Opinions on S03:E10 - Keep Calm and Flutter On
I watched the new episode in crappy quality! I just couldn't wait any longer
Being able to stay away from any kind of rumor or peaks about the new episode really helped me out because sure, I knew it was a Fluttershy episode, but I never imagined that it was a Discord-Fluttershy episode. In fact I really thought that Discord would be the antagonist of the season finale. Anyways.
The episode was pretty good. But I have something to say, it was an acceptable episode, but I'm sure it wasn't the best of this season so far, why? Well it filled with too much fan-service, I'm not against fan-service, because they rake up the surprise factor and the shock factor of the fans, but sometimes when too much fan-service is added the quality and the content of the episode may be affected. Again, I enjoyed the episode very much, it was fun. But, hmmmm....something was missing to be able to be perfect.
Anyways, I'm not going to review the episode, I'm going to point out what things I liked or find curious about the episode:
- Besides Twilight, I think this is the second time Princess Celestia have a close contact with Fluttershy, which I liked.
- Discord is synonim of epicness, blending Discord+Fluttershy in a episode must make very Fluttershy fans very happy, myself included.
- Assertive Fluttershy is back!
- The stare didn't work
I guess it only work on animals. (but at least it's back)
- Elements of Harmony are back! In a Fluttershy's episode!
- I LOL'd at the macho beaver that started to eat a tree's brach.
- Discord was never a villain, he never was evil in the first place. He shouldn't be compared to Chrysalis or Sombra.
- He's back because of his popularity (and John De Lancie's as well)
- I thought that Fluttershy was a hopeless kind soul that doesn't have an opinion of her own, but she's pretty smart, she could handle Discord after all. She should be a pony psychiatrist lol.
- I enjoyed watching Angel suffering.
- I enjoyed when the candles started kicking Rainbow Dash's flank, it was fun.
- Rarity's un-fanciest attire was incredibly fancy to me. I wonder how her fanciest dress looks like?
- I have to applaud the spinning cottage animation, I was getting dizzy looking at it.
- Pinkie Pie? I barely noticed she was there. Except for the gravy part.
- By almost the ending of the episode I was seeing that the conflict was not getting resolved, especially when the camera was focusing on Fluttershy's impotence face while holding the skates with her mouth. I was expecting a "to be continued..."
- Talking about the conflict, it got resolved too easily and too quickly, Discord got "reformed" like nothing, I didn't like that.
- This episode will fuel MORE shipping, dear Celestia!
- Was Flutteshy kind of intimidating in this episode? o_O
- Talking about that, she seemed another pony, I thought she would be more scared of Discord. But I believe she the most loyal to Princess Celestia after Twilight.
- Talking about shipping I didn't notice RariJack.
- Princess Celestia's voice HNNNNNG!
- Discord was so sweet throughout the whole episode, I really loved him <3
- "Friendship is Magic" SO EPIC SWEET <--- that was so fan-service
- I demand to have Discord as a regular, and that he stays to live with Flutteshy lol
- I want to hug Discord, who wanna join me? :3
OK, these are the things that I can think of about this episode. I was a great experience, at least is not as bad as "Too Many Pinkie Pies" or "One Bad Seed".
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