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Why I dislike steam

Potato Sprout


Hello everypony, rant incoming.

I use steam all the time, but there's things I really hate about it.


1. So many discounts. You might be asking why I dislike it. It is good that there's discounts, but when there's this many... I just end up spending way to much money... I can't help it, the prices are way to low >.>


2. blogentry-14917-0-08954000-1368089286.png Anyone want a Dota 2 key? I got over 20 left if you count in my second account.


3. War Z is up again... What I mean with this is that these really bad games with false descriptions (The game doesn't include what it says it does). It SHOULDN'T happend steam! Totalbiscuit, thanks for the warnings.


4. Greenlight. Yes it's a good idea, but it's not going to work. If a big youtuber wants something on steam he can get it there. Just look at "Yogventures" for example... I'm not going to say that it will be bad, but chances are it's going to. This got greenlit because Yogscast made a video about it and telling everyone to greenlight it... Hopefully it sells really well though.


Feels good to be ranting at stuff at times. I might be using steam all the time but these things just annoys me.


Well that's all I have for today, CYA


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1&2: The prices are too low and you have too much free stuff? #FirstWorldProblems


3. Steam took down WarZ due to the false description, and only brought it back with a fixed description.


4. If you don't like a game, don't buy it. Greenlight can still be alot of help to hard working indie devs who want to make a profit off their work.

  • Brohoof 1
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1&2: The prices are too low and you have too much free stuff? #FirstWorldProblems


3. Steam took down WarZ due to the false description, and only brought it back with a fixed description.


4. If you don't like a game, don't buy it. Greenlight can still be alot of help to hard working indie devs who want to make a profit off their work.


ok 1&2: I know that might be a bit weird. But I hate getting free stuff that I can't use in any way. For the prices. That's just a problem with me I can't help to buy stuff then >.>


2: I don't think that it's completly fixed yet, isn't the game pretty much still in beta? (From what I've seen of it).


4: As I said, it's a good thing. But it can be horribly abused by big youtubers.

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ok 1&2: I know that might be a bit weird. But I hate getting free stuff that I can't use in any way. For the prices. That's just a problem with me I can't help to buy stuff then >.>


2: I don't think that it's completly fixed yet, isn't the game pretty much still in beta? (From what I've seen of it).


4: As I said, it's a good thing. But it can be horribly abused by big youtubers.


1&2Steam has a trade feature. You could trade keys for games, if you find someone who's up for it.


Discounts are an excellent business practice. I've got more games than I know what to do with on my Steam account, and I only paid $5-10 for a majority of them. Freakin' sweet!


3. The description's been fixed. Never played the game itself, though. Still, you can't fault a service just because it has bad games on it. After all, we don't attack Gamestop or Amazon for that.


4. Anything can be abused. Let's let it stay as a good thing.

  • Brohoof 1
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1&2Steam has a trade feature. You could trade keys for games, if you find someone who's up for it.


Discounts are an excellent business practice. I've got more games than I know what to do with on my Steam account, and I only paid $5-10 for a majority of them. Freakin' sweet!


3. The description's been fixed. Never played the game itself, though. Still, you can't fault a service just because it has bad games on it. After all, we don't attack Gamestop or Amazon for that.


4. Anything can be abused. Let's let it stay as a good thing.


1: I know it's a good thing, but once again, it's a problem with me, when stuff gets that low I can't really help it...


2: I know there's is a trade system... I just can't explain it really. Let's just say that it's me being me, I don't really like the whole thing with getting free stuff just like that.


3: Well the description is still kinda missleading. I haven't done any real deep research, but there seems to be an xp system with skill trees.

"No Classes, No Levels, No Caps: Create your own survival campaign"

I know it doesn't say that there isn't a xp system. But it's still kinda missleading.


4: I don't think that we think the same way about this....



PS: The game is quite clearly still in Beta, it doesn't say that on the steam page

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I don't know about you, but i love Steam.

If you like it, keep liking it. These are just my opinions and if you wanna like it, good. I don't hate it really, I mostly dislike some things about it. There are good things about it but when I find things I really dislike, then I can't look past them. But I think they are going to fix some problems in the future. Then I can finaly like it again >.>

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Discounts are meant to get you to spend money, that's how discounts work. It's perhaps best to try and ignore them either way.


Dota 2 keys too many? Well send them to your friends, if they don't have it yet, if they do, there is an automated bot that accepts all the free keys and redistributes them to those who want them. Look it up, instant get rid of. I agree, the extra keys are annoying, but eh, they are free to give away.


The War Z remains to be seen, when it was launched it wasn't just awful, it was a 20 dollar game, that was in beta and had microtransactions. This behaviour cannot be forgiven. From what I hear, those things have been pulled and the game seriously fixed and the description rewritten. It is ultimately up to Steam to allow this or not. And I truly hope it is better now.


Lastly, Valve has mentioned that they want Greenlight to fade away and make way for a much more different system. Greenlight is a system easily bombed and that IS a problem. While on the other hand it wanted to create more democracy. The old system of getting games on Steam was not transparent at all and more often than not denied really popular indie games access while somehow really bad iPad ports got in quickly. Greenlight is used to fix that. To an extent.

  • Brohoof 1
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there is an automated bot that accepts all the free keys and redistributes them to those who want them. Look it up, instant get rid of.


The War Z remains to be seen, when it was launched it wasn't just awful, it was a 20 dollar game, that was in beta and had microtransactions. This behaviour cannot be forgiven. From what I hear, those things have been pulled and the game seriously fixed and the description rewritten. It is ultimately up to Steam to allow this or not. And I truly hope it is better now.

Thanks for telling me about the dota key giveaway! Bye bye depressing keys!


I won't forget the war z scandal. I don't even care if they fix it. It's just unacceptable. Then we got "orion dino horde" or whatever it's called. I really just wanna ask "why steam?".

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I can agree with reason 2, 3 and 4.


Although that is not necessarily due to Steam itself but Valve being an enormous spamtard with those damn beta keys. Fun fact: I haven't even received one in all this time xD


Reason 1 depends on how good you are at keeping money in your pocket.

  • Brohoof 1
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I do agree a little bit with reason 1: the chance for instant gratification and all those discounts lure you in, and pretty soon you've spent all your money on stuff you don't need. Though much of problem lies with the user themself. x3

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Yeah, I see what you're saying I guess. I think that War Z needs to leave for a myriad of reasons, but that's just my take on it.

I don't suppose you have any copies of Dota 2 left, do you? I've never bothered with it until now, but if you have that many extras, I'd like to try it :P

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I don't suppose you have any copies of Dota 2 left, do you? I've never bothered with it until now, but if you have that many extras, I'd like to try it tongue.png

Just add me on Steam. You can find it on my profile :)

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