching this G5 movie that I believe was supposed to be this MLP adaptation of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, like a Classics Reimagined kind of thing. The reason I say that is because Hitch was dressed like Tom Sawyer and the way the characters were talking made it seem like the makers of the movie were trying to adapt dialogue from a book while not doing a good job of it. It was so boring to watch I started

Misty Shadow

Misty Shadow in Dreams

Had a Dream With Pipp the Poltergeist in It

Pipp the Poltergeist, the "ghostified" Pipp from my latest story, was in a dream of mine last night. I dreamed I was with Mordecai and Rigby from Regular Show in this resort's outdoor pool area. Rigby was complaining about this coffee he got when Pipp the Poltergeist showed up and started telling us to chase her. We gave chase, and this song about ice cream started playing. I can only remember one part of the song distinctly, where during the chorus, someone is saying, "Ice cream's great! Yeah,

Misty Shadow

Misty Shadow in Dreams

My Top 10 Worst MLP Stories/Writing Mistakes List

Yes, I decided to give myself a roasting while also explaining why I've changed the way I write my stories. You can read this list on both my FiMFiction.net blog and on DeviantArt.  https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/1022484/my-top-10-worst-mlp-stories-mistakes-as-a-writer https://www.deviantart.com/mistybrightshadow/art/My-Top-10-Worst-MLP-Stories-Writing-Mistakes-982675763 Be warned, things do get a little personal at the end, but it's something I had to explain in order for people

Misty Shadow

Misty Shadow in Lists

My Furlough Ends This Month

Just got a call from my supervisor from Macy's an hour ago telling me that I'm scheduled to come back to work August 20th. After the nightmare that has been trying to find a job these past two months with how unspeakably awful the job market has gotten, "relieved" doesn't even begin to describe how I feel right now. I'm elated over finally having a load off my back. Believe it or not, this furlough period has actually not affected me much financially. My mental health was impacted worse from thi

Misty Shadow

Misty Shadow in Life

New Theory About King Sombra, Radiant Hope, and the Umbrum

I've now merged with MistyBrightShadow, the account that archived all my work on DeviantArt, and have posted my first new theory there.  https://www.deviantart.com/mistybrightshadow/art/Sombra-Hope-and-Umbrum-in-G5-Theory-Part-2-974161203 Even if we don't get umbrum in Make Your Mark, hope they can at least be an implied part of the lore.   

Misty Shadow

Misty Shadow in Theories

Changing My MLPF Name for the First Time

Today, for the first time in history, I did something I had never done in eleven years.  As of now, CloudMistDragon has become "Misty Shadow". The reason I decided on this name is not just because I could end up potentially merging with the DA account that is archiving my stuff, but also because I feel it works as both a good simplified version of that account's name and the name I've used for so long. Changing it today, I feel was the perfect timing too, since my blog just hit 10,000

Misty Shadow

Misty Shadow in Changes

The Truth About Team Silent

Doing a video game-related essay for the first time, this one tackles a popular misconception about a beloved video game team. If you have an interest in Silent Hill...this should fascinate you... https://www.deviantart.com/mistybrightshadow/art/The-Truth-About-Team-Silent-971702169

Misty Shadow

Misty Shadow in Games

Possibly Retiring the CloudMistDragon Name

This is something I've posted about on FiMFiction.net too, a consideration of potentially retiring the CloudMistDragon name.  https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/1018245/possibly-retiring-the-cloudmistdragon-name MistyBrightShadow is now permitted to start uploading my removed art and stories, but I have considered changing my name on all social media platforms with the exception of Youtube. The reason is because CloudMistDragon was initially something I wanted to use as a name people coul

The DeviantArt Content Removal Situation

By far the greatest casualty of the unfair DeviantArt ban was the removal of all of my content. Thankfully, most of my DA-exclusive stuff is backed up, and after talking with a friend who is a very active DA user, we've decided that this user will be given my express permission to upload my removed and unreleased content.  https://www.deviantart.com/mistybrightshadow It would mean a lot to me if you could show Misty some support with follows and faves. As for the guy who got my account

Unfair DeviantArt Ban

I was permanently banned from DeviantArt today just for using an image for a cover for my stories. The image is from an artist who allows for alteration of their work so long as they are credited.  https://www.deviantart.com/ejfirelightningarts And guess what they did? They didn't even message me asking me to take the cover down, they straight-up DMCA'd me and got my account permanently banned. The artist has recently apologized to me in a message on another site, telling me this

Wrote Another G5 Comedy Story!

I wrote a G5 comedy story around this time last year, and now, I've done another this summer. This one isn't about summer specifically though, this is a sketch compilation story with a plot about Sunny and her friends telling stories to each other at a diner as a wraparound.  Hope you find it entertaining! 

Misty Shadow

Misty Shadow in Stories

Finally Heard Back From Unemployment

Unemployment finally mailed me my Certificate of Understanding after I was able to get on a video call with them. I should finally be getting some benefits before I get a job, which could be very soon with Goodwill calling me back Tuesday about whether or not I got the job when I interviewed with them Thursday. Very happy I have something good to report this time. 

Misty Shadow

Misty Shadow in Life

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