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Just a thought on those "Goodbye I'm killing myself" posts

Justin ZW


I'm so absolutely done with these posts saying "This is it, I'm killing myself, goodbye." If you were really going to kill yourself, you wouldn't go around telling people. You'd just do it.

Of course, I never reply to these myself because I am well aware that people are usually just fishing for compliments and validation in life. This is pointless, and none of you should really be responding either. What you SHOULD be doing is reporting all instances like this to local authorities. Find out where they live and call the police department in their area, providing information on the post. It's quite likely that they will then contact the owner of the site requesting IP address information so they can locate the individual and provide help.


Some of you may find that excessive. I do not. If you're making a post saying you're going to kill yourself but have absolutely no intention of doing so, methinks there's a lesson that needs to be learned. And I promise you, it won't be fun.


Just some clarification: For those who are depressed and contemplating suicide, I don't condemn posts stating this and asking for help. What I DO condemn are posts that say little more than "Goodbye friends I'm killing myself." Asking for help is one thing; telling people you're going to go kill yourself is another.


And this is just a mini-rant that came to me after reading through multiple discussion boards that had been reported to me on a different site. I think it needed to be said, one way or the other.

  • Brohoof 11


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Even so, I believe trying to consult them into not killing themselves (at least once) should be done first before confirming that they are actually going to go through with it. That's when I think said action should take place. Most of the time, yes I do kinda think this is pretty much the case, but it's more searching for a reason to live more so fishing for compliments to be thrown their way. It can be either reason. 
Makes me feel bad for them :(
Some people just don't know any other option.


  • Brohoof 1
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Personally, every time I see one of those types of things, I think "Well, why are you telling a bunch of strangers on the internet?" :derp: I get that people are depressed and all, but think about it - when you're telling this to a bunch of people who really are more or less anonymous to you, meaning that you don't really know them past what you see them say online, I find it hard to believe that it's anything less than wanting attention.


It's like running up to a group of strangers and telling them that you're going to put a gun to your head or go hang yourself - which, why would you tell that to a group of total strangers to begin with?

Just my take on the situation, though :D


  • Brohoof 4
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Even so, I believe trying to consult them into not killing themselves (at least once) should be done first before confirming that they are actually going to go through with it. That's when I think said action should take place. Most of the time, yes I do kinda think this is pretty much the case, but it's more searching for a reason to live more so fishing for compliments to be thrown their way. It can be either reason. 

Makes me feel bad for them :(

Some people just don't know any other option.


No, that's just feeding into it. No one really seems to understand that when you say something like this, you better damn well mean it. That's why I don't think ANYONE should be responding. It should be reported to the authorities and nothing more. Even trying to convince them otherwise is usually just giving these people the attention they want. If they ask for help, give it. If they just say they're killing themselves and not asking for help, tell the police and move on.

  • Brohoof 4
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I personally think that, if you're contemplating suicide, you should seek help from someone you know or a therapist.

Don't go telling us. All we can do is tell you not to do it.

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You know, a lot of people scoff at Everypony Forums as just a second-rate, dime-a-dozen pony forum, but to its credit, making overly depressive or suicidal posts outside of the Life Advice subforum is strictly prohibited there. Just saying, perhaps this is a policy MLPF might consider adopting. Because in my observation, it freakin' works.

  • Brohoof 6
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Mmmm, even though I have been guilty of doing that myself in the past, I now realize just how... well pointless it is. Yes, I mean at times it can be legitimate and not just a cry out for attention, but if someone was really going to do it, they would not tell anyone about it, they would just do it.

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You know, a lot of people scoff at Everypony Forums as just a second-rate, dime-a-dozen pony forum, but to its credit, making overly depressive or suicidal posts outside of the Life Advice subforum is strictly prohibited there. Just saying, perhaps this is a policy MLPF might consider adopting. Because in my observation, it freakin' works.


I couldn;t agree more, yeah I've been guilty of doing "Cry out for attention" posts, but...no more, I mean part of my reason was because i like literally have no irl friends, nothign to do with my personality, just that the few bronies that are here are usually busy with school or work..


Just saying, perhaps this is a policy MLPF might consider adopting. Because in my observation, it freakin' works.


Please put this into consideration mods


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Speak for yourself. How can you possibly claim to know what's going on inside the mind of someone who's contemplating suicide? And to those who say "go tell someone in real life", again, speak for yourself. To some people, others on here are the closest to friends they have.


You know, a lot of people scoff at Everypony Forums as just a second-rate, dime-a-dozen pony forum, but to its credit, making overly depressive or suicidal posts outside of the Life Advice subforum is strictly prohibited there. Just saying, perhaps this is a policy MLPF might consider adopting. Because in my observation, it freakin' works.


Well, posts like that would fit fine in a status update or blog as well.

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Speak for yourself. How can you possibly claim to know what's going on inside the mind of someone who's contemplating suicide? And to those who say "go tell someone in real life", again, speak for yourself. To some people, others on here are the closest to friends they have.

The closest friends I have are on here, and if I feel down, I don't post it in a status update or post or whatever to announce to the world that I feel sad. I talk to them about it in private - call me insensitive, but everytime someone says "I WANNA KILL MYSELF" in a status update, I automatically think they're doing it for attention. What's the point of announcing that you want to kill yourself to the whole world? If you want help, seek out a friend - if you're new or don't really have very many friends on here, there's a Life Advice section that I myself have made topics in, seeking out guidance. 


All in all, there's alternatives that work out in the best interests for both parties, assuming the person in question is sincerely suicidal, and, if they were, and actually wanted help rather than attention, they'd utilize the life advice section or talk to their friends about it rather than spam status updates about it and deny any help.


  • Brohoof 2
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The closest friends I have are on here, and if I feel down, I don't post it in a status update or post or whatever to announce to the world that I feel sad. I talk to them about it in private - call me insensitive, but everytime someone says "I WANNA KILL MYSELF" in a status update, I automatically think they're doing it for attention. What's the point of announcing that you want to kill yourself to the whole world? If you want help, seek out a friend - if you're new or don't really have very many friends on here, there's a Life Advice section that I myself have made topics in, seeking out guidance. 


All in all, there's alternatives that work out in the best interests for both parties, assuming the person in question is sincerely suicidal, and, if they were, and actually wanted help rather than attention, they'd utilize the life advice section or talk to their friends about it rather than spam status updates about it and deny any help.



Good points, but remember it's called a "Status Update". If your current status is that you're depressed, then posting a depressive status update isn't exactly going against the purpose of status updates. You can always remove someone as a friend and you won't have to receive their updates anymore.



No, that's just feeding into it. No one really seems to understand that when you say something like this, you better damn well mean it. That's why I don't think ANYONE should be responding. It should be reported to the authorities and nothing more. Even trying to convince them otherwise is usually just giving these people the attention they want. If they ask for help, give it. If they just say they're killing themselves and not asking for help, tell the police and move on.


Very surprised to see something like this blog coming from a staff member. How is attempting to talking someone out of suicide in any way a bad thing? Give people the benefit of the doubt unless they've been proven to have abused that right. Of course, in dire, urgent situations such precautions might need to be taken - but there's no harm in responding, trying to talk some sense into the person.

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There are a variety of reasons why this happens. Some, [most] will be fishing for attention and praise. Others could be searching for someone to give them hope, no matter if they know who they are or not. Sometimes you have no one to help guide and aid you, to tell you what you need to continue living for. I knew a teenager, he was constantly abused both sexually and physically by his parents, and when he kept trying to be legally out of their custody, he resorted to advice from strangers on the internet. He was on the brink of suicide, and I think at one point it's all he wanted. But when he managed to voice his incredibly dark story, he received a lot of advice, caring voices, and assistance.


Sadly, I am no longer in contact with him, and I believe it's because he could not best it any longer.


I've so many "Hi, I hate myself and want to die," posts, and regardless of their intentions, I still try my best to help them overcome their depression.


Don't assume they aren't actually suicidal, maybe they're looking for the last spark of hope, and if you don't try and see if help is needed, you will carry that for the rest of your days.


Everyone is fighting their own war.

  • Brohoof 1
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Good points, but remember it's called a "Status Update". If your current status is that you're depressed, then posting a depressive status update isn't exactly going against the purpose of status updates. You can always remove someone as a friend and you won't have to receive their updates anymore.

It isn't, but there's still no point in it - people can still see it if it's a status update, whether or not said status update is in their friends list or not. You can't not-see status updates, even when you have someone blocked. Point in case, it bogs down everyone's good time and there's a whole sub-forum about that kind of thing, and, honestly, that's what friends are for. "It's their mood" doesn't make it ok for them to affect everyone else's mood, especially when there's a whole sub-forum for people seeking help, and, if you look, the threads there always get two or three replies.

  • Brohoof 1
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Speak for yourself. How can you possibly claim to know what's going on inside the mind of someone who's contemplating suicide?

Because I've been there. I suffered from crippling depression during high school, which escalated to the point where I attempted suicide. I just made my plans, went somewhere secluded, and then tried to cut my wrists. Obviously, I failed, but I can tell you for sure that the last thing on my mind was telling anyone my plans before I carried them out. I went out of my way to keep it a secret, as a matter of fact.




How is attempting to talking someone out of suicide in any way a bad thing? Give people the benefit of the doubt unless they've been proven to have abused that right. Of course, in dire, urgent situations such precautions might need to be taken - but there's no harm in responding, trying to talk some sense into the person.


They don't need you to try to talk to them. They need psychological help.  In fact, what many people don't realize is that you can actually make the situation a LOT worse just by talking. Something as simple as "I did it so you can, too" can actually have a negative impact. Human psychology is not black and white, and those who are not well-versed in it have no place trying to help someone with a serious mental condition. This leads back to my initial point: These things need to be reported so they can receive the proper help. It's not a vindictive thing to do; it's finding them help immediately to prevent needless loss of life.

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