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Atheism, good or bad?



I've been meaning to post some blogs, and today I took a walk and I did some thinking. Usually I think about writing and the future but my thoughts wandered towards the religious side of things. Reason being is because I actually got into an after-class debate with my Algebra teacher. I was debating Evolution Vs Creation.


We lingered on that debate for a good thirty minutes after-school. Once it had been concluded there was no bad-blood between us, he's a really great person and a great teacher. I think I came out on the good side of things generally capable to detest his claims on various things.


This is an example of when a creationist can peacefully debate with someone such as myself. This doesn't commonly happen around where I live, militant-creationists are abroad. I will not consider myself the modern atheist definition I get unwilling branded with, I simply reject deities and the supernatural. In particular Pagan and Christian supernatural non-sense.


Back to the subject, as I was taking my walk thinking of religious matters I thought upon atheism. Is it destructive, does the goods outweigh the bad?




Atheism in the past was a somewhat good thing in politics in recent history (1800's). Reason being was as-long as they kept to 'freedom of religion' they wouldn't have any religious bias towards one form of religion. Now when it came to Communism vs Democracy, this is when the Atheist community got there label of being the bad-guys.


It usually comes down to the person to determine if they are smart or not. I have seen that the Atheist community particularly around where I live are more open to knowledge. They have more critical-thinking skills, and generally can hold more intelligent topics.


However, Atheism does cause some very heated arguments. Typically when the atheist says he hates god, to him god is some imaginary friend and not a real thing. Why hate an imaginary friend? Then it goes into the realm of ridiculousness with various claims from both sides. Each side treats each-other as-if they already know what each-others real beliefs are.


Both sides are very close-minded when it comes to opinions on one-another. Many Theists think atheists believe all science. I do not one-hundred percent believe evolution nor do I believe in the "Big Bang." I can only accept them as logical explanations, evolution makes more sense to me than The Big Bang. In the end it's just science, science is changing which is nice and the reason why I take none of it as fact unless it is without a doubt proven.


Many atheists believe Theists believe all there religious stuff. No generally all Theists believe in a loving and caring god that is not going to kill your family. Yes the concept of hell is bad, but more and more theists are becoming more intelligent in there beliefs. Religion changes just as science does, in one-hundred years the science we believe might be considered dumb and primitive.


My dad who is a Christian believes earlier Christians were very dumb. He also does not refute scientific claims and believes most of them.



In-conclusion, Atheism is just about as bad and at-times just about as stupid as Theism. We cling onto faulty proof just as Theists do. However, this is why humans are such awesome creatures. We can independently think and break off of the herd every once and a while to defend what we think, which is always nice. So I encourage both sides of the spectrum to not think so lowly of one-another like I use too.



If anyone wishes to suggest a topic PM me, or if you wish to discuss this topic you may also PM me.


- MxT

  • Brohoof 3


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It should be stated that no religion is going to be bad or good on its own; it is the methods in which one practices their religion that could offer some debate as to whether the deed was positive or negative.


A mature ("good") atheist would either keep their opinions to themselves or have light debates without ever attacking or offering any kind of offensive statements towards another persons with different thoughts. The same goes if we were to replace "atheist" with "christian" or other type of religious follower.


"Good" and "bad" are also both indefinite terms, so my point is basically invalid, on its own.

  • Brohoof 3
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You're viewing Atheism incorrectly. Atheism is not a single thing, it is simply the lack of belief in any religion, it does not have "members".


I never did say that once. I was generally viewing it from a persons view that thought that. Hence why I said that I do not like it when atheists are viewed as they believe science. It's a concept not a religion. 


It should be stated that no religion is going to be bad or good on its own; it is the methods in which one practices their religion that could offer some debate as to whether the deed was positive or negative.


A mature ("good") atheist would either keep their opinions to themselves or have light debates without ever attacking or offering any kind of offensive statements towards another persons with different thoughts. The same goes if we were to replace "atheist" with "christian" or other type of religious follower.


"Good" and "bad" are also both indefinite terms, so my point is basically invalid, on its own.


I agree 100 percent.

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My problem with this, is the fact that many of the religious people who seem to be abandoning certain parts of their belief are doing so to actually defend their beliefs. We bring up hell and how unbelievably absurd it is and now some are starting to back out of that part of the bible, even though it directly is in the bible, you know, the holy text that all of Christianity is based from.


With atheism, nothing changes. It is simple a lack of belief in any deity and that is it. Nothing really can change from that definition. Beyond that is science, which is constantly changing, but that is because we discover new things all the time, not because of some defensive tactic.


Not all theists do that of course, but many seem to just pick and choose which part of their beliefs are valid and which are just nonsense, even though technically they are supposed to follow the words of the entire bible as far as I know. That doesn't make much sense.


So no, I don't think atheism is just as bad if not worse than theism and this blog post does nothing to convince me otherwise.

  • Brohoof 1
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I am lutheran, i respect your beliefs atheism is not good or bad, i'ts just another view of life

all that concepts of hell are to ridiculous for me too and most things that church says are primitive to me.

Many people are atheists and are excellent people, religion is a very delicate thing so we better keeps our belief for ourselves amd we better be guided by common sense, i think that im following common sense

  • Brohoof 1
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