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My Alicorn OC Rant



I've seen Alicorn OC's ALL OVER the brony section of the internet. AND IT BUGS THE HECK OUT OF ME.


[insert awesome intro here]


Ok, so, let me discuss this more thoroughly. If our OC is an Alicorn, that means they are,

1. A leader of something,

2.A worshipped godlike creature.

3.And basically IMMORTAL.

If an OC is an Alicorn, you have to be a leader. Therefore, you would have to make it a leader of some area. But, if any random place in Equestria has it's own leader, it just doesn't make sense. Unles sof course, you have something about that in your headcanon. And a leader has to have some important role in that area of Equestria.For Example, Celestia and Luna raising the sun and the moon. If your character is an Alicorn, it is indeed a godlike creature to ponies, and therefore is a leader and is worshipped. If your character is a leader, then they don't have TIME for whatever they do, whether it be analyzing, ranting, or whatever. If you are an Alicorn, you are basically IMMORTAL. Un;ess your OC has an elaborate backstory, Having an Alicorn OC make no sense WHATSOEVER. Considering all us analyzers are all human, this doesn't have much sense in an OC being immortal. This also starts off my new topic. Mary Sues.


Most people make their Alicorn OC's Mary Sues. If you don't know what that means, a Mary Sue is, it's a perfect character or as close to a perfect character as you can get. They are overpowered. Nothing can defeat them. They are perfect in every way. Everyone loves them. They have no flaws.




(Clears throat awkwardly) Sorry 'bout that. Okay, so, your OC has to have a well thought out backstory for it to make sense. It doesn't have to fit in with the MLP canon, but ultimately choosing the Alicorn species just because you want to both fly and have magic, just can't fit into any canon or headcanon.


And remember, If everyone's Super, No one will be.


So to wrap up, don't make an Alicorn OC unless you have a very elaborate backstory that fits into canon or headcanon. And I suggest using Alicorn OCs for fanfictions only.

  • Brohoof 10


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I've seen Alicorn OCs (least one) be good at roleplays before. 


I think for the most part, It's more of the person themselves. You can still make Peagsus and Unicorn be very OP and become a Mary Sue/Gary Stu. The reason why they're made like that is because they're a self-insert who wants to do what they want. Even Powermod themselves into victory. 


No matter what happens, it's solely on the writing skills of the writer to see what they're doing wrong. The only reason why Alicorns are looked frown upon in the roleplay/fanfiction community is because they can be easily manipulated into being OP. 


I don't hate Alicorns, I hate people who say screw the other roleplayers and powermod there way into victory. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Yeah i hate toa gree every time i see Alicorn OC i kind of gag. i mean yeah if they aren't all powerful whatever still it bug the hell out of me to see that. It is like they couldn't choose a race and stick with it.  oh and dont get me started on the so called original part of Original character. Just cant take a character serious when they have alicorn OC's.

  • Brohoof 1
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I honestly have no problem with Alicorn OCs or anything like that.

Alicorn OCs can be pretty cool... If they aren't Mary sues. Honestly for me to like any OC. It has to have a Good backstory and Lots of reasons why its the way it is. how it got its cutie mark and all  that. (unless its a blank flank). Also Sometimes people might have alicorn ocs for a reason. like if a person is a leader of a group or something. since Alicorns are leaders they might choose a alicorn to represent them. Plus also what if there making a story or comic or something  about there characters in a different land and they need a for the land or something then they would most likely make a alicorn oc. Can u honestly tell me what's wrong with that. But I completely Repect your opioin.

  • Brohoof 1
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I agree the backstory needs to be legitimate. Not just "i became an alicorn the end" princess awesome love was an example of mary sue

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