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Vemillia Nightshade


When life pulls us from the womb of ignorance, we see what the world is really like. How poisonous our world has become. The pain that it has caused. We soon understand stress and cruelty. While we were children, we didn't think of the cruelties of this world. we were not exposed to any of it till we came of age. Back then we are naive, we thought it was great to be adults. We didn't think that with the lack of parental control we would suffer, we thought we would be free. The thing is, it's the opposite.


As children, we are marked as innocent. We can get away with anything. In truth, we were more free as children more than as adults. We cannot be punished for our wrongs as children with imprisonment. We merely got slaps on the hand. In truth, anarchy is like returning to our childhood. We return to our roots, purging corrupted law. Man has darkened the order which has helped keep balance for their own sinful gain. Order cannot exist without chaos, Chaos cannot exist without Order. Darkness and light also go hand in hand that way.


We each will find our destinies in our own way. But that is how it's planned too. We cannot truly escape fate but we can follow out own paths to it. Awaken to the truth. Awaken to what we must do as people of the earth. Purge the poison.


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The problem with police is that your giving a place of power and higher status. But 99% of the time the people who apply are those who want that power and status to be better than others rather than actually do good.

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I'd rather have some unfair laws then be dead in a gutter because there are none. But hey, maybe that's just me.

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I understand. This kind of talk is not for everybody but I do want you to think about this, those current unfair laws will not be the only ones, more will be put in their place. Each one chipping more off our rights while more important people get more security. Our freedom to do anything is being endangered. though that would be laws in general.

IDK if anypony is aware but SOPA is being resurrected a third time and the NSA is in on it.

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