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Some problems on both sides of the EqG controversy.



Yeah, there has been a lot of hate surrounding it, and a lot of arguing between haters, lovers, and everybody in between. There are problems with both sides, though, and you all know I like to examine things from multiple angels.


Before we begin, I'd like to reiterate that I'm going to see it in theaters simply because it's an MLP movie and I have a little extra money I can throw at it. I am optimistically hesitant about it; meaning that I think it could be good, but I'm not sure, and am holding off any judgement until I see it.


So, without any further ado... attune your ears, to the grinding gears...


1. Nobody is obligated to give it a chance.

I've seen people telling others to give it a chance. Why should they? Trailers are made specifically to show people what a movie will be like, so they can decide if they want to see it. You're SUPPOSED to judge the movie, at least initially, from the trailer. Now, I don't agree with people giving details on how the movie will suck before it's released, but I have no problem with people saying "it's a high school drama targeted at little girls, so it'll suck." Because, honestly, how many high school dramas targeted at little girls have been made that didn't suck? There's absolutely no problem in not giving it a chance. I didn't give Twilight a chance and nobody got mad at me for it (although, I did watch the movies with my sister (big twilight fan) so I could better criticize them).

And really, people giving it a chance or not will not change it's quality, or it's lack of effect on the show. Speaking of which...


2. As far as we know, the movie is non-canon and will not effect the show in any way.

Let's assume that the movie does end up sucking horrible. I don't really understand why people think this is such a huge deal. We've been told it's not canon, which means it won't effect the show, it's just a spin-off. The show will continue as if it had never happened, because, in-universe, it didn't. Stop acting like it shouldn't exist. It won't make MLP any worse, and in any case, MLP is not yours. It's Hasbro's, and they can do with it what they want. Most companies, when they want to take something in a new direction, just take it there. At least Hasbro is intelligent enough to think "Hey, we struck gold with FiM. We want to take MLP in another direction, but it's pretty different, and probably won't be as popular (or make us as much money). Let's make it a spin-off, float a movie and see how it does."



I could probably add more, but I'm hungry and need to do homework.



EDIT: Forgot to finish my reiteration paragraph, near the beginning :P

  • Brohoof 13


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I think it will likely be a stereotypical teen drama which dosen't really have the greatest track record in the world so I can understand why people would be hesitant to give it a chance but it is people freaking out like it is going to doom the show that I really don't get. I have tons of examples of great shows and movies having a crappy spin off or two yet said spinoff being little more than a temporary setback. I will see out of simple curiosity but until then and for those and a few other reasons until then I am neutral on this.

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This pretty much sums up the controversy.





By the way, I agree with your post. It seems like Bronies think that MLP is theirs and it must follow what they want. Seriously. sleep.png

  • Brohoof 2
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