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Overcoming my shyness.



blog-0693388001350906683.pngIt's been a while since I last blogged... How's it going, everyone? :3



I'm usually a very, very shy guy. I lack confidence and I'm always worried about what others will think of me after every single word I say. Because of that, I hardly go out with friends. In fact, I hardly have any true friends with who I can spend most of the time together. This has been bothering me for years now, but I feel like I'm slowly fighting back my oh-so-strong shyness. Today was a bright example of it.


There is this Japanese guy in my English class. He must be around 20 years old. In class, I rarely ever start a conversation with the other students. Whenever I have to work in pairs, for instance, I speak, but without making any eye contact - I just keep staring at my notebook like the introvert I am. But today I somehow managed to build the guts to talk to this guy.


I really like Japan: the music, the technology, the anime, et cetera. During our five-minutes break, I started a conversation with a very usual question: Where exactly in Japan are you from. He answered Osaka, and I mentioned that I had heard about the city. I then proceeded to talk about everything I knew and loved about Japan, like Pokemon and Vocaloid, and we ended up spending the whole break talking and discussing and laughing - the teacher had to interrupt us in order to resume the class. I was just so happy proud of myself.



During my second class, which is way more crowded than my first one, I happened to notice that the new girl sitting in front of me had a Soul Eater necklace, which is one of the anime's main icons and also resembles the character Shinigami. Hell, it felt like I'd just met a fellow brony - in that case, a fellow otaku.


Hands sweating, it took a while for me to think of something to say without sounding like a creeper of some sort. A few minutes before the class finished, I swallowed my 'fears', glanced over at her necklace and said: "Soul Eater, eh?". She stared at me for a second, then at her necklace, then back at me. She then grinned and said "yeah" - she seemed to be as shy as me. The conversation stopped there, but now I feel like we can talk more about it next time.



It may sound silly, but I feel like I've opened a few doors today. I've managed to start a conversation with some people I found interesting and it feels like we're not strangers to each other anymore - we're friendly and have a few things in common. Nothing big happened yet, like exchanging Facebook or anything like that. But as I said, we're not stranger to each other anymore. I'll make sure to smile at them everyday and talk to them until we build a true bond of friendship.




Until the next time,

"Your faithful member" Driz the Star.

  • Brohoof 4


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That's awesome! I've always wished I could meet at least one other person who had so much in common with me (I only have one friend like that, everyone else is just "someone I know"), but at the same time, I think that might be one of my own problems. Why do I think that we can only be friends if we have everything in common; I should try and associate with others because we share common interests and not see them as a limiting factor.


I think your experience shows that in many cases, the people you see keeping to themselves are shy as well. I usually feel like people don't talk to me because they don't think I'm "worthy" or something. :P And I don't talk to them because I'm afraid of being judged. I know I'm not making my situation any better, but it's hard, it's something I need to learn to overcome. I think if I voiced my thoughts more often, I might appear more impulsive, random or stupid, but I would probably have more people who would want to talk with me and who I'd want to talk with.


It's really awesome that you found someone who you had so much in common with! That makes it so much easier. :D It feels wonderful knowing you have someone you look forward to talking with. I just hope something similar happens to me soon. *walks outside with brony shirt on*

  • Brohoof 1
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That's awesome! I've always wished I could meet at least one other person who had so much in common with me (I only have one friend like that, everyone else is just "someone I know"), but at the same time, I think that might be one of my own problems. Why do I think that we can only be friends if we have everything in common; I should try and associate with others because we share common interests and not see them as a limiting factor.


I think your experience shows that in many cases, the people you see keeping to themselves are shy as well. I usually feel like people don't talk to me because they don't think I'm "worthy" or something. :P And I don't talk to them because I'm afraid of being judged. I know I'm not making my situation any better, but it's hard, it's something I need to learn to overcome. I think if I voiced my thoughts more often, I might appear more impulsive, random or stupid, but I would probably have more people who would want to talk with me and who I'd want to talk with.


It's really awesome that you found someone who you had so much in common with! That makes it so much easier. :D It feels wonderful knowing you have someone you look forward to talking with. I just hope something similar happens to me soon. *walks outside with brony shirt on*


I wouldn't say we have much in common, even though we didn't have enough time to talk yet. But the very few things in common we already have and the interest they firstly lit up in me were already enough to start off such search-for-friendship. ;P


But yeah, this is what I've been practicing lately: to take initiative in the conversations. To put up my "whatever" mask and speak up without hesitations. Who knows, perhaps the one little thing we have in common turn out to be many. :3


This is actually something the brony community has been teaching me.

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We aren't too differentthen. I also have a lot of issues with shyness, I can't really just go up and talk to someone because I think they'll find me creepy rather than friendly. That, and I just have my passive defenses raised most of the time where I just avoid everyone. Good to read something like this. Hopefully I can overcome this myself too someday, it really interferes a lot of the time, I'm sure you know about that.

  • Brohoof 1
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