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There's always a Reason



Alright, this is pretty much been spurred on by my favourite Musical and this song, http://youtu.be/jZNqaAh6iLU

I'm probably going way too into this, and I may make it into a topic later on if I feel like it but I have to do this.


There's always a reason why there's a villain. In every story there is a conflict, it could be a mad scientist, it could be a tyrannical king, it could be an army ready to destroy the universe, it could anything, but there is always a villain, a conflict.

They are there for plot really, for where is the story for a hero to save the day if there is nothing to save it from?

But the thing is, for the longest time people only saw them as that, only saw them as the bad guy for the good guy to defeat. Recently in the last couple of years villains have been explored more, but still overall they are the bad guy and that's it.

People fail to see anything beyond that, I always saw more in them since I always relate to the bad guy better. But Dr.Horrible's Sing Along Blog is what spurred me to do this, I may be looking way too far into this but it shows so much and I cannot stop myself.

In the musical we follow the story of the bad guy, Dr. Horrible, a Mad scientist or inventor if you will. He looks like the typical mad scientist that you would see in stories, he has the goggles and the lab coat and the amazing gadgets.

But instead of us seeing his deeds we see his everyday life, him doing the laundry and meeting and chatting with other people, admittedly he doesn't talk with many people but he has a life beyond his dastardly deeds. And something else which is a drive in this musical, a love interest.

Penny is a very nice girl, she cares for the homeless and is a kind person in general, very ordinary but lovely girl. Dr. Horrible fell in love with this girl, he may be slightly stalker-ish in the fact that he makes sure that he's at the laundromat the same time as her. So that he can do his laundry and check on the girl of his dreams, and maybe even say hi and ask her out. In the musical it may seem a little dull and all that, but in reality this shows so much.

He's a guy, he has emotion. He has the girl of his dreams to strive for, and that maybe one day she will finally see who he really is and accept it, become his girl. It may seem like she may be a trophy as how I put this, but in all reality his trying to achieve all of his dreams and ambitions, and the girl is his biggest one.

Someone who holds his heart, his emotions, he knows that she is his significant other and he urges for the feeling of companionship and love. That is a basic human instinct, it proves that he is human and that he strives and lives in hope. He is human, not a blank force derived of only evil, he is human.

Already you can see this one villain in a different light, in two mediums he is being showed to not just be a bad guy. In the musical and what I just told you, this is all leading up to something so bear with me.


Already there we can see Dr.Horrible's ambitions, hopes, dreams, the way to his rise to power persay. But I must address another character, Captain Hammer.

He is the hero, the very typical hero indeed. Though the musical has portrayed him to be a slight dick people do in fact forget to realise that hero's are like this, they do this to those who are against them. They have no mercy, even if they have been portrayed to have it.

I like what they did with him, he is a character meant to be hated and I hate him, but I can see the underlying tones and the contrasts to other situations.

A hero's story is bland, is boring, it is the same thing over and over again, you add bits here and there but when you really see it you can see that every hero is the same. They all have the same story, yes sometimes different but all of it the same, being over used and being repeated over and over again.

Rise from ashes, become the hero, save the day.

Already the protector and hero, face opposing force, save the day.

Already hero, retired/not feeling as though worth it, has to face opposing force, face mental/physical ability, save the day, get better and accept being the hero.


Look at every hero you know, then see if you can compare them to one of those three. I can easily put the big guys in there like Superman and Batman, Twilight and everyone else I know, they fit in there somewhere. Whether it be mixed or matched or something, they are in there.

You can not do that with a villain, you can try and generalise things heaps but there are way too many versions for a villains plot line that you cannot list them so easily. They are shrouded in mystery, they could hold the world behind them and you would never know. They are the most developed and under developed character ever in my opinion, because you can do anything with them.


But back to Dr. Horrible since he started all of this.

From what I've already explained to the part of the musical I will go on. He has his own conflicts, several in fact. He has Bad horse, that is an ambition for him, to get into bad horse's league of super evil bad guys and become one of them. Another would be trying to be with Penny, to be with his significant other and love her and for her to love him back, to accept him as well if and when the time came. And Captain Hammer, Dr.Horrible's opposing force for him getting the other two things.

Captain Hammer stops him countless times from achieving his petty crimes and his bigger crimes also. Captain Hammer also takes Penny, after stopping one of Dr. Horrible's crimes he chances upon Penny and he then takes her heart persay. They go out, but of course CH is himself, superficial and the like. Only caring of getting into Penny's pants than actually loving her and enjoying their time together, and even goes ahead and be a jerk to Billy. Billy is Dr.Horrible, only in normal clothes and not trying to do anything bad, that's the human everyone.

Captain Hammer admits to only pretend to care for penny so that it would be good for his public image, so that he could 'bang' her and only doing the latter because Billy showed interest in her. You can see why he is meant to be hated, good writing and acting.

That is Dr.Horrible's start in his decline, his hope and ambition being taken away by his opposing force, but I'm only saying decline and not fall because he can get her back, there is a chance but it is a blow.

Around now I should mention something that will come in later, I am unsure if it's around now or earlier in the musical but after a failed attempt at a robbery or something similar he gets a letter from bad horse saying that a murder would be nice if he wanted to get into his league.


Now let's skip to near the end because from that part in the musical to this you can just enjoy and not think to much, its a very good musical so you should go see it. You can find the full thing on youtube, easy.

About where I'm talking about is at the song Slipping, all about how Dr.Horrible has frozen Captain hammer with a freeze ray and he's enjoying the moment by singing how no one can see how much of a dick he is. Very good song

But of course something does wrong and Captain hammer is unfrozen and punches Dr.Horrible, Which results in Captain Hammer being in the upper hand and intending on Killing Dr. Horrible with his own death ray. It backfires on him, after Dr.Horrible pleads him not to do it, and he goes flying backwards and things rattle and such.

Captain Hammer lives, though he acts strangely saying that he's in a lot of pain and then he walks out. Dr.Horrible is shocked but happy.

He did it, he defeated his opposing force. Surely his other desires will follow? Surely Bad horse will accept him in even though he didn't kill anyone, he defeated the town hero.

Then he finds penny, a piece a metal lodged into her stomach and she dies right in front of him. His significant other died because of his weapon going off, if she hadn't been there, or he had never come, he had never made that death ray then maybe she would have lived. But she didn't, and this is his downfall, this is where he stops.

He had hopes and dreams, that was his rise. Captain Hammer running away crying, that was his peak. And his heart dying, that is his fall, he stops there. An emotional progression, we see a life, we see a story there. His hopes and ambitions were what made him the bad guy, him trying to achieve something was what made him the villain in town.

I would suggest listening to the song again now, it would have finished by now so please do replay it.


His world, heart and emotions are gone. But that was his murder, he's in the league. By losing his biggest dream he gained his ambition, even while watching it light heartedly this is pretty big.

But now he doesn't have any feeling, so he says he's fine, he'll go on his merly old way. But he has fallen, he's just Dr.Horrible now, no Billy any more.

He is just a man for the league now, he's just the bed guy in town and he'll take what he can. He'll rule the world, but of course he doesn't have anything anymore. He's dead on the inside.

He ends the song and the entire musical with him saying that he won't feel a thing, he knows that he is gone and that he isn't coming back. His world is gone so now he's just going to take over the world.


This is a backstory, think of now the typical mad scientist in a movie or something, when the hero has to go save the day and stop the bad guy. That is the man you're seeing, that is the one that's lost everything and is taking something that could be is to fill the hole in his soul. There is the reason, it's a cycle.


There will always be a reason, there will always be a story behind them, there will always be something behind the facade they place on themselves.

Enjoy the musical, it's very good.

  • Brohoof 5


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I disagree. Stories do not need to have an antagonist or villain; it could just be a story about, say, conflict between friends or the search of a lost item.

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This is reason why I like Grand Theft auto. You play as the villain, committing crimes and such. In the earlier games, that's all you did, do bad stuff. But with the new release, you actually get to their life in a different way. Now, they may not have the same intentions as Dr. Horrible, they're just doing it for the money. But, I get what you are trying to say.

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I disagree. Stories do not need to have an antagonist or villain; it could just be a story about, say, conflict between friends or the search of a lost item.

Well then, in both of those situations of lost item or Conflict between friends there will still be an opposing force. I originally wrote this for the musical of Dr. Horrible's sing along blog but I then realised that the basics of it could be applied to any traditional conflict. 

In the friends case I would say that one must have the unpopular opinion or has done something to cause said rift, and the story would only mainly focus on one side mainly. Again when can have the rise, decline, and fall aspect in that story for the character who is in the bad light. Admittedly it'll be a very small and not in depth one and may just be a nice light story to read but the overall basics of it still pretty much applies. It's just way heaps easier to analyze proper antagonists. 

That could also be the same thing for the finding an Item thing, the analise could be partaken on the item or if there is one, an opposing force also trying to get said Item. If they're going all Indiana Jones on us then it would be very easy to analyze a precious jewel or totem and why it may want to be found. Or it's significance and backstory would be easily analyzed.

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Captain Hammer was a glorious man

look at his cheekbones




Anyways, while I don't fully agree with everything in this blog, it was certainly a good read. Maybe tables will turn in the second one and you'll have to think about how that changed there. XD

  • Brohoof 1
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I agree that all stories must have an antagonist, however, it may not be human. (Nature, self, my English teacher would be proud). Anyway, I like stories that don't have a clear right or wrong side. A victory for either side would have pros and cons, and a good story can portray them and make you really feel for both sides, not wanting either to get hurt but still having the knowledge of an inevitable collision and the downfall of one of them. They also are less predictable than the traditional hero story, where the good guy almost always wins. A victory at great loss is also interesting, as it can completely change the dynamic of a story.

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