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I was bored one day. I had been banned from a forum which I frequently went on for expressing a lot of strong opinions, and all of my friends were either offline or busy. I was hyped for both season 5 and the FEINDship is Magic comic series, but the truth of the matter was that they weren't out yet. So what did I do? I went to Comixology, and shelled out a few dollars for the Reflections arc.


And your probably wondering. What did I think of it?


I want to first start out by saying what a cool idea this was. I loved the Gothic and dark design of AU Equestria, I loved the idea of Celestia and Luna being evil and Sombra being a kindly man, I loved the idea of developing Celestia a bit more and making her have more faults, and I actually really loved the idea of having a love story between Celestia and AU Sombra. A lot of these ideas really worked, and where this arc shines, it really shines. However, as much as anybody likes this arc, nobody can deny that it has HUGE problems.


So what did I like about it? Well the idea's were really cool, and every theme and plot this arc tries to convey were done superbly. Twilight's eternal conflict about what her dream was and what she ended up becoming was very well done, and I loved how she sought help from AU Sombra, with the answer being that as long as you mean well, you can be a great leader. He also mentions that Starswirl could have made a great alicorn too if he'd asked to become one.


Another thing I thought was fantastic was Celestia. It's great that she's actually portrayed as having faults and weaknesses in this arc. She falls in love with AU Sombra, but yet she lies to and disobeys the instructions of her only friend at that present time: Starswirl the Bearded. It's also great to see Celestia have these great faults, because in the show she never had any. I love how Twilight says at the end that she respects her more now that she's made a mistake, because it show's that she doesn't have to be perfect to be a great princess. It's heartwarming, touching, and is a great piece of character development for them both which should have really been in the show. The best scene in the entire arc was when Celestia was getting frozen in crystal and she said to Twilight that her and Luna were in charge of Equestria. In fact, it made me want to write a fanfiction about if that really happened. It also establishes a beautiful mother/daughter relationship between the two. Celestia's mistakes lead to her near death, turning a near Mary Sue into a borderline Shakespearean character.


I also loved the character of AU Sombra, and just the whole other world in general. It's bleak, dark, depressing, and the complete opposite of Equestria in just about every way. And yes, although the ending was shit, I thought the sacrifice made by AU Sombra proved how selfless, humble, and kind he really was. In fact, I may have shed a few tears.


It was really great how they couldn't kill evil Celestia and Luna, because it added a no win situation for the mane six. It was executed very badly, but I have to commend them on this idea because it drove a lot of tension for the majority of it's run time. Another thing is that Starswirl the Bearded was very cool. It's not exactly how I imagined him, I kind of imagined him more of how AU Sombra was portrayed in this comic, but hey, it's not my vision, and I still think that this version was very fun to watch and hilariously goofy in a really good way.


The last thing I'll say is that, as always in this comic series, the artwork is fucking beautiful. This is some of the best artwork I have seen in a comic book, and I strongly believe the artists should receive awards. It was actually a major part why I kept on reading this comic, the sheer eye candy.


Now for the bad. And there's a hell of a lot of it.


So we'll start off near the beginning, when the mane six are in the library trying to find out about the portal. Somebody says "I wonder what it was like down here hundreds of years ago." We then jump to hundreds of years ago, and we see Starswirl the Bearded and Celestia. Then Celestia speaks of Luna growing distant and that she hasn't been able to talk to her that easily.




Everyone who has ever watched the pilot episode of MLP knows that Luna was banished one thousand years ago. This is a well known fact, and is consistently referenced throughout the show. Why would anyone forget this fact. She's apparently growing distant from Celestia hundreds of years ago but was banished one thousand years ago. WTF? This is such a pitiful mistake that I already had low expectations from this arc from this point forward. Unfortunately, this is just the tip of the iceberg.


So after that they see Celestia jumping out, and apparently Sombra thinks that it's Celestia from the other world, so he was attacking her. However, this is never mentioned again and is contradicted throughout the arc because Sombra clearly knows the difference between the two. This plot is just set up and never mentioned again to give the mane six a reason to be there, when in fact it completely overwrites and forgets this fact in the next part. This is so convoluted and such a stupid mistake to make that it is a pure insult to reader. Another one of these in this comic continuity problems is that it says at one point that Starswirl never forgave Celestia, however later on, it's revealed that all he wanted to do was just forget about it and pretend it never happened, which means he totally forgave Celestia. Did this issue seriously have one writer, because I'm convinced it had at least three.


There is also so much stuff that doesn't add up.


For example: it's said that the AU universe use to be a bright and merry place, but ever since Luna turned evil it became nasty. Now, this implies that before the Elements of Harmony, Equestria was barren and destroyed, when it clearly wasn't. There is an amount of stuff that doesn't add up that I would be willing to expect from an arc like this, however, this completely overdoes this. Why are there no Elements of Harmony? I was expecting there to be some kind of Elements of Disharmony, hell even the cover art showed evil versions of the mane six, implying that the Elements of Disharmony existed in this world. However, the fact there is none of this is just a cheap ploy to get the mane six into the other world, and in doing so, creates something which is huge missed opportunity and a big mistake. This is suppose to be Reverse Equestria, not just a random other universe in which you can add anything you want in it to make you have to try slightly less hard with the writing. It's a real shame too because the Elements of Disharmony has been something that the fans have been wanting to see pretty much since the show started airing. I almost feel scammed by the fact that AU mane six were on the cover but don't appear in the comic.

And I haven't even got to the ending yet have I?


This ending.... Is probably one of the worst endings in all of MLP. For the whole special I had been left scratching my head at so many things from the inconsistent continuity within the comic and the show, to how many things were forgotten about, to how the two worlds didn't add up properly, but this ​completely took the cake.


So the mane six and AU Sombra think of this plan to trap Celestia in crystal. Now, it's suppose to be a twist that both Celestia's would end up in crystal, but I knew this from the moment this plan was put forth and Twilight was more of an idiot in this comic than ever before, due to her clearly learning nothing from the whole fiasco about physical impact (which by the way, when that's first established, Spike gives the letter to Twilight before Celestia and Luna even write the letter. Epic fail.) So after that dumbshit plan, the worlds are apparently merging with each other because the mane six are in the AU. Even though Celestia spent so much more time in there than the mane six and until now there were no breaks whatsoever. Evil Celestia then has a plan to force Sombra's deal on him by using Luna as bait to get good Celestia in the AU, which she hopes the mane six will mistake as her and use the Elements to freeze in crystal. So Prime Luna smashes the portal as she was sitting near the portal when evil Luna being thrown off the castle, and something more drastic happens, the worlds completely merge because of the broken portal. So then the Elements of Harmony freeze both Celestia's (which we all saw coming,) and then somehow Sombra uses the Elements of Harmony to remove the evil from evil Celestia and Luna and put it into himself, which will somehow fix the world merge.


I have so many questions, that it's going to take a hell of a long time.


1. Why can Sombra just wield the Elements of Harmony without friendship, I thought in the pilot the Elements became permanently friendship bound.

2. Why when he applies the Elements on evil Celestia, the opposite doesn't happen to good Celestia. Although the lack of the Elements of Disharmony was another problem I brought up.

3. Why does the evil from evil Celestia and Luna need to be absorbed somewhere else, when they permanently got rid of the evil from Nightmare Moon.



This was such lazy writing that it makes me think the person writing this had half a brain cell. The reason why the worlds were merging was because people were world hopping too much. So why the fuck does this not only solve the problem, but also close the portal forever so they have to get back quickly? It's never explained, never foreshadowed, doesn't make any sense, and feels like a scenario where the writers had made the mission so hard for the mane six that they didn't know how to wrap it up, so they just came up with the first idea that came into their heads. Fuck this comic! I don't think I can quite describe how much I loathe this ending, because it is singularly, the worst ending I have ever seen in any media ever. Yep, worse than Emerald Star.



You don't know how much I wanted to love this comic. It had so many great ideas, and a lot of them were executed very well. However, the comic has so many major problems that I don't see how weren't avoided, that all in all it's just a massive waste. It feels like the writers of G1 wrote this arc, I'm not joking, it had that many narrative problems. Despite the sheer beauty of some of the plot elements in this arc, the way the main plot was executed was so awful that I kind of became weary of the comics all together from this point, and I have to admit I'm much less hyped for FEINDship is Magic than I initially was before I read this. How can I trust that they won't completely screw that up? Great artwork and ideas, ruined by sloppy, shitty writing. There was stuff I enjoyed in this comic and stuff which was well written, I spoke about that a lot. But overall it's let down so much by it's flaws, that it's not good.

  • Brohoof 1


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I'm in agreement with most of your points for this review and it does make a good point for how despite being an AU verse of Equestria, there was no Elements of Disharmony despite the mane 6 and the alternate mane 6 appearing in AU Equestria (which Andy Price confirmed they don't exist in that verse so that makes those covers nothing more then a bait and switch).


Another excellent point was of how you pointed out that it implied that AU Equestria was peaceful and stuff before AU Luna turned evil but that would imply the Original Equestria was barren and destitute, which it certainly it wasn't.


One of the arc's problems I believe was that Celestia's love for AU Sombra clashed with her character so much she was acting ooc. She was willing to risk her kingdom for the sake of romance when we've seen plenty of times to see how serious she is of protecting her kingdom, even to the point of banishing someone she loved when said sister threatened to ruin Equestria in her bitter jealousy. It was supposed to show a deep sacrifice Celestia was making to ensure the safety of ponykind, even at her own expense as she clearly loved her sister and has been pained by the actions she had to commit. The fact she chooses not to make this sacrifice with AU Sombra implies she has greater love for him then she does for her own sister and even the kingdom she vowed to rule justly. 


I don't mind Celestia having a romantic life either, but to the point where she acts ooc for the romance to work as intended was a rather foolish decision.


Personally, I believe the arc would've worked better had the focus for Celestia's contention between herself and Starswirl the Bearded had been not on AU Sombra but on AU Luna. What if instead of pursuing a romance, she instead grows attached for the easier to talk to AU Luna as she finds her much like the sister she knew before Luna became more distant. Soon after Original Luna's forced banishment, Celestia becomes more desperate and further attached to AU Luna despite Starswirl's warning not to enter the AU world anymore. And in that moment when Starswirl closes the portal, instead of desperately crying to see AU Sombra one last time, it was instead for not wishing to let go the whatever connection she had for Luna in AU Luna? Suddenly this would show the audience of how painful it was making that sacrifice for her and how badly she misses her sister.


Then, following Lauren Faust's canon, Starswirl then suggests Celestia that if she misses Luna so badly, why not try to find a way to save her sister from Nightmare Moon instead of trying to take the easy way out with AU Luna. Thus after some time reflecting on those words, Celestia begins to see the wisdom in them and then starts to create plans to freeing her sister, and we see her constantly failing in whatever new idea or plan to free her, but she never gave up on the hope she can free her, even it took a thousand years, her love and determination for her sister never wavered.


It's not a perfect idea as it still had to have Celestia willingly threaten her kingdom for Au Luna's sake, but at least it helps show off good character development for Celestia while keeping her character intact I believe.


What do you think?

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm in agreement with most of your points for this review and it does make a good point for how despite being an AU verse of Equestria, there was no Elements of Disharmony despite the mane 6 and the alternate mane 6 appearing in AU Equestria (which Andy Price confirmed they don't exist in that verse so that makes those covers nothing more then a bait and switch).


Another excellent point was of how you pointed out that it implied that AU Equestria was peaceful and stuff before AU Luna turned evil but that would imply the Original Equestria was barren and destitute, which it certainly it wasn't.


One of the arc's problems I believe was that Celestia's love for AU Sombra clashed with her character so much she was acting ooc. She was willing to risk her kingdom for the sake of romance when we've seen plenty of times to see how serious she is of protecting her kingdom, even to the point of banishing someone she loved when said sister threatened to ruin Equestria in her bitter jealousy. It was supposed to show a deep sacrifice Celestia was making to ensure the safety of ponykind, even at her own expense as she clearly loved her sister and has been pained by the actions she had to commit. The fact she chooses not to make this sacrifice with AU Sombra implies she has greater love for him then she does for her own sister and even the kingdom she vowed to rule justly. 


I don't mind Celestia having a romantic life either, but to the point where she acts ooc for the romance to work as intended was a rather foolish decision.


Personally, I believe the arc would've worked better had the focus for Celestia's contention between herself and Starswirl the Bearded had been not on AU Sombra but on AU Luna. What if instead of pursuing a romance, she instead grows attached for the easier to talk to AU Luna as she finds her much like the sister she knew before Luna became more distant. Soon after Original Luna's forced banishment, Celestia becomes more desperate and further attached to AU Luna despite Starswirl's warning not to enter the AU world anymore. And in that moment when Starswirl closes the portal, instead of desperately crying to see AU Sombra one last time, it was instead for not wishing to let go the whatever connection she had for Luna in AU Luna? Suddenly this would show the audience of how painful it was making that sacrifice for her and how badly she misses her sister.


Then, following Lauren Faust's canon, Starswirl then suggests Celestia that if she misses Luna so badly, why not try to find a way to save her sister from Nightmare Moon instead of trying to take the easy way out with AU Luna. Thus after some time reflecting on those words, Celestia begins to see the wisdom in them and then starts to create plans to freeing her sister, and we see her constantly failing in whatever new idea or plan to free her, but she never gave up on the hope she can free her, even it took a thousand years, her love and determination for her sister never wavered.


It's not a perfect idea as it still had to have Celestia willingly threaten her kingdom for Au Luna's sake, but at least it helps show off good character development for Celestia while keeping her character intact I believe.


What do you think?


This is actually a very good idea, and you did make some good points about Celestia being OOC. I however thought that the relationship that Sombra and Celestia had was interesting, but yeah, I can understand why you would think she's OOC. Then again, Princess Celestia has been portrayed OOC since The Crystal Empire. At least here it's the love of someone else instead of just being a manipulative bastard who uses lives as a means to an end.


I do think your version would have worked quite well though.


It's just a shame that this wasn't good, because it could have easily have been the best out of all the comic arcs. But as it stands, I don't really trust the writers of the IDW comics now that they've written the mess which is this arc. FEINDship is Magic is something I desperately want to get excited about, but I can't because of how bad a lot the comics are, especially this one. The artwork is so good though, Andy Price should go and draw for Batman or any other DC or Marvel comic instead of this shit, which has writers that have great ideas but don't know how to write them, and constantly forget what they just wrote.

  • Brohoof 1
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This is actually a very good idea, and you did make some good points about Celestia being OOC. I however thought that the relationship that Sombra and Celestia had was interesting, but yeah, I can understand why you would think she's OOC. Then again, Princess Celestia has been portrayed OOC since The Crystal Empire. At least here it's the love of someone else instead of just being a manipulative bastard who uses lives as a means to an end.


I do think your version would have worked quite well though.


It's just a shame that this wasn't good, because it could have easily have been the best out of all the comic arcs. But as it stands, I don't really trust the writers of the IDW comics now that they've written the mess which is this arc. FEINDship is Magic is something I desperately want to get excited about, but I can't because of how bad a lot the comics are, especially this one. The artwork is so good though, Andy Price should go and draw for Batman or any other DC or Marvel comic instead of this shit, which has writers that have great ideas but don't know how to write them, and constantly forget what they just wrote.


True that Celestia was Machiavellian in the Crystal Empire episode and it is one of the episode's problems, not the benign leader we've expected her to be.


I also agree that Andy Price is by far the best staff IDW has. It's a shame that Katie has been slagging off in her writing after starting off well in the series. It seems as though the negative backlash with the Reflections arc really soured her belief in her writing and she's just not putting forth the care and attention for them as well I mean as you said, the reflections arc had a lot of good ideas that could've made it made the arc great. At least it's not as bad as the Good, the bad, and the pony, that was where it showed Katie just stopped caring. 

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At least it's not as bad as the Good, the bad, and the pony, that was where it showed Katie just stopped caring. 


I haven't read that one. In fact, I've only read a few of them. 


However, It's a shame she stopped trying. I've done a bit of writing myself, and the best thing to do in that situation. Is don't give up, read a review, and take the stuff that the review said which was negative and improve on it.

  • Brohoof 1
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I haven't read that one. In fact, I've only read a few of them. 


However, It's a shame she stopped trying. I've done a bit of writing myself, and the best thing to do in that situation. Is don't give up, read a review, and take the stuff that the review said which was negative and improve on it.


Here's a sample for how bad that arc was. Twilight refuses to help a town or her friends in dealing a bandit problem because she's not allowed to use her magic against Equestrian citizens which the crime committing bandits falls under and looks like an apathetic asshole for it. There are loads more problems with it and it's why many consider it the worst comic arc in the whole series.


I'd suggest to try her best arc in Big Mac and the art of the Gazeebo, easily one of the best comic arcs IDW made.

  • Brohoof 1
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Dude, I haven't read any of your blogs because you clearly don't proofread, and it really shows in this comment.


Here's a sample for how bad that arc was. Twilight refuses to help a town or her friends in dealing a bandit problem because she's not allowed to user her magic against Equestria citizens which the crime committing bandits falls under and looks like an apathetic asshole for it. There are loads more problems with it and it's why many consider it the worst comic arc in the whole series.


I'd suggest to try her best arc in Big Mac and the art of the Gazeebo, easily one of the best comic arcs IDW made.


Sounds absolutely awful.


That probably sounds like her best arc, as slice of life is generally easier to do. However, with average slice of life stories I question why I'm paying for it, as I see that all the time with the day to day episodes.

  • Brohoof 1
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Dude, I haven't read any of your blogs because you clearly don't proofread, and it really shows in this comment.



Sounds absolutely awful.


That probably sounds like her best arc, as slice of life is generally easier to do. However, with average slice of life stories I question why I'm paying for it, as I see that all the time with the day to day episodes.




Well she's trying to be like Meghan Mccarthy in being the one to handle the adventure episodes for the comics like Meghan does with the majority of them. While both work best with slice of life episodes, unlike Meghan who can at least write a pretty good and entertaining adventure story, Katie can't write one that isn't filled with rage inducing issues to save her life thus far.

  • Brohoof 1
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Twilight refuses to help a town or her friends in dealing a bandit problem because she's not allowed to use her magic against Equestrian citizens which the crime committing bandits falls under and looks like an pathetic asshole 



Meghan McCarthy definitively works better with slice of life, I mean she used to be probably the best writer on the show. Then she started doing the big stuff when she took over and hasn't really done any small stuff since, which is a shame because that's her strength, and she really isn't that good with the big stuff.


I'm not sure about Katie Cook because I'm not a frequent reader of the comics, but I certainly believe you.


I just bought Root of the Problem, after I've read it I'm going to review that next.

  • Brohoof 1
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Meghan McCarthy definitively works better with slice of life, I mean she used to be probably the best writer on the show. Then she started doing the big stuff when she took over and hasn't really done any small stuff since, which is a shame because that's her strength, and she really isn't that good with the big stuff.


I'm not sure about Katie Cook because I'm not a frequent reader of the comics, but I certainly believe you.


I just bought Root of the Problem, after I've read it I'm going to review that next.


Just a question, was the contention of saying I didn't proofread well against me? If so, I  apologize for my poor proofreading skills and ponder if this is one of many issues people have with my blogs.

  • Brohoof 1
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Just a question, was the contention of saying I didn't proofread well against me? If so, I  apologize for my poor proofreading skills and ponder if this is one of many issues people have with my blogs.


Sorry if I offended you mate, but it really hurts my eyes when I look at how little emphasis you put on checking your work. We all make mistakes sometimes, but you should always check at least twice to see if there is any mistakes in what you've just written. Remember, spell check only corrects spelling of words, not if you've used the correct words.  

  • Brohoof 1
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 Understood, I do indeed have to proofread better. I've been wondering if perhaps writing my blogs first on Microsoft word would be better as I know they have a more reliable error detection system then what MLP forums provides. Your input may encourage me to try it on the next review, and I thank you for your honest opinion to better myself in typing and review works.

  • Brohoof 1
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Sorry it took so long, but I suffered a power outage in my area for a good half hour. 


As for Katie Cook, I feel she would get back alot of love if she would go back to writing a slice of life comedy story as I feel that's where her skill as a writer truly shine. IDW meanwhile will have to look for another writer to carry the adventure story mantle. Personally, they may need to hire a new guy as I feel none of the writers they currently have on the MLP team are capable of doing it well. Though I've heard one Transformers writer (Robert something) has been doing a great job world building the transformers in a positive direction. I wonder if he's interested in giving FIM a crack at it?


For the show itself, while Meghan is not in serious need of replacement in the same manner with IDW and Katie Cook, I do feel she needs to be given a break and go back to writing slice of life stories to remind people why she's the best writer on the staff when writing slice of life stories. I'd like to see MA Larson try his turn with Adventure stories again as his style to world build in his episodes is good for it and he still holds the best premiere and two parter episode in the series with Return of Harmony. I hope he's the one writing the S5 premire as if he's the one to write it and it turns out well, I think the fandom may encourage DHX to let him write adventure episodes and let Meghan manage and direct what direction they want to take in FIM and return to writing slice of life episodes.

  • Brohoof 1
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Sorry it took so long, but I suffered a power outage in my area for a good half hour. 


As for Katie Cook, I feel she would get back alot of love if she would go back to writing a slice of life comedy story as I feel that's where her skill as a writer truly shine. IDW meanwhile will have to look for another writer to carry the adventure story mantle. Personally, they may need to hire a new guy as I feel none of the writers they currently have on the MLP team are capable of doing it well. Though I've heard one Transformers writer (Robert something) has been doing a great job world building the transformers in a positive direction. I wonder if he's interested in giving FIM a crack at it?


For the show itself, while Meghan is not in serious need of replacement in the same manner with IDW and Katie Cook, I do feel she needs to be given a break and go back to writing slice of life stories to remind people why she's the best writer on the staff when writing slice of life stories. I'd like to see MA Larson try his turn with Adventure stories again as his style to world build in his episodes is good for it and he still holds the best premiere and two parter episode in the series with Return of Harmony. I hope he's the one writing the S5 premire as if he's the one to write it and it turns out well, I think the fandom may encourage DHX to let him write adventure episodes and let Meghan manage and direct what direction they want to take in FIM and return to writing slice of life episodes.


Yeah, I just had an idea. Couldn't they hire some of the show staff to come and write for the comics? Or if they can't, maybe they could hire Pen Stoke, the genius behind the fanfiction: Past Sins, if he is willing and if it is allowed and legal.


I actually think M.A Larson and Meghan McCarthy's roles in the show should be switched round. Luna Eclipsed, It's About Time, and Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 were alright as his lower tier episodes, but they pale in comparison to nearly all of Meghan McCarthy's slice of life episodes. However, he has made the best two parter to this day, (although Cutie Markless will probably compete.) Meghan McCarthy has written some AMAZING slice of life episodes, including all of the mental break down ones, yet her two parters are okay at best or awful at worst (show standard awful, not anything like this.)

  • Brohoof 1
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Yeah, I just had an idea. Couldn't they hire some of the show staff to come and write for the comics? Or if they can't, maybe they could hire Pen Stoke, the genius behind the fanfiction: Past Sins, if he is willing and if it is allowed and legal.


I actually think M.A Larson and Meghan McCarthy's roles in the show should be switched round. Luna Eclipsed, It's About Time, and Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 were alright as his lower tier episodes, but the pale in comparison to nearly all of Meghan McCarthy's slice of life episodes. However, he has made the best two parter to this day, (although Cutie Markless will probably compete.) Meghan McCarthy has written so AMAZING episodes, including all of the mental break down ones, yet her two parters are okay at best or awful at worst (show standard awful, not anything like this.)


It's probably permissible, but I don't think the tv staff would want to write the IDW comics as from what I believe and heard writers typically look down on comic writing unless they're passionate about the field. As for Pen Stroke, I highly doubt they would let him write a story as he doesn't have enough credentials for them to want to hire him based on his writing ability, and I think the fear of him placing his Nyx character in the comic that could rile up some more irrational fans and especially after they forbid adding fan oc's after that Ted Anderson fiasco would be too great of obstacles for him to overcome.


Perhaps if he enters in the comic world and some time after, they may allow him to write for MLP Gen 4 comics, but as of right now I don't think it can happen.


I whole heartily agree with your sentiments on MA Larson and McCarthy. Hopefully Cutie Markless can validate it if MA Larson is indeed the writer for it based on how the episode's premise seems to be based on one of MA Larson's favorite stories in Harrison Bergeron. 

  • Brohoof 1
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It's probably permissible, but I don't think the tv staff would want to write the IDW comics as from what I believe and heard writers typically look down on comic writing unless they're passionate about the field. As for Pen Stroke, I highly doubt they would let him write a story as he doesn't have enough credentials for them to want to hire him based on his writing ability, and I think the fear of him placing his Nyx character in the comic that could rile up some more irrational fans and especially after they forbid adding fan oc's after that Ted Anderson fiasco would be too great of obstacles for him to overcome.


Perhaps if he enters in the comic world and some time after, they may allow him to write for MLP Gen 4 comics, but as of right now I don't think it can happen.


I whole heartily agree with your sentiments on MA Larson and McCarthy. Hopefully Cutie Markless can validate it if MA Larson is indeed the writer for it based on how the episode's premise seems to be based on one of MA Larson's favorite stories in Harrison Bergeron. 


You know what, I think we should continue this in PM's. Were going very off topic and it may drown out some other people who may want to comment.


Could you tell me a bit about Ted Anderson?

  • Brohoof 1
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You know what, I think we should continue this in PM's. Were going very off topic and it may drown out some other people who may want to comment.


Could you tell me a bit about Ted Anderson?



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