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Firebolt's Opinions of the Mane 6



This is going to be used for reference purposes, mostly. The order is the pony I like the most (1) to the pony I like the least (6).


1. Rarity

Ah, yes. Rarity. Rarity not only has the best design, period, but she has the most flexible personality. If Rarity needs to be generous, she can be. If she needs to be snobby, she can be. And so on. Why does this work so well? Simple. Rarity's dream is about social status, so her actual personality can be generous, nice, etc., but her goals get in the way of that.


Sweet and Elite is also my favorite episode. It displays Rarity as trying to be nice, but her goals getting in the way of her trying to be decent.


And, saying it again, Rarity is freaking gorgeous. Why do you think so many OCs have a white coat, anyway?






In any other kids show, Rarity would be the villain. She wouldn't be clever, just fashionfashionfashion. Not only is this about the opposite, Rarity is a great hero, as opposed to villain.


2. Pinkie Pie

Pinkie is your comic relief. Normally, comic relief isn't something I love, but it's executed so well with Pinkie that I rather like it. She isn't one of my favorite characters of all time, like Rarity and Trixie, but she is still quite nice.


Pinkie's design is probably my least favorite. It fits her personality very well, but I still don't like it in general. Pinkamena on the other hand, is great. Specifically the physics in her hair, but just the look in general.



Well, I would apologize for cupcakes, but this image is damn awesome.


One other thing I don't like about Pinkie is that she's become a bit of an airhead in season 3. She used to be much more clever then she is now, but that doesn't bother me as much as it probably should.


Pinkie's voice can be annoying, but once I got used to it, it became one of my favorites. Her singing voice is excellent.



3. Rainbow Dash

Here's a large gap in between my favorites. I like Pinkie and Rarity much more then Dash.


I'm pretty sure most of you know what I think about Rainbow. I like her design, but hate her personality. I like her fanon, but hate most of her canon.


Rainbow has a personality I've seen in every kid's show ever. In a girl's show, you always have a tomboy. In a boy's show, you always have your cool kid. Rainbow is both of these, and as cliched as the tokens go. At the same time though, she has evolved a bit from that, and become a bit more decent.




Rainbow also has a fanbase, in the show. Why? Couldn't tell you, honestly. It doesn't make much sense, and I don't appreciate it either.


Rainbow's episodes are my least favorite. They mostly has to do with her dream of being a Wonderbolt, which is fine, but it gets very repetitive. However, I like her in most fan videos, fanfics, etc. as she is generally not aspiring to be a good flyer, while not actually improving as far as control goes. Like ever.


Rainbow's design is lovely. That's really about all I can say. It's truly gorgeous.



To elaborate, the colors work lovely together. Per obvious reasons.


However, Rainbow is also very overpowered. She can do something no other pony could ever do ever. When she was a filly no less. This also got all her friends their cutie mark. Just a bit too much epicness for my taste. And by a bit, I mean it's overbearing.




4. Applejack

Not much to say about AJ, I find her just mostly dull. So yea. I'm neutral on AJ.






5. Fluttershy


Anyways, Fluttershy. I like Fluttershy as far as her voice, design, and episodes (As her's always seem to be the best quality). Fluttershy's voice is excellent and fits her perfectly, as does her design. As said, I always seem to enjoy her episodes more then most others, overall. Two of my top 10 favorite episodes are that of her's (Seeing as four are two parters, and one is an all 6 episode, yea.)


However, Fluttershy seems to be the worst pony as far as evolving goes. Rarity has become a bit less selfish, Rainbow is now nicer, Pinkie is more serious at times, and Twilight has improved heavily in her magic. Fluttershy seems to become more assertive, or better at flying, etc. in her episodes, but loses that in the following episodes. In Putting Your Hoof Down in season 2, she becomes much more assertive. However, in Magic Deul, in season 3, she loses all of that.


Fluttershy also always seems too perfect to me. While her flaws are obvious, those flaws can also be considered good. Being meek, bashful, etc. are all supposed to be good qualities. Fluttershy sports all of these as her flaws. Her looks are next to perfect, though she rarely does anything to perfect them, like Rarity.



I live in the forest, own a rabbit, and go to spas on occasion. Why don't I look this awesome? :V


Fluttershy's ability to interact with animals doesn't make much sense either. She was able to pretty much talk with any animal, yet she had never met any before, when she arrived in ponyville.


However, though she has many flaws, I do like her caring personality, as well as the points I mentioned earlier.


6. Twilight Sparkle


And, here's another major gap.


Before you say anything, no this has nothing to do with Twilicorn. Well, that's a lie, but it's mostly true.


If you happen to be blind, you wouldn't know that Trixie is my favorite pony. I mean, really my favorite pony. I am obsessed with her.


Now, why would make that Twilight my least favorite pony? Simple. The fanon has made her a complete bitch. Generally, Twilight goes out of her way to be cruel to Trixie. Why? No idea. Normally, fanon doesn't affect my opinion on ponies much, but this is unavoidable. It makes me cringe everytime I see it. That said, that's a big reason why she has become my least favorite pony.



Here's a taste.


But that's just fanon! Why is she terrible in canon? Without the whole Twilicorn thing, which is an awful idea yes, Twilight is dull. What happened? She used to be plucky, sarcastic, and all those things. Now? I suppose you could say she just got more level headed, but I don't care. It's still a bad change.


I don't care much for her design, voice, and her episodes are a bit hit and miss. They are generally only good because of the villians. Not her.




That's it. If I missed anything, have any details wrong, etc. Please let me know.

  • Brohoof 5


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I'm okay with it.

Rainbow Dash's picture is so majestic. :3

I was gonna pic a different one, but couldn't find it. ._.

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I don't like anything about Fluttershy, but the character growth is my biggest thing, so I agree with that.

  • Brohoof 1
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