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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky
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So I just got into a big fight with my mom about my Type 1 Diabetes. I go to regular school in a month. And she believes that I need to where a dog tag at all times, and constantly have all my diabetic supplies on me constantly and to have my blood sugar checked 5 times a day just to make sure it doesn't go off at all, and that if I go to work out I need something on me JUST in case I get a low.


Honestly, I think it's dumb. I don't need all these stupid precautions for school, or anywhere for that matter. The fact is, if I have a diabetic stroke, who's to say they would see the dog tag in time? Who's to say how long it will take to get my supplies out? Will they know what to use? Or how to use it? If I have a stroke, I die. Not all the precautions in the world will change that. So I manage it MY WAY and make sure that doesn't happen. She is convinced that I will die if I don't take EVERY precaution.


Nope, I'll die no matter what. Sorry, but there isn't a damn thing you or anyone else can do about it. This is a disease I will have for the rest of my life, and in all honestly, it will likely kill me one day.

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          She's just looking out for your health mah boi! I will admit checking your blood sugars five times a day is a bit much but having tags on you (and your meds) is actually a good idea. Sure, the every day schmoe around you most likely wont even recognize the tags BUT medical teams and school nurses will. The faster they know what's wrong the sooner they can properly treat you.


          Of course no matter what we humans do in life we're always destined to die. It's part of the curse of being gifted life after all. Believe me when I say this, you'll get used to what your mum wants you to do and while she may be acting 'crazy' over something as important as your health, you'll both cool down and everything will be back to normal.

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