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I won't be making more art threads.

Motion Spark


I won't be quitting as an artist but it is pretty much what the thread's title says. Recently, I've been feeling a big disconnection with the site. It can be due a lot of different factors that I won't get into because that's another separate issue, or just not about them at all. The important thing is that I don't feel interested.


I keep logging on, but my routine is always the same, daily I always log on, but keep my mlpforums tab in the index for hopes of new notifications, as expected, nothing. And it makes sense because I don't post a thing during the day, yes, a few posts here and there in the pictures thread. But what I'm saying is that I have no interest, no will to discuss the show or other things in the forums, not even the forums games. I really don't know if I am in that phase of "growing up". This seems like a good bye blog entry but it's not, because I feel like I still have a connection with the fandom, and I do it through art, I love drawing ponies and it became like a natural thing of mine, drawing pony bodies over everything else.


Why am I mentioning all of this? well, the lack of posts of mine have had it's consequences and affects when I make an art thread, I feel like a stranger, like a new member when I post art now because only the veteran members know me, but not the new ones.

I remember when I used to post art threads in a frequent pace, it was thrilling to see your comments and feedback, and I always will be thankful for your appreciation, really. But recently the feedback that I've been getting while it wasn't bad, it was poor, yes it was very poor compared to the feedback that I used to get before.

I seem like an attention whore, yes I am, I seem like a prideful bitch, yes I am, Butthurt? yes I am!


I'm like this because you convinced me that I was a good artist, and I bought that from you and I believe it, not only that, but I have gotten better over the months. And then, when I'm back to posting some stuff I don't get the reception that I expect. Yes, I do have expectations. When I was used to get like 25, 30 broohofs and 2 pages of comments, now I get like 8 brohoofs, and 5 or 6 comments. This seems like nothing, but it does affect me and it upsets me greatly, especially if I make my post look creative and also post one of the best artworks I've ever made. Getting a golden star at the corner of my post because I got roughly 10 brohoofs it's just not enough, I know it sounds selfish. I appear to be upfront and direct when I talk to other users but deep inside I'm fragile, even the things that you wouldn't expect to get me affected, they actually do. And each time I post something on my deviantART, I think, should I post this on MLPforums? before, I posted most of my artworks here, but now, I think about it a lot and end up not doing it, and I feel like I don't want to experience more disapointment, I know I am making look bad the people that commented on my threads, but I want you to understand me as an artist.


When you're at the peak, and you see yourself falling down without any advice, you feel bad, sad and vulnerable. So yeah, I won't be updating here my new artworks, if you want to be updated about it, check my deviantART or tumblr, both on my profile.

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Well I have my mlp forums tab open all the time and just press F5 for hours sometimes haha


Anyways, I think the reason why your art doesn't get as many brohoofs and comments is because some people doesn't think it's much fun to make comments, and now there are so many topics and people so your art does not get as much attention.


I'm sorry that you feel like that

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Well I have my mlp forums tab open all the time and just press F5 for hours sometimes haha


Anyways, I think the reason why your art doesn't get as many brohoofs and comments is because some people doesn't think it's much fun to make comments, and now there are so many topics and people so your art does not get as much attention.


I'm sorry that you feel like that

man I can't trully say if the site is morphing and interests are different or no, but what it's true is that reality is a bitch and it hits hard, that's why I made that choice.

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Atleast you are honest about your selfishness. Most would refuse to accept that even though they know that they are.

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Atleast you are honest about your selfishness. Most would refuse to accept that even though they know that they are.

those and many more are the feelings that made me human, and not better or worse than someone else.

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Honestly...I don't think that's what being an artist is all about.

I'm not popular or anything, but to me its about the enjoyment of drawing, and even if I get one good comment I'm happy that they liked it.

Also, I don't think the MLP forums are the best place to post art anyway. I like to post on DA, Tumblr and Oekakis. I can understand why your not posting art here anymore, but I don't see why is has to be so dramatic...

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Try to keep in mind that most people here aren't actually interested in finding art of any kind. Most are here to talk about the show, RP, or dive into that libertarian/conservative circle-jerk, more commonly referred to as the Debate Pit.


Most bronies are complacent sheeple that prefer to have (crap) sites like EQD make up the full extent of pony art they find. Bronies kinda mirror the general population like that, eating up only what's fed to them by the most popular publications and outlets, and turning a blind eye to anyone who has to resort to self-advertisement, no matter how talented they may be.


I know what it's like to be affected by a drop in outside enthusiasm for your art.


If I might make a suggestion: Make one of the links in your sig be your most recent art thread, kinda like I do with my pony metal covers. That way, you're advertising your most recent piece every single time you post, and doing it in a way that doesn't seem intrusive.


And take pride in being an underground artist. You and me, we have something in common: We're both far better at what we do than many who gain more mainstream exposure. Just try to keep that in mind, and be proud of your work, even if it goes unnoticed while swill is being praised by the masses.

  • Brohoof 3
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Honestly...I don't think that's what being an artist is all about.

I'm not popular or anything, but to me its about the enjoyment of drawing, and even if I get one good comment I'm happy that they liked it.

Also, I don't think the MLP forums are the best place to post art anyway. I like to post on DA, Tumblr and Oekakis. I can understand why your not posting art here anymore, but I don't see why is has to be so dramatic...

Well said

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I know we haven't really talked before, and I sincerely hope that my first words to you don't come off as abrasive, but as an artist myself - specifically, a musician - I just feel it relevant to let you know my own feelings on the subject of reception:


If you're making art for the sole purpose of others liking it, you're making art for all the wrong reasons.


When I'm writing a song, I'm not writing based on what I think listeners will like. I write based on what I would want to listen to. Sure, I'll always take note of people's criticisms, but at the end of the day, I refuse to enslave myself to doing what others expect of me, just for the sake of getting more fans. All that matters to me is that I like what I make. IMO, it's better to write a song that I and only a small handful of others enjoy than to write a song that appeals to a huge number of listeners, but that I personally hate.


That's not to say I'm accusing you of only drawing what you think will appeal to the most viewers, but the fact that you lament your diminishing amount of brohooves kind of inidicates that you may be considering venturing down that path, if you're not already. All I can say is, please don't.


Draw for yourself. If others happen to like it, then you have done your job as an artist; you have maintained your artistic integrity and found those who happen to enjoy seeing the very stuff that you enjoy drawing...i.e., your target audience. Even if your target audience is small, remember - an audience, no matter how small, is still an audience. Me, I'm happy for the fans I do have. It's a lot more fulfilling than coveting the fans I could have.


Again, I'm not trying to seem condescending, like I'm telling you "ur doin it wrong". I'm just offering you an alternative perspective from a fellow artist. Whether you'll agree with my point of view or not, and whatever you choose to do, I hope you find what you're looking for.


Best of luck.

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Honestly...I don't think that's what being an artist is all about.

I'm not popular or anything, but to me its about the enjoyment of drawing, and even if I get one good comment I'm happy that they liked it.

Also, I don't think the MLP forums are the best place to post art anyway. I like to post on DA, Tumblr and Oekakis. I can understand why your not posting art here anymore, but I don't see why is has to be so dramatic...

True. MLPforums is not the best place to post art, this is not a place for criticism nor learning art, but you know what? this forums helped me to build the confidence that I needed to grow more and practice even more because I was about to pretty much give up on art and continue with whatever job I could find. 

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate every single comment I receive, but I was used to get more compliments, I really don't have any other way to make this sound less egocentric, but that's something everyone has, we can't deny it, especially when you discover that you have a talent at doing something.



Try to keep in mind that most people here aren't actually interested in finding art of any kind. Most are here to talk about the show, RP, or dive into that libertarian/conservative circle-jerk, more commonly referred to as the Debate Pit.


Most bronies are complacent sheeple that prefer to have (crap) sites like EQD make up the full extent of pony art they find. Bronies kinda mirror the general population like that, eating up only what's fed to them by the most popular publications and outlets, and turning a blind eye to anyone who has to resort to self-advertisement, no matter how talented they may be.


I know what it's like to be affected by a drop in outside enthusiasm for your art.


If I might make a suggestion: Make one of the links in your sig be your most recent art thread, kinda like I do with my pony metal covers. That way, you're advertising your most recent piece every single time you post, and doing it in a way that doesn't seem intrusive.


And take pride in being an underground artist. You and me, we have something in common: We're both far better at what we do than many who gain more mainstream exposure. Just try to keep that in mind, and be proud of your work, even if it goes unnoticed while swill is being praised by the masses.

perhaps you're right, maybe the forums interests are shifting to others now, now that Equestria Girls is out, or new RP's coming, or the popularity of making new art requests. I remember those days, when people posted a lot on the fan-art section. I guess you're right on that.

Advertising my threads was something I always wanted to avoid because I didn't want to seem like I was forcingly seeking for attention (something I feel, I am doing right now) 


@, I draw for myself! but one of those things that you wonder all the time... will everyone like it? what's the point of making a beautiful Twilight Sparkle painting, if you're not gonna share it with the world, especially if you think like me. Sure, you can hang it on your wall, but what if you want to grow and live out of your art and everything that comes afterwards out of it? That's how I think

Yes I do this for myself, that's the reason why I want to get big on the fandom, I want my name in one of the best artist lists, seems like I'm greedy, and perhaps I am, but I do this for my future, I really do want to this. This fandom can open me a lot of REAL LIFE doors, especially if you live in a country with no fields for digital art and especially a family that DOES not support you in any way and think that your talent is a waste of time.


Hey, having a little bit of recognition and demanding it (when you deserve it) it's not a sin. The internet is a place a bad place, but it's also a place to get known, and to get opportunities, if you don't gamble, if you don't risk it all you don't win.

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In response to your losing interest in ponies, I think a lot of people feel that way right now due to it being the largest gap between seasons yet. But that's just my stupid assessment.


As for large expectations, basically what Lowline said: if you make art because you think others are going to like it, you'll always be disappointed. Make art for yourself, and never feel inadequate because of stuff like dem snobs at EQD not posting your art.


And don't worry, you're a good artist, Spark, no matter what.

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In response to your losing interest in ponies, I think a lot of people feel that way right now due to it being the largest gap between seasons yet. But that's just my stupid assessment.


As for large expectations, basically what Lowline said: if you make art because you think others are going to like it, you'll always be disappointed. Make art for yourself, and never feel inadequate because of stuff like dem snobs at EQD not posting your art.


And don't worry, you're a good artist, Spark, no matter what.

the "snobs" of EQD can be anything we want but what it's true is that if we get featured it will boost our recognition income and people interested in our art. Thank you though, it was a nice comment  :)

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You are an amazing artist you know that yourself. Sorry to hear that you feel this way though. I don't have much to say but I am sorry you are feeling this way.

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You are an amazing artist you know that yourself. Sorry to hear that you feel this way though. I don't have much to say but I am sorry you are feeling this way.

thanks buddy :)

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Bleh bla bleh.

Very well put, most artists here don't even get that much recognition. Not to say I think you're selfish for thinking you don't get much praise as of late, as your comment/brohoof rate did decline a lot and that can really upset someone, but there are others who have it a bit worse. Simply by posting about it, loads have flocked here to give you praise; did you ever think that maybe commenters just thought your art was good enough? That others could use the confidence booster a little more than you?

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Also keep in mind that the forums are likely less active in the off-season, ergo, fewer brohoofs. 

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8 brohooves and 6 comments? Hell, I'm lucky if I get half that amount.

I know how you feel. While I may not be nearly as good as you are, it seems that people skip over the better artists and tell the less practiced artists that they "did a good job". It's frustrating, and you aren't the only elite MLPF artist to move to DeviantArt.

You really are a good artist, and I look up to you. I try really hard to get as good as artists like you, and looking at yourart has helped me a lot.

Best of luck on DeviantArt.

thank you ^_^

I feel the same about artists that are much better than, in that case, deviantART is a true challenge.



Very well put, most artists here don't even get that much recognition. Not to say I think you're selfish for thinking you don't get much praise as of late, as your comment/brohoof rate did decline a lot and that can really upset someone, but there are others who have it a bit worse. Simply by posting about it, loads have flocked here to give you praise; did you ever think that maybe commenters just thought your art was good enough? That others could use the confidence booster a little more than you?


Also keep in mind that the forums are likely less active in the off-season, ergo, fewer brohoofs. 

it could be many things, we are on off season, the fight over EqG stills, discussions are more popular, the request guild is full as well, many things. Whatever the reason is, it upsets me, and there's no room for me to feel like this so I rather avoid that.

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