Okay everyone, just for kicks I am going to do a series of blogs giving a little analysis on each of the major characters in MLP and a few secondary characters and even the occasional background pony. I first decided to begin this project with the best pony, Applejack oh did I mentioned that Applejack is best pony? Because that is kind of important. Okay okay so I will try to be as non biased as I can with these but you are going to get my 2 bits as well after all.
Applejack dosen't have ver
So I was watching the Animaniacs marathon on the Hub and I saw this
When I first saw this as a kid I didn't know how disturbing this was I just found the words for the different ingredients funny, but seriously we really eat this stuff.
Yesterday I posted a blog update roughly 10 minutes before I had to leave for work and because of the rush job it didn't exactly get the point I wanted to get across as clearly as I would have liked. While I confess I don't put all that much effort into my blog posts in general when my only comments are
"I had a hard time following that, due to the way you made your sentence structure."
"I had a hard time following that due to not knowing what a 'Milk Load' is."
that tells me
On Tuesday I told you about how the milk load came 4 hours late, well that day has had a nasty habit of following me all week. Apparently my panic mode I described then was a bit worse than I thought and I ended up ordering way too much so after being off that next day I walk in yesterday morning to find that there was still some load left that hasn't been worked and with the milk load (thankfully it was only a 1 day milk load) coming at virtually anytime I had to haul some serious ass to work a
So like many others when I first heard about the possibility of Twilight Sparkle becoming an alicorn I greeted it with no small amount of trepidation. Lets face it this is one of those things that could either be really really good or really really bad. The bad is obvious, and that is Twilight becoming a Mary Sue character where she is essentially given a permanent god mode with not nearly enough time and development easing into it making it the series ultimate deus ex machina. Of course I have
Another crappy day at work another blog/rant about it. Tuesdays for me automatically suck, since it is add change day I have to worry about changing out the cold ends, breaking down and working a 2 day milk load and ordering the wall load (all the other stuff in the dairy department besides milk) for the next day since I am usually covering for the first dairy clerk that day (I am #2) and one other day that week. But this particular Tuesday sucked even worse, because my milk load came not 1, not
Okay ladies and gents I have seen a couple of Lyra fans make blogs similar to this so I figured why the hell not. As many of you know my first choice was Applejack but since that orchard has been picked over by Lyra I am backing my second choice Twilight Sparkle and Octavia. I of course understand the appeal of Lyra and to be honest if the final round ends up being between Lyra and Fluttershy I will probably join the dark side and vote for Lyra but if it is Octavia then she will get my vote.
I just thought I would indulge both the brony and hard core Star Wars fan in me for a second and just add my thoughts on which lightsaber combat forms would best fit the Mane 6. For those of you that don't know there are 7 forms of lightsaber combat in the Star Wars universe and though they are not mentioned by name in the movies they are in multiple expanded universe works and are considered canon.
Pinkie Pie: Form I known as Shii Cho bes
I just watched the brony documentary last night and I thought I would post a little review on it. The animated segments with John De Lancie explaining things was a very nice touch and in those and his live action appearances were entertaining and informative. The joke about clopping was funny but I am not sure if it is a good idea to mention rule 34 in a movie that is supposed to set the record straight about us, I am not saying I have a problem with cloppers but the misperception that all broni
So yesterday I said my day today was going to suck and though it wasn't exactly a picnic it was at least not as bad as I feared. I wasn't in the checkstands very much because in large part because it was one of the slowest days I have seen in a good while so I actually got a chance to get something done. Since I have been on vacation all last week I knew I was going to find a lot of out of short coded milk when I did my morning milk rotation but 30, that's right 30 half gallons was more than eve
Today my boss who for the purposes of this post I will call Mr Slash and Burn aka Assface aka Senor Cheapskate came up with the brilliant idea to send my only help home at 1 today when half the load was still left and of course I still had to worry about the damn checkstands (being a backup checker Is a real barrel of laughs). Luckily I wasn't up there for too much of the day but on one of those days where every second counts it gets old fast. And it gets better folks tomorrow I am alone which i
So I had a knock at the door and it was these two guys selling something (I think you know where this is going). They said they were selling these magazines as part of some charity thing, I don't remember all the details because I tuned out much of what they were saying but I remember them saying something about practicing their public speaking skills (yeah I know bullshit right but it gets better). So I looked at this catelog of magazines and was interesting a grand total of NONE of them, but t
For the past few days I have seen a particular member on here talk about committing suicide and it has really got me thinking. I have been complaining on here an awful lot about my job and my life in general, sure I haven't talked about scheduling an early meeting with the grim reaper but as I have said before to him and on other occasions here I have considered it in the past so I do know what it is like to have that kind of hopelessness and despair. To clarify I don't plan on doing that myself
So I took a quick look at my wireless internet settings and saw two signals entitle "FBI_Surveilance" and "FBI_Surveillance-guest". It sure is comforting to know that so many are blatantly violating their oaths to protect and defend the constitution by spying on people without warrants to protect us all from boogeymen in caves. Whatever shall we do without being lead like lambs to slaughter by treasonous, anti freedom criminal scum playing on everyones fears as part of their power grab?
This isn't the most exciting entry I have made but since I didn't get much sleep the other night and am a bit bored I am not at my best today.
Since I am a second dairy clerk I sometimes have to be at work at 7AM on the first dairy clerks days off or if he goes on vacation and it is a lot easier for me to get good sleep if I keep a consistent sleep schedule but I have a few other reasons.
1. I don't really do much at night anyway: I hate crowds and loud noises so bars and other places ac
Today is the day, today is the day that the day the day that...
Okay, so technically tomorrow is the day it starts but since I am off today anyway I might as well just count that as the start. And you know that means fillies and gentlecolts? That means that it's
I get one week, one week away from the God forsaken hellhole I call work that is slowly eating away at my sanity and I am going to love and tolerate the hell out of it I Pinkie pr
If you have paid attention to most of my blog posts you probably know that I don't like my job the good news though is that I do have a solid plan for getting out of there which I have full faith in. I could simply get another job but as Big Macintosh would put it "nnnnnnooooope" that is not for me. If I got another job I would probably take a pay cut as I would be starting from the bottom would probably have to put up with the same BS again and might not have the same benefits at the other job
I met a lovely gentleman today named assface who share with me a grave concern about salmonella poisoning. Okay so that is not his real name but for the purposes of this blog that is what I am going to call him. Because my wall load (yogurt, cheese, eggs, juice ect...) came so early that it got there before the milk load it was a lot more difficult and time consuming than usual to break down and work the milk load which put me really far behind. Assface freaked out and yelled at me because *gasp
I ran into this interesting post which really sums up one of the best arguments I have ever seen while Applejack is really awesome.
If you have been paying attention to most of my entries they have been rather depressing, I got written up at work the other day because of too many screw ups in the checkstand and am barely keeping myself together for the first time in too long though I think I am finally catching a break. Since I have a mild form of Autism I may actually be able to go back to the way things were before I became a backup checker and just be a dairy clerk.
I know I have been bad mouthing my company and of co
If you have read my last entry you know I got written up at work for screwing up a few too many times in the checkstand, I am trying to of course get out of there and have many many good reasons for doing so and you will here a slightly more smart assed version of them than I will present to management here on in this blog entry.
1. Being a dairy clerk is enough pressure already: Yes like I explained in my last entry most dairy clerks in the company I work for also function as backup checker
If you will remember my last entry about me an my potty mouth in case you are wondering that is not what I got in trouble for. To make a long story short I made a few too many screw ups in the checkstands, so I had to sign this neat little paper and agree to under threat of "further disciplinary action up to and including termination" not do it again. I only wish they gave me a copy of that as you can never have too much extra toilet paper. I got suspended and almost fired back in June for some
Me and my potty mouth go back a ways and I have gotten in trouble from it many times before, I am not in any trouble from it that I am aware of this time but I am trying to do something about before that becomes the case. Yesterday my mother was a bit upset with me because apparently my aunt who occasionally shops at the store I work at told my mother that she overheard me swearing under my breath while I was up in the 9th circle of hell (the checkstands).
Though I honestly truthfully don't
Well folks I said that I would try to make 2013 a better year and I am still determined to do so but this week so far been for lack of a better word pretty crappy. Being off New Years Day wasn't too bad but after that it sort of went down the toilet.
My main issue is with my boss who for the purposes of this blog I will call Doofus. Doofus apparently dosen't seem to know how to actually write a schedule, I know after holidays hours sometimes have to be cut to make labor and there can someti