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So, it's a funny thing--I've been a huge Pony fan for years now, and the franchise is extremely important to me, and yet, I find myself dreading most new episodes, as well as the movie.  I just...tend to expect the worst these days, and I'm not entirely sure why.  The show has proven that it still has the right stuff, but I guess it has been rockier the past couple of seasons, with more ups and downs.  A casual observer would think I'm nuts, and ask why the hell I stick around if I dread new episodes.  I probably am nuts.  It doesn't make much sense, does it?  Why continue to be so involved in this if I don't seem to get much enjoyment from it?  Well, I still do get an enormous amount of enjoyment from the good episodes.  I stick around for the Perfect Pears.  That made me cry.  I still love these characters and their world so much that I want to stick around, even if I don't enjoy all of it.  I also love the community and fan-content aspect.  It's a weird thing, and it's probably impossible to explain to someone who doesn't get it.  Maybe it only makes sense to an autistic nutcase like me.

I almost decided not to see the movie because I was so horrified by the animation change.  I'm not going to re-explain my thoughts on that.  If you're interested in hearing the details, check out my Stop & Talk blog entry entitled, "Why I Might Not See the Movie".  Obviously, I ultimately decided to see it for one simple reason: I had worked very hard to make a highly accurate Equestria Girls Rainbow Dash cosplay to wear to the movie, and I felt I owed it to myself to see that through and wear it.  I did, and I enjoyed that part.

Onto the actual movie.  Alright, so....as usual, my opinion is going to be an extremely unpopular one.  When I expressed my thoughts about the animation change, it became horrifying clear to me that I would be all alone in my opinions about the movie.  Why should this bother me?  Well, I don't know.  It shouldn't.  I have problems.  Honestly, though, I can't help but feel very alone and a bit....well....betrayed by my fellow fans.  This entirely on me, of course.  It's wrong of me to implicate anyone else like that.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and it would be wrong of me to take out my frustration on anyone else for not sharing mine.  I still can't help feeling the way I feel, and I'm sorry.  I'm also sorry for my harsh opinion, and I'm sorry if it offends or upsets anyone.  So, I thought the movie was absolutely horrible.  Abysmal.  I cannot believe what I just watched.  It was unspeakably, shockingly bad.  And I feel even more shocked that I seem to be the only one to feel this way.

I knew it was going to be bad, but I never knew it was going to be that bad.  I cannot find one good thing to say about the movie, and I consider myself to be a very fair reviewer.  I actually consider myself one of the more tame and charitable reviewers of the show.  There wasn't a single redeeming factor about the movie.  Terrible plot, terrible acting, terrible music, and (yes, I still think so) terrible animation.  I felt like the movie was a complete insult, a betrayal to everything Pony.  It's like they jettisoned everything that made the show great.  They just took all of the magic of the show and blew it out the airlock.  I know I have a very biased and unpopular view regarding the animation change (they just don't look like our ponies at all), but disregarding that, everything about the movie was still garbage.  The story was completely goofy--just one ridiculous, over-the-top, stupid, themed adventure after another, with no real depth or development.  The characters felt like overly silly caricatures of themselves, lacking any and all of the dynamic and realistic depth from the show.  It was a non-stop string of cringeworthy jokes and stupid gags with one predictable, idiotic song after another.

I absolutely abhorred the decision to make the movie essentially a standalone feature, excluding and disregarding most of the lore and continuity from the show.  I do, however, understand why they did this.  I assume they wanted to make something that someone who's not a fan or follower of the show could watch, and still enjoy.  This makes sense from a marketing standpoint, and I guess from a critic standpoint as well.  I still hated it.  They've made a rich and detailed lore, and it felt like they just threw it away.  I predicted that Starlight wouldn't even make an appearance, and I was right.  Terrible decision.  (Perhaps I missed her in a cameo.  I saw Trixie.)  I know it needed to be mane 6 focused, but there should have been other characters in there, too.  Starlight should have had a scene or two, and the CMC should have a line or two.  A least a brief, throwaway line.  SOMETHING.  I was shocked and appalled that they didn't even show Ponyville or Twilight's castle ONCE.  No Boutique, no Sweet Apple Acres, no Sugarcube Corner, nothing.  I realize they went for world building, but they should have at least had an exposition scene in Ponyville for Celestia's sake.  No mention of Rarity's fashion empire, no mention of Ranbow being a Wonderbolt.  (Twilight, why were you looking at Rainbow when you said you had ordered clear skies?  That's not her job anymore, remember?  She's a Wonderbolt, now!)  I know the movie was supposed to be fantasy and adventure focused, but I really think there should have been some effort to at least briefly incorporate the professional lives they've all built.  I knew that movie was going to basically jettison the developments and continuity of the show, and...well, I'm not at all happy about it.

But worse than all that stuff, the movie just didn't even feel like FIM.  It didn't even feel like the same franchise.  It was so dopey, and nothing fit in the FIM world.  It was just: "let's see how many old Disney movies we can cram in."  Seriously, we had Aladdin, Peter Pan, and The Little Mermaid, and, I guess, f*ckin Aristocats or something?  Seriously, what the hell was that bipedal, humanoid, smooth talking, like, f*ckin 1920's New York jazz hole cat?  What the HELL was that?!  He didn't belong in the FIM universe at all.  I can't believe they invented all of these new, underdeveloped characters to help stop the villains when they already have an array of fantastic characters with enormous potential to draw from.  Instead of alley cat, pirate birds, and sea ponies, why couldn't they have had, oh, I don't know, let's say, Ember lead the dragons to Canterlot, Thorax lead the changelings to Canterlot, Gilda lead the Griffons to Canterlot, maybe even Prince Rutherford lead the yaks to Canterlot, and then they all charge the Storm King?  (The dopey, stupid, and completely idiotic Storm King...)  Why not give some big screen time to some of the great characters they've developed throughout the show?!  Why not further develop these great characters instead of cramming in these weird, Disney-esque idiots?  Now, I love Disney, but that doesn't mean you can cram it into FIM and expect it to work.

I could go on and on, but there's no point.  I'm sure I've lost all readers by now, anyway.  I really love Pony, but I cannot express enough how much I hated this movie.  I waited so long, and I can't believe that this is what we got.  Even my mom was squirming in the theater seat, thinking, "Oh my god, how long is the piece of crap?!" and she's a much more casual and less critical fan than I am.  This wasn't Pony.  This was an abomination.  Absolute trash.

I apologize again for my unpopular opinion, and my harshness.  I understand how frustrating it can feel when someone hates and dumps on something you love.  I don't wish to upset anyone.  I'm sure most of you will think I'm completely warped and gone right out of my head.  I probably shouldn't have written this.  I probably should have observed the old rule of "if you don't have anything nice say, don't say anything at all."  My only defense is that, for some reason, it makes me feel mildly better to get my opinion out there, probably because I feel betrayed by the writers and filmmakers, and it's therapeutic to vent.  I am entitled to express my opinion, after all.  I'm sorry if it's bothers anyone.

I guess that about wraps it up.  Before I go, I need to do one last thing, and I apologize profusely in advance for this.  Please don't take this too seriously, and if you don't agree, please just ignore me and my extremist fringe opinion.  I just need to do this.  I have to get it out of my system once and for all.




*Catches breath*.  *Ahem*.  Sorry.  Uh...sorry.  Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.  This was my first and last word on the movie.  I won't subject anyone to any more of my opinions.  I'll just go on from here as if the movie doesn't exist.


Alrighty, folks; I'll see you later on.  Stay pony, my friends.

Until next time.

  • Brohoof 1


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WAS IT?  Is that true?!  Huh, well, if that's the case, then I guess I have to take back what I said about having Starlight and Ember and Thorax in it, and all that.  But it doesn't excuse everything else.  Continuity or not, connection to recent seasons or not, it was just outright and completely bad, in my opinion.  But here's what they should have done: finished the show.  However many seasons they wanted to do, be it 7, 8, 9, whatever, just finish it and have the series finale, and then begin work on the movie.  Don't write the movie until all show episodes are finished, then have the movie come after the show and serve as the finale.  That way they could tell a complete and continuous story.  But of course, that takes time, and above all, patience from the audience, which is something that is gravely lacking in many people.

But you know, supposedly, from what I understand, the movie is supposed to take place between S7 & 8.  If that's the case, then...well, that's just ridiculous if it was written that long ago.  You can't just write something and stuff it in later with no continuity.  I know I probably just expect too much, but I really would have preferred to wait longer and get something with proper continuity.  But even if it was just separate from the show, I still would have liked it for what it was if it had been well done, but it absolutely was not.  If they had just ditched f*ckin' O'Malley the Alley Cat and the pirate birds, and actually developed the hippogryphs and Tempest, then it probably would have been okay.

Edited by Justin_Case001
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On 10/15/2017 at 2:07 AM, Justin_Case001 said:

it was just objectively bad, in my opinion

I'm sorry but I don't think it's fair to say the movie is objectively bad:/ 

Also you can't say something is objectively bad in your opinion, the two aren't mutually exclusive. Opinions are subjective, not objective. I can't say the movie is objectively good in my opinion, even I thought it was fantastic, that wouldn't make sense.

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2 hours ago, Celli said:

I'm sorry but I don't think it's fair to say the movie is objectively bad:/ 

Also you can't say something is objectively bad in your opinion, the two aren't mutually exclusive. Opinions are subjective, not objective. I can't say the movie is objectively good in my opinion, even I thought it was fantastic, that wouldn't make sense.

Yeah, you're right, you're right.  That's true.  My mistake.  Poor phrasing.  Here, I'll uh,,,I'll change the word to something more accurate in that post.

Edited by Justin_Case001
  • Brohoof 1
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It's been awhile, but I wanted to briefly revisit this whole movie topic thing for a specific reason.  Believe it or not, I am still genuinely upset about the animation change, as I described at great length in the previous blog entry.  I don't (usually) lose sleep over it or anything, but I am regularly reminded of it, and it still makes me angry.  I've never really gotten over it.  If anyone is actually reading this crap, I'm going to assume you've already read my previous ranting about the animation.

So, I was prompted to write this after watching a Dr. Wolf youtube video about the movie.  He was critical of it, but he said that one of the best things about it was the animation change, which was "a major upgrade compared to the show".  I still continue to hear this sentiment a lot, and I usually ignore it, but this time it really upset me for some reason, perhaps because I generally like Dr. Wolf and agree with him.  Or, maybe it was just the straw that broke the hippogriff's back.

I hated the animation change, but I won't repeat myself by describing why again.  What I want to reiterate here is this: the thing that upset me, and still continues to upset me, more than the change itself is the fact that I often feel like I'm the only person who hated it--the only person who felt like it was a betrayal, and that the ponies didn't really look like themselves.  I want to provide an analogy to help you understand how I feel.  It's a hypothetical question.  Now, this isn't a perfect analogy, but I think it's a very good analogy.  Before I describe it, however, I want to make a couple things very clear: firstly, I'm not judging anyone for liking the animation change.  It's perfectly fine if you like it.  It generally doesn't bother me when I think about a specific person liking it.  I don't hate someone for their opinion.  C'mon--I'm not that bad.  It's like....okay, y'know how the fandom is about 50/50 split on Slice of Life?  I reckon about half the fandom loved it, and half hated it and ripped it for being "shameless fanservice".  I'm in the camp that loved it, but I don't mind if you don't.  I don't care who doesn't like it.  I don't hate someone for not liking an episode.  That would pretty ridiculous.  But the difference is that it was a pretty equal split.  I know a lot of other people liked it.  With the Toon Boom animation, it's almost unanimously loved, and nobody seemed to notice or care that they looked so different.  Or they did notice, and loved it.  I just feel so alone, like nobody understands what why I find it upsetting, and that's what upsets me the most.  People told me things like, "Just grow the f*ck up.  Change happens.  Quit bitching."  I understand why people would say that, I but I want them to understand how I feel.

Secondly, I realize that when people ask a hypothetical question in order to prove a point like this, the person being asked the question often feels reluctant to answer honestly because they feel like it's entrapment.  Perhaps when you read the question, you'll be inclined to give whatever answer you feel will give you the upper hand, or prove me wrong, or save face.  I want to make it abundantly clear that this isn't a game or a debate that I'm trying to win.  There's no winning or losing, here.  I'm not trying to trap anyone in a "gotcha" moment, I'm not trying to prove anyone wrong or judge anyone.  It's totally, absolutely, 100% fine if you liked the change, but I just want you to understand why I didn't, and why it upsets me so much.  This isn't about trying to win an argument.  This isn't about trying to prove I'm right.  This isn't about trying to get anyone to agree with me.  This is purely an exercise in sympathy and understanding someone else's viewpoint.

Here's the question: rewind time to a few months before the movie premiered.  Suppose that the creators announced in some tweet or something that they would be replacing all of the voice actresses for the movie.  Tara, Tabitha, Ashleigh, Andrea, Cathy: all gone.  Suppose that they announced that they would be replacing the VA's with similar but distinctly different voices, perhaps some bigger, more recognizable names.  Like, for instance, maybe they'd replace Ashleigh with Reba McEntire for Applejack.  Eh...y'know, kinda similar.  Country western gal.  Suppose that they similarly replaced all the VA's.  Suppose that the movie team said that they just wanted to upgrade the cast, use some names that are big enough for the big screen in order to make it really special.  How do you think you would have felt, sitting in the theater, and hearing someone else's voice coming out the mane six's mouths?  Now....suppose that every single person in the fandom said, "LOVE the new VA's!  SOOO much better than the old ones!  Those old VA's were definitely outdated and needed an upgrade.  Who needs Tara Strong and Ashleigh Ball anymore?  Pfffft.  I hope they bring the new VA's to the show for seasons 8 and 9!!  :squee:"

How do you suppose that would make you feel?


That's how I feel.

All the time...

Edited by Justin_Case001
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