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Oh, what fun is there in making sense?

Entries in this blog

Making a video-game!

I've been pretty quiet about this lately due to wanting to wait until there is actual meat to post concerning our projects, but now that things are moving forward at a fantastic pace, I would like to share with everyone some awesome information.   I am a member of a team called Toxic Creativity and we are basically a group of guys who want to work on video-games, comics, animations, and web videos. Our group is made up of gamers (Duh) but also artists and people who appreciate the visua



I just had a Rainbow Dash Dream

Last night I had a rather interesting and amusing dream about Rainbow Dash.   The dream went as follows:   Dash wanted to get her fight license that she was never able to get because of her failure at flightschool so she asked me to drive her to the training camp which was, for some odd reason, in the middle of the woods. Joining us was Princess Celestia who kept transforming into Rarity whenever she wanted to. Agan, for no reason.   The trained was a gruff looking pony who had a hat and a



Why the Sheer unadulterated Hate?

Ah Nintendo. Anyone who has followed my blogs knows that Nintendo is my console of choice - followed by the Playstation. I've been playing with Nintendo consoles ever since I was 6 years old and my personal Nintendo collection ranges over 300 games (more if I count the modern ones). It is a company I've loved for over two decades of my life (aging me right now. God that is depressing).   Though I am an avid fan, I won't deny the shortcomings of the systems they have released. The Wii, wh



The WET Syndrome - OR - I HATE DUKE NUKEM SO MUCH (no I don't)

Misleading title is misleading. This is not a discussion about me hating Duke Nukem Forever because I personally love it. What I am wishing to discuss is the robotic and rather pathetic mindset of the average player.   What I am wishing to discuss is the robotic and rather pathetic mindset of the average player. You see, there is a disease that effects the brain. It is a parasyte that nestles deep within the frontal lobe and begins to implant within the victim a series of ideas and conce



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