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Things you shouldn't ask me

Potato Sprout


Hello everpony!

So I thought it would be fun to write some things that I hate when people ask me. When people asks me these things it makes me wanna punch the person.


-People have it worse than you, you know that? Yes, I know some people have it worse, so does that take away my right for being sad or what?

-Can't you just cheer up? Tbh, every time I hear that I walk away and facepalm. If it was that easy I would have done it months ago!

-Is it annoying to have diabetes? This may be a friendly question. But could you just be kind and use your head, please?

-Are you sad? No, I'm just sitting here staring into the ground for an hour or two.

-Why haven't you been in school lately? Well, our teacher has brought it up in class. 6 TIMES!

-Why don't you have a girlfriend? I still can't believe someone asked me that... -.-

-What would you do if a zombie apocalypse broke out? First o all, why do people even ask this? But to answer your question: Hide in a corner and weep. Just like you... Not to be mean or anything but you wouldn't run out with a shotgun and survive. You don't even have a gun.


So, that kept me busy for awhile. Yes, I've been asked these things at least once. I know most of these have with my emotional status to do, but these questions just angers me so much.

Yeah Yeah, cya everypony!


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I get asked some of these also, and I know what you mean. But other things like that diabetes question, do people seriously ask such a stupid question?

I don't know how thick someone could get to even come up with that in their head.

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But other things like that diabetes question, do people seriously ask such a stupid question?

I don't know how thick someone could get to even come up with that in their head.

Funny you brought that up. That's one of the most common questions I get. I find "why don't you have a girlfriend" worse. Sometimes you doubt humanity's intelligence. Don't get me wrong though, I do ask things like "you got your hair cut" which is kinda stupid as well.

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I know the feeling about some of those questions, and I completely understand. My parents often tell me to stop worrying about my problems because other people have it worse. That may be the case, but a problem is still a problem, and if left unchecked will get worse, and in my case that often happens. People need to realize that everyone has their problems in life and that they should never be marginalized, because to that person that problem might be the weight of their world on their shoulders.


And I get the girlfriend question a lot...from my dad. >.<


I feel you, bro. /)

  • Brohoof 1
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The girlfriend question is about the worst question to ask a lonely person. I absolutely hate it.

But seriously, I'd never like to meet the people who ask you such stupid things.

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I, like you, absolutely hate the girlfriend question. Especially when your parents do it and blab on all about how 'you're probably not doing enough for it' and 'that it's about time'.


They have no clue how hard it is these days. Worst thing is, if I were to try more, I would just end up coming off as desperate, and no one out there would ever like  me more than a friend, let alone that I have any female friends at all.

  • Brohoof 1
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^Yeah, times were simpler back then...*insert nostalgic feeling here*


Besides, most relationships in my peer group (HS), are pretty much what I call One Week Wonders. I don't wanna open up to someone, just to have them be with another man by the end of the week >_>


That's why I don't date. I've come up with the plan to refrain from dating until I find the "one", as they say. It saves you from lots of heart break. 


Plus, I haven't met any girl that I've felt strongly about so there's that XD

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Type 1 how so?

I got Type 1 (Juvenile Onset Diabetes) in 2008, when I was approximately 14, give or take depending on whether or not my math is wrong.

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