Following the acclaimed Momsong in winter 2014, Old Spice produced a sequel later that year, called Dadsong. There's a little twist in the formula, but it's no less hilarious. XD I still laugh it now as I did one-and-a-half years ago.
Cooperstown will only have two former players enshrined, but it's nonetheless a hell of a class.
Back in the 1990s, Ken Griffey Jr. was the Michael Jordan in baseball. He had not just the strong core to help form the amazing swing of all-time. He epitomized coolness in fashion. Why do so many people wear that baseball cap backwards? Because of him, and he kicked so much ass with it. There was a swagger to him that you couldn't help but not watch. I've seen him play baseball when I was a kid,
Tomorrow afternoon, at least one player will be voted into Cooperstown, who in turn will be enshrined. Another player, on his fourth ballot, has a great shot of getting in. You have two more with an outside shot of getting in, though perhaps unlikely.
For those who are curious, here is the official Hall-of-Fame ballot. The closest to make the HOF last year is Mike Piazza at 69.9 percent. He might get in this year. Ken Griffey, Jr., a first-time person on the ballot, is getting in. Out of the
In Our Town is one of the best songs in the show. Soon after The Cutie Map aired, someone uploaded a filly version of this song.
October 29, 1942 was the date Bob Ross was born, and he died from cancer on July 4, 1995 from cancer. In honor of what would be the late Bob Ross's 73rd birthday, there's a stream to show all 403 episodes right now; just click the link above. At the time I submit this blog, the first episode of Series 2 is airing.
The stream will end on November 6.
All aboard the hype train!
If you wish to pitch in some more to get to the stretch goals (including Mac/Linux access and a new character), feel free to do so. If you can't, feel free to spread the message so others can help donate.
In the meantime, to the people, bronies and non-, who donated to make this game happen:
Delivery, presentation, and timing are everything in great comedy. Without them, your jokes won't work, which means your audience won't laugh. But if you succeed in making great comedy, then you can repeat the joke and still make your audience laugh hard.
"Who's On First?", the Abbott & Costello skit from 1953 (and one that FIM parodied in Tanks for the Memories). is one such example. It's eight minutes of some fantastic comedy. If you haven't seen this skit, please watch it. If you have
The man in the picture above is Irwin Corey, a Jewish-American comedian. No matter the age, he was always someone who likes to tell jokes. One of his most famous gimmicks is him as "Professor Irwin Corey."
On July 29, The World's Foremost Authority turned 101 years old.
Here's an NY Daily News article about him just before he turned 100. He also cracks a good joke.
Happy birthday, Professor!