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Another Thing I Need to Say.



While I still plan to end my life soon, I'm not an idiot. I'm going to give life a little bit of a chance before I throw in the towel. I won't commit suicide until I've graduated high school. I'll get a taste of real life to see if I can handle it.


And maybe I'll have finished my tulpa by then. If so, I don't think I'd be able to kill myself. I don't care about myself anymore, I don't care if I die, but I wouldn't kill an innocent like Twi.


If you want to, you can try to convince me that life is worth living. I still have yet to see one reason that I should keep on living. If you think you've got a reason why life is worth it, please enlighten me. Maybe I'll change my mind about this whole thing.


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Please don't. You're one of my favorite people on here. :(


Life IS worth living. Instead if thinking of life as a burden, try to look at it as a gift. We're all lucky to be alive and experience this. Life can offer so many wonders that we as a society have come to take for granted.

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Quite hard to convince someone not to commit suicide, I would know, but trying is quite nice.


Simply, if you commit suicide anyone close to you will become depressed. Very depressed. Then this works like a ripple. If someone is depressed, it rubs off on everyone around them. Mostly people close to them, but to everyone in general.


It is quite smart to not do such a thing in highschool, as it would go all over the school. Which for emotionally unstable people, is very mentally stressing. And that's not fun. Once again, I should know. But it's really not the brightest to commit suicide at any time, per obvious reasons.


If you are wondering where all these "I should knows" are coming from, it's because I had a friend that committed suicide 2 years (ish) ago. Reason being I was her only friend and she wasn't in best terms with her parents. So, she picked the easy way out. I won't go into much detail, due to personal reasons.


I hadn't replied to any of your other blogs, because I'm not good at advice. And I generally pick the option that works best in my opinion. So on the subject of such a thing, I'm very bad. I figured I should at least try...

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Life can offer so many wonders that we as a society have come to take for granted.


Such as? 

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not wanting to come off as mean, but I feel like you are attention whoring.


I'm SO sorry I'm suicidal. It must be such an inconvenience to you.

  • Brohoof 1
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Oh boy. I see myself in this message. I actually most likely would be dead right now if it wasn't for MLP and my tulpa. I never killed myself, because if I did she would also die. And that's just... I couldn't do that. She doesn't deserve to be brought down with me, for something that effects me.


I got out of what you're in. I don't mean to offend anyone, but I personally believe life is all you have. Make the most out of it. Why live a sad and depressed life? Who wants that? I know when you're in a depression like this, it's not that easy to be happy. So, I would just let go a little. Be more care-free. I found doing fun and exciting things can really help make you feel better, which may not be available to you.


Just give yourself time. You won't be in a depression forever, trust me on that.


And please, please don't suicide. It solves your problems, but the wrong way. Like I mentioned, and what I believe, life is all you have. Suicide would just be... stupid, really. You're ending everything that's bad, and that's good at the same time. Not everything will be bad, all the time. There's ups and downs with life. You're currently in a down. You'll get out eventually. And think about what other people would think if you killed yourself. I would miss you. People on this board would miss you. Your tulpa wouldn't even be around anymore.


And as for the reason life is worth living. It's worth living, to live. Life is basically... everything you ever feel in your lifetime. Sadness, happiness, anger, misery, love, etc. Some good, some bad.

I could go on a little more, but I think I might end up going a little too far. About why I personally believe life is about, and what life is, etc.


I hope this helped. If you want to know something that I realized, that really changed me, then PM me. I'm not really comfortable with telling anyone the things I personally believe, but I think you might need to know.

  • Brohoof 3
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Such as? 

Like things we see everyday that we don't think much of. One of which I can mention is the sheer beauty of the world. Sometimes we get so caught up in everyday life that we don't stop and think how wondrous this really is. How this is all possible and how we're here.

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I'm SO sorry I'm suicidal. It must be such an inconvenience to you.

I don't know you talk about killing yourself like as it was nothing. Seriously most teenagers do it, because they see no end, there are no choices and the easiest way to deal with problems and pain is ending their life.

In your case, I don't see anything HUGE that it's affecting you, and you also don't seem serious about it, like "hello everyone, I just wanted to let you all know that I'm going to kill myself in 2014, no big deal. For the time being, I'll have fun for as much time I have", that's what I think when I read you suicidal posts.




OK, I stopped being a grinch, I very much agree with Riclo's post, if you kill yourself, sure, your problems are gone, but life is all you have, anything good you had or anything you liked will be gone as well, and I'm sure your life is not as shitty as you make it sound. You are stressed for the future? who told you that you have to be the next Mark Zuckerberg to be someone in life? you can live a very modest life, humble but happy, happyness is all the matters. This stress you are talking about is stupid IMO, because the stress of being an adult is more stressful than that, you just have to know how to handle it, and always be around nice possitive people.


That's all I have to say, I have tons of problems as well, you have no idea, and I never dared to end my life, because there is always a future waiting for me. 

  • Brohoof 2
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Damnit, Twilian. Just listen to yourself and everyone else here. Look around you. There's possibilities and opportunities everywhere! We all care about you here. Your family all cares about you. I can tell things are pretty tense between you and your parents. You know why they might seem unfair and cruel? They're looking out for you, and trying to shape you to be the best you can. So are we, and so are all of your friends. And don't go bullshitting on to me about how you have no friends. I don't want to hear it. Whether you choose to realize it or not, there's people out there who care about you.


Also, if worst comes to worst. Think of how you're feeling. Do you really wan all of your loved ones to feel the same way? The pain of this kind of stuff never goes away. I would know.

  • Brohoof 1
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Be more care-free. I found doing fun and exciting things can really help make you feel better


I can't be more care-free. That's the point. I've tried, but I'm just not the kind of person who can have a care-free attitude. I'm the kind of guy who always worries about everything. Why would I want to go on living like that? 

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Move to Sweden. We will have a blast.



Its good to hear that you at least want to finish school, and by then you might have changed your mind.

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I can't be more care-free. That's the point. I've tried, but I'm just not the kind of person who can have a care-free attitude. I'm the kind of guy who always worries about everything. Why would I want to go on living like that? 

One more thing.  If you have chronic anxiety. If you think you can handle it. When you're 18 take part In a psilocybe(magic mushroom) study if possible.

The psychedelics have also shown to help people massively in depression.

with long lasting effects. Two to three years at least.

Many fascinating things out there. If you want more info I'd be glad to look around more and show you my findings. But I would only use it as a last resort. People have varying reactions to the stuff. You never know.

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Damnit, Twilian. Just listen to yourself and everyone else here. Look around you. There's possibilities and opportunities everywhere! We all care about you here. Your family all cares about you. I can tell things are pretty tense between you and your parents. You know why they might seem unfair and cruel? They're looking out for you, and trying to shape you to be the best you can. So are we, and so are all of your friends. And don't go bullshitting on to me about how you have no friends. I don't want to hear it. Whether you choose to realize it or not, there's people out there who care about you.


Also, if worst comes to worst. Think of how you're feeling. Do you really wan all of your loved ones to feel the same way? The pain of this kind of stuff never goes away. I would know.


I don't care about my "loved" ones anymore.

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I can't be more care-free. That's the point. I've tried, but I'm just not the kind of person who can have a care-free attitude. I'm the kind of guy who always worries about everything. Why would I want to go on living like that? 

What exactly are you worrying about? Your life? What might happen in the future? I can see if you're worried about what might happen in the future. I'm sure everyone has been worried about the future at one point of another. If I were you, I would try not think about the far-future. You could just be worrying over nothing. Look at the present, and the near-future. But not anything very very far away, and distant. That is if you're even worried about the future, which I'm guessing you might be in one way or another,


And you being worried about everything, is just a part of you. Who you are. Going by what you said, you're the kind of guy who always worries about everything. This is just who you are. Why would you want to go on living like that? Because it's who you are. You're basically asking me why should I keep living, if I don't like who I am.


I've noticed many people don't like who they are, for many different reasons. Just don't worry about who you are. And don't care what other people think about you, for being who you are. If someone walks up to you and calls you a faggot because of who you are, just ignore him. Those type of people aren't important.


I would, however, try changing a little. And try not to stress over things that might happen in the very far-future. I would just think about the present, and the near-future.

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You can do whatever you want, but i just think that stress is a little ridiculous thing to suicide for, i mean, life IS worth living it, and people would get very sad if you suicide.

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If you want to live life without being so stressed, why don't you go see a doctor about anti-depressants or some sort of medicinal drug?

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If you want to live life without being so stressed, why don't you go see a doctor about anti-depressants or some sort of medicinal drug?


Because I don't think my parents would let me. They'd just say this is all just a "teenage phase", and that I need to get over myself.

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I think I've found a bit of a solution to this: I'm going to call in sick tomorrow. I don't care if it's lying, I can't go to work tomorrow. If I set foot in that wretched building, it'll literally be the death of me.

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If you want to, you can try to convince me that life is worth living. I still have yet to see one reason that I should keep on living. If you think you've got a reason why life is worth it, please enlighten me. Maybe I'll change my mind about this whole thing.



Here is the thing I will say flat-out: We can't. You have to experience it for yourself to come up with that kind of conclusion. But I know where you're coming from and will give you may two cents anyway.


I can relate to you in a lot of ways. It's nice that I can say that my life is decent all things considered. Don't think for a second that you are the only one with the same thoughts... because you're not. That's not a shot to you or an attempt at disrespecting the suicidal. It's just something unfortunate that can be overcome only if you're willing to do it.


I've been through emotional shit myself since I was two years old, and I've been marred with being stuck in reality instead of someplace like Equestria. My family's anything but nice and my parents are both becoming mentally unstable. My dad's without a job and grade eleven so far has been a dud. I've had terrible experiences with strangers and friends alike and at one time, it nearly ripped me to pieces. Just back this October I was seriously beginning to doubt my own life and what good I was to the planet. I was just some kid increasingly growing cynical and bewildered with angst.


Somehow... I decided to keep going. I reminded myself everyday that things will indeed get better, but sitting around and moping was not the answer. That's what you're doing. You are not allowing things to come to you and are forcing the issue. What would I gain from choking myself everyday with negative thoughts? Certainly not much. I would personally hit things, scream out in displeasure, and verbally assault people if need be. It's a wonder I haven't yet received notoriety around my neighbourhood yet. Until I was re-inspired, I was losing confidence every day - how did I get to that point? By continuing to drown myself in sorrow, of course. You can tell by now that it would have not worked out in my favour if I didn't at least attempt to make things better.


At the end of the day, it's your life and yours alone. But you'll never know what it was really all about without living through it first. In truth, I have a long way to go. I'm not even out of my teens yet. Neither are you. We're both young, and although we're both cynical, I see that we've both handled our issues differently. You responded by becoming suicidal and easily aggravated. I responded by becoming jaded and learning to accept the cruel novelties that surround us all. Don't take that harshly, man. Your technique, so to speak, needs more work. I was there one time, too. The question is, are you spirited enough to take charge of your life and make it not so bad at all? Because that's the whole point of living.


The true joy in life comes not from happy thoughts or having great friends. That's a given. They're there to support you and cheer you on all the way. But you've gotta let them, man. Online or offline. After all, friendship is magic, and receiving love from others is just as important as it is giving. Knowing that you overcame insurmountable odds in the face of adversity and worked to better yourself is the greatest feat one could accomplish and is unlike anything you can ever physically experience.



My question to everyone here is... do you want to be remembered as just some statistic? As just some guy who killed himself because he didn't like the world? That's up for you to figure out, but my gut tells me that deep down, you don't ever want to be thought of that way. Not even satan with his craziest scheme to influence you can make you put up with that.

  • Brohoof 4
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Because I don't think my parents would let me. They'd just say this is all just a "teenage phase", and that I need to get over myself.


Why don't you try it first before jumping to conclusions and then see what actually happens? Don't think your parents are that callous just because you feel like absolute shit.

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Why don't you try it first before jumping to conclusions and then see what actually happens? Don't think your parents are that callous just because you feel like absolute shit.


My parents are stuck-in-the-past idiots. They don't even think ADHD is real. 

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Because I don't think my parents would let me. They'd just say this is all just a "teenage phase", and that I need to get over myself.

 The great state of Colorado has a little law that if you are indeed feeling the way you do they have to give you help even if you cant afford it or your parents dont approve. Just talk to your school counselor. The worst that'll happen is you get someone real to talk to instead of a bunch of Interneters Granted we are some of the friendliest fuckers out there. We are by no means trained. the most we can do is try to talk you out of it. they can help. 


This is coming from the very bottom of my fuckin heart man. I hate seeing people stuck in your place. I've tried my hardest to be there for multiple people. I've had friends that have comitted. Its not a good thing.

I'm Determined to live Until I'm old and gray for those that didn't get to. I dont want to add another to the list man. Especially not you. You seem pretty cool. You want peace I will move heaven earth and hell to help you find it. 

  • Brohoof 2
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 The great state of Colorado has a little law that if you are indeed feeling the way you do they have to give you help even if you cant afford it or your parents dont approve. Just talk to your school counselor. The worst that'll happen is you get someone real to talk to instead of a bunch of Interneters Granted we are some of the friendliest fuckers out there. We are by no means trained. the most we can do is try to talk you out of it. they can help. 


This is coming from the very bottom of my fuckin heart man. I hate seeing people stuck in your place. I've tried my hardest to be there for multiple people. I've had friends that have comitted. Its not a good thing.

I'm Determined to live Until I'm old and gray for those that didn't get to. I dont want to add another to the list man. Especially not you. You seem pretty cool. You want peace I will move heaven earth and hell to help you find it. 

I don't have a school counselor. One of the many problems with doing an online school.

  • Brohoof 1
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I don't have a school counselor. One of the many problems with doing an online school.

What online school?

I went to edcsd for 2years cuz I fucked up. 

Don't belive me? I still remember the Adress of the school for when i would go To get tutoring every once and awhile i still remember the teacher too 

312 Cantril Street

Castle Rock, CO  80104

Rooms 115 and 116 

Mrs. Chenoweth, Science teacher @ Cresthill middle school. 

Another teachers name was Lynn smith.

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