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Feeling emotionally crushed.

Comic Sans


It seems that when it comes to things like this, I am very good at offering my advice on the subject to others, but I am completely unable to heed my own advice. Ironic, really, isn't it?


As of late I've just been feeling, as the title of this entry says, 'emotionally crushed' and for all sorts of reasons really.


Things with my benefits are not going smoothly. I still have not found myself a job and I've been looking for almost a year now. My friends are very busy with their work just lately, so I don't get to see them very often, yet at the same time with my social anxiety, which just comes and goes as it pleases, a lot of the time I never feel like seeing them even when they're free, so that's annoying.


I'm trying to get back into drawing and people don't seem remotely interested in my art. I mean, I don't have a lot of followers on Twitter or anything like that, plus I never add hash tags so that people can even search and find them, so it is really my own fault. I don't know.


Everything I do lately just seems like a wasted effort, to the point where I almost don't even want to bother getting out of bed in the morning because I just think, hey, what's the point?


So if I ever seem to act really random and say weird stuff, that's just me trying to stay positive. Like I wrote my about me page of my profile while I was in a LALALA STAY POSITIVE~ kind of mood, so there ya go. Trying my best here, y'know?

  • Brohoof 2


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You could always plonk some of your art on your about me page, you know. You could even link your twitter thing on it too if your trying of even a few more views/followers on it. (I don't have one. the whole thing is a gimmick if you ask me XD)


i've been unemployed for years. I'v done loads of volunteer work, got interviews but always lose out to someone else , so don't feel to bad about that. Especially if your making an active attempt to get a job. There's not that many around these days and employers are more choosy about who they pick as a result.


Try and keep your spirits up and stay in contact with your friends. You might be feeling down with them being at work all the time but I bet all that work probably wears them down from time to time. Make sure you ask them they've been doing when you visit them.

  • Brohoof 1
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Sometimes days can be cruel to everypony but we all must stay positive and keep strong. I'm certain things will be much better for you soon.


You know, my father is also looking for a job that matches his skills. There has been some progress but all we have to do is wait for a spot available for him.

  • Brohoof 1
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i hope that you start to feel better soon, i know the feeling about not having and not able to find a job its hard but just try your best to stay positive about it, im sure your friends would love to see you and hang out with you, im sure it would be hard to over come your social anxiety but a good way to try to get over it a little is to go over to a friends house when they have the time off im sure when you are hanging out with your friend or friends it will go away and you would be happy about seeing them (this is just me trying to offer some advice its up to you what you would like to do with it)
also i would love to see your art you can link it to me if you like i dont mind ^^ again i do hope you feel better soon, try things you know that make you smile and happy, i do and it helps me buuuuut thats me im not sure if it would work for you or not but its worth a shot, ill be here if you need to talk to someone ill always reply no matter what it may not be instantly sometimes but ill reply soon as i can 

Best wishes from
~Showa Moonglow

  • Brohoof 1
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I spent the past 3 or 4 years of my life battling my emotions, wondering why I couldn't be happy all the time. I didn't want to feel sad becaue I was thought it was bad to feel sad; I was told the correct way of living was to stay happy all the time. Of course there are times when happiness comes naturally, and it feels damn good to be happy. But how about breakups, friendships that come to an end, chronic illness? When those happen you can't possibly be happy. One can lie to himself/herself but you just feel angry/sad/devastated, etc when those happen. It's okay to feel sad at times, but no matter the problem, you've got to do like Malinter said and see the bright side and keep going on, because no one but you can make the decision to be strong and carry on.


Anyway, I understand you have a problem but we all do have problems :) and hey, at least you don't have a painful chronic health problem that isn't letting you live life "normally" and keeping you from fully developing your talent. Stay strong! *hugs*

  • Brohoof 1
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