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Just what ever random thoughts I think of.

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Summer of the Factoids: BACK TO THE FUTURE

This year sees the release of the highly anticipated Jaws 19, coinciding with the 40th anniversary of Steven Spielberg's original masterpiece. So what better time to revisit on of the greatest movies of all time, Jaws!   Wait, I already did that one.   Huh.   ...   Oh, hey, it's the 30th anniversary of Back to the Future.     Which also happens to be the 60th anniversary of Calvin Klein's invention of Rock n' Roll. To honor this beloved saga of incest, Pepsi products, and unfortunat

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Come with meeeeee, And you'll beeeeee In a wooooooorld Of Useless Information.   What you'll reaaad Will require... ...explanatioooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnn...     And this blog is certainly not showing ANY SIGNS THAT IT IS SLOWING!!!     -The film came about when director Mel Stuart found out his daughter was a fan of Ronald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and wanted him to make a movie about it. Producer David L. Wolper convinced Quaker Oats to finance the film to promote their n

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Summer of the Factoids: THE MAD MAX TRILOGY

You wanna know some sorta-interesting facts about an Australian exploitation action film franchise that introduced the world to the wonders of S&M leather? You talk to me.     Welcome to Triviadome!   Mad Max   - Director George Miller pulled from his experience as an emergency room doctor and the deaths of several of his friends as inspiration for the violence seen in Mad Max. The idea of gangs fighting over gasoline ("guzoleen") was inspired by the 1973 Oil Crisis, as screenwriter

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Factoids of the Living Dead: THE TERMINATOR

Now you may be asking yourself what The Terminator is doing as an entry in my incredibly sporadic horror movie trivia onslaught. You see, I make the argument that The Terminator is very much a slasher flick, very much like other 80s movies about a near-indestructible engine of destruction going on a rampage and racking up an impressive body count until one lone survivor, a lady, is left alone to fight it. The only difference is that instead of knifes and stabbing weapons, there are guns. Lots an

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Granny Smith is a filthy liar. It is canon.

Yes, it's true. Not what any of us saw coming, especially coming from the grandmother of the Element of Honesty, but it is true. Granny Smith is a filthy freaking liar. I didn't want to believe it, but the evidence is there. It's always been there, right under our collective noses. And it was placed there by the writers, as if to mock our shortsightedness, to make fun of our community's need to analyze everything. All those review shows, and no one ever noticed this simple fact. Where's your god

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Factoids of the Living Dead: SCREAM

A dang fine slasher movie, this is, even if its sequels decided to become the dumb movies the original was making fun of.     Beware of spoilers.   - Wes Craven wasn't planing on making another violent horror film, but his fans kept asking him to do something like The Hills Have Eyes again.   - The Ghostface Killer's mask is based off the Edvard Munch painting The Scream, but it wasn't designed specifically for the movie. It was actually based on a costume that had been in stores since

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Factoids of the Living Dead: CHILD'S PLAY

Y'know, for a horror movie where the monster could easily be defeated if you kicked him hard enough across the room, the original Child's Play ain't half bad. Not a masterpiece by any standards, but it's good fun.     Take a seat, Annabelle. - Originally named "Batteries Not Included", but changed when it was found out Steven Spielberg was producing a movie with the same name.   - Child's Play was originally meant to be a satire of marketing aimed at children before it became a horror fl

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Factoids of the Living Dead: PAN'S LABYRINTH

This one is exceedingly overdue, but today we come to the modern masterpiece from the Mexican maestro's mind, Pan's Labyrinth. I was actually questioning whether this film could be counted as a horror film or if it was just fantasy of the darker variety.     Never mind.   - Guillermo del Toro keeps a large collection of notes and sketches that he uses to generate ideas and stories for his films. The notes on Pan's Labyrinth were once lost in the backseat of a British cab. Del Toro was afr

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Factoids of the Living Dead: FRIGHT NIGHT (1985)

From a period when horror films were synonymous with demented madmen running around in ski-masks hacking up young virgins, it's cool to see a movie so steeped in love for the classics, when vampires slept in coffins, avoided crucifixes, and freaking murdered your butt.     So hot.   - The directorial debut of Tom Holland, who felt his previous script wasn't done justice and that he had to handle this one himself.   - First vampire film to spend more than a million dollars on its special

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Factoids of the Living Dead: GREMLINS

It's that time of year again. The wind is beginning to chill, nature is starting it's transformation into beautiful decay, the days grow shorter, and all matters of spooks and shadows come forth to haunt the landscape once more, serving as harbingers of the most hallowed eve of the year...   ...Christmas!     D'awwww, look at the lil' guy! Man, this is gonna be the best Christmas ever!     Or not.   - In the late 70s, Steven Spielberg intended to create a follow-up to Close Encount

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HOLY FLIPPING FACTOIDS, BATMAN! (Happy Anniversary, Tim Burton's Batman)

On this day in 1989, Tim Burton's cinematic dance with Batman in the pale moonlight was released, and things got weird. To say the movie had a colossal impact on Hollywood and pop culture, for better or worse, would be an understatement: the incredibly successful and inescapable marketing changed how movies were sold, its success set new exceptions for all future blockbusters, it put Batman back into the spotlight, , its perceived darkness and edginess (despite the fact that the movie is actu

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Citrus feels in his heart that the first Amazing Spider-Man is crap.

I originally planned on this being a full on review of Amazing Spider-Man. Something thought out and considered, a piece of writing that read like someone was trying to explain himself in a ordered and intellectually stimulating manner. But y'know what? I don't feel like. This movie doesn't deserve it. I wish not to think about it more than I have to. If I do that, than I'm just gonna be grumpy the whole night, and you know how that is.   So...yeah, ASM sucks. Not totally and utterly, but it i

Look, guys, I need you to tell me something, because I want to know!

...     ...       ...       ...       ...   What you people know.   I'm gonna ask ya some questions and get some answers, like what's a fire and why does it - oh, what's the word - BURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNWhen's it my turn? Wouldn't I love, love to explore that world up aboooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOve?!!!?!? Out of the sea... Wish I could be... Part of that...       ...worrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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I too have been questioning whether Rarity is still Best Pony.

No, I'm serious. I find her lack of consistent quality throughout S4 to be most displeasing, with many of the writers seemingly forgetting what made her great to begin with. It's like every line that comes out of her mouth is related to fashion, as if there's nothing else to her wonderfully nuanced character. It's grown predictable and obnoxious, and plays into the lain wrong assumption that her shallowness is her defining character trait. Sure, Rarity's still awesome in S1 and S2, and Tabitha S

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Citrus Thinks Captain America: The Winter Solider is Nearly Perfect.

That's a really freaking smooth gif.     This is a good one, guys.   I'm a bit lazy, so don't expect anything too well written/proofread here, but yeah, Winter Solider is the nearly perfect version of what it wants to be, and that is the most adult movie Marvel Studios has attempted thus far. Not to say it isn't fun (because it's really, really fun and kids will enjoy it to bits), or that it dips its toes into Man of Steel's 9/11-imagery-happy madness (I said it was adult, not mind-numb

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I'm about to make your day.

All actors have to start somewhere, and not all of them can be Orson Welles in Citizen Kane. Sometimes you've gotta start small. Like, Matt Smith playing younger Ralph Fiennes in In Bruges levels of small. And you don't often get the most accurate impression of what these actors and actresses will be. You watch Harrison Ford as a bellhop and you would never say "Yeah, total badass." You see Sam Rockwell as that mouthy teen in the Foot's warehouse in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but how could yo

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What have you always wanted to see on an MLP shirt but never had the power to see happen?

Anyone see that episode of Bob's Burgers where Bob gets the restaurant a local commercial during the Super Bowl for the sole purpose of having a commercial for his restaurant playing on every big screen TV of his rival's restaurant during the big game?   The Welovefine T-shirt contest is the Super Bowl, and Equestria Daily is Jimmy Pesto. We're doing this. Well, I'm doing it, but whatever.   I'm just having trouble figuring out ideas for a T-shirt. I can worry about the execution later, I ju

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In which I get in a argument about the resolution to "It Ain't Easy Being Breezy"

As you all probably know by now, I hated this past weekend's episode and would go so far as to consider it the worst in the series thus far. So you can imagine my amusement in a comic poking fun at the climatic deus ex machina. Here's the the original comic by Hapoppo, complete with a link to the page so you can fav that stuff:     And here is the horror that followed (click for maximum carnage):  

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Thank you all.

It nearly slipped my memory, but a quick double-check on my profile confirms that today is the anniversary of me joining the forums. Wow.   I first found the site in the wake of "The Crystal Empire". I was so excited by that awesome episode and all the rumblings it caused in the mythology of the show that I had to listen to and read every theory that came out of the woodwork, so I searched for a pony-specific forum and came across this one. I then spent the next three months or so lurking abou

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Citrus blogs like Citrus.

Posted Image   Sigh,i have two do another review? You guys should now by know that I position the sanctity of promising two do something on the same level ass that melting dude from the end of Robocop's insurance. I don't even get that joke, I dunnno, 80's reference.   It's funny because it's a reference.     "Simple Ways" by Josh Groban   Gosh darn it to fuck. Now that we've stablushed that i am capable of cursing because i am a man, let me just say screw this episode. i can't unde

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Go see The Lego Movie. This is a review, I guess.

So...yeah, go see the movie. I wish I could say more, but I don't want to spoil anything outside of the fact that it's really freaking great. It has this fantastic dreamlike quality that gets refreshingly trippy and existential, love the sense of scale present in several of the scenes, every second was so jam-packed to the brim with jokes, sight gags, and legitimately awesome action bits that I'll probably enjoy it the second, third, etc. number of times I watch it (probably more because there w

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