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...You know, when I first joined this fandom, I thought it was going to be a haven from the ills of the "other world"; I thought it'd be a place where folks checked their petty hubris at the door, focused themselves on just being generally awesome people to one another, and didn't have to worry about popularity or favoritism weighing them down and marginalizing them the way it so often does on the outside. I thought it would be a place where everyone's opinions, as long as they were well-substantiated, carried equal weight.


How naive.


I'll be frank; I despise popularity. I loathe favoritism. You know that moment when you realize you have a lot to bring to the table, but someone who doesn't have nearly as much to offer gets idolized? That's all because people have a subjectively positive feeling towards them as a person - not because they really are, objectively speaking, exceptional at what they do - but because "Hey, this person's cool! Let's lend more credence to what this person has to say or do."


It shocks, baffles, angers and saddens me to my very core to know that even within the walls of what is, allegedly, one of the most tolerant fanbases out there, we still choke on these ugly characteristics of humankind, chewing them over and over like stale vomit, yet refusing to realize we are doing so.


Inevitably, I know that someone's going to chock what I'm saying up to "Oh, u just mad cuz u not popular around here." You know what, you're right about one thing: I'm not popular. I've never been popular. Ever, in my entire fucking life. When I wasn't a verbal punching bag for mean-spirited children in middle school, I was a goddamn ghost of a human being in high school. I never won. One at my level simply cannot hope to win when it is their “betters” who are dictating the rules.


But you know what the funny thing is? I was actually okay with being a literal nothing to anybody of note. The people I called my friends were those who were just as marginalized and forgotten about by society as I was. Equally written off as not worth anyone's time. They say misery loves company, and perhaps that's true…regardless, it helped me pull through.


My point is, being the person crushed by the boot of favoritism is verily dehumanizing. Beyond making you feel as though you are neither seen nor heard by the rest of the world, it makes you doubt your own friends, even those you know would move heaven and earth for you. Definitely not healthy for any party involved, I must say. When I joined this fandom, I was hoping not to have to resort to finding solace in those who were just as downtrodden. I was hoping that everyone here was humbled enough by his or her own life experiences not to think it would be a good idea to hold the same immature pissing contests that you see in literally every other aspect of life.


Did I hope in vain? It certainly is starting to seem that way.


It wouldn’t surprise me to later learn that I am typing this very post in vain. Regardless, I’m pretty much done. Done supporting these pissing contests, for each time I do, I’m only prolonging and promoting this rather ugly facet of our fandom...no, humanity in general. Henceforth, I think I’m just heading back to my old ways, which is to say, not giving a single fuck about the people who concern themselves with being favored, instead focusing my affections towards the friends whom I know give an equally nil amount of fucks.


That's all I have to say about that, really. This isn't an "I'm leaving the forums/fandom" post. Simply an "I'm leaving you dillweeds who care about nothing but reveling in this circle jerk behavior to choke on your own vomitus" post. And to those who aspire to be like one of these people, have fun "Becoming Popular". You're gonna need it.


If you took the time to read this in its entirety, thanks and peace be with you.




To clear things up for those who completely missed the point, this is not a mindless, hate-filled rant directed at people who just happen to be popular. There are plenty of popular people in the world who are so simply because they happen to have genuinely great personalities. It is only natural that their magnetic personalities cause people to flock to them, and for that, I bear them no ire.


Specifically - and this IS a reiteration, stated multiple times within my OP, for those who conveniently glossed over it - my ire is directed towards three types of people:


-People who want to be popular/favored more than anything else, and will tread on anyone in order to achieve that


-People who revel in their already-existing popularity/favoritism and use it to their advantage wherever possible


-People who endorse the behavior of these sociopaths by clinging on their every word, brown-nosing them at every turn


But much more than expressing distaste for these people, this blog was chiefly intended to raise awareness of the discouraging effects of favoritism on people who just. Want. Their. Fucking. Voice. Heard. I KNOW half of you reading this have been guilty, at some point, of browsing through threads, totally skipping over the posts of anyone who ranks as a Parasprite or lower, until you find someone well-known to see what they have to say...and then, of course, brohoofing their post out of sheer habit.


It's this very reason why I believe some new members join up, hang around for no more than a week, and then disappear forever. Who the hell wants to be involved in a community that automatically assumes "the n00bs ain't got shit to say worth noting"? Nobody, that's who.

  • Brohoof 6


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Welcome to the internet. Everything is a popularity contest. When you have brohoofs, profile views counters, etc, people are bound to turn it into a contest. Those who post the most or have been around the longest are always on top.


Also I'm curious, can you cite some specific examples?

  • Brohoof 1
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'Fraid how it's always gonna be. Whether it's a fandom about friendship and magic or a fandom about shooting people with AK-857 lasers, it's always going to have humanity's characteristics rear its ugly head somewhere, "most tolerant" or not.


MLPforums is most definitely a friendlier fandom than most. There's hardly any place else where'd people would be willing to help get over your suicidal thoughts or have decent, reasonable discussions about topics just about anyone could start up. 



I was hoping that everyone here was humbled enough by his or her own life experiences not to think it would be a good idea to hold the same immature pissing contests that you see in literally every other aspect of life.

Then of course you're going to hope in vain. Expecting absolutely everyone to be completely perfect the way you want them to be is a foolish thought. We're sometimes – okay, mostly jackasses, but that's why there would be an equal about of good qualities of people to balance those out. 


I'm also curious. Some people would be willing to help you if you tell them what's wrong, because at the moment I'm receiving a "I hate these people only because they're popular" vibe from you.

  • Brohoof 1
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I read every word, Thrash. I know you're being a bit vague as to who these people are and what they did, but I I'm going to assume this is in response to certain popular members who frankly, act like jerks. Unfortunately, this is just how it's going to be no matter where you go. Best thing to do is avoid these cliques like the plague and find people who are worthwhile friends. Popularity is overrated anyway.

  • Brohoof 2
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Welcome to the internet.


Never said I wasn’t naïve. ;)


Anyway, I’m not here to point fingers, so I won’t be doing anyone the discourtesy of “outing” them. Not that I really need to do so; anyone with eyes can see instances of favoritism pop up everywhere.


'Fraid how it's always gonna be. Whether it's a fandom about friendship and magic or a fandom about shooting people with AK-857 lasers, it's always going to have humanity's characteristics rear its ugly head somewhere, "most tolerant" or not.


MLPforums is most definitely a friendlier fandom than most. There's hardly any place else where'd people would be willing to help get over your suicidal thoughts or have decent, reasonable discussions about topics just about anyone could start up. 

Then of course you're going to hope in vain. Expecting absolutely everyone to be completely perfect the way you want them to be is a foolish thought. We're sometimes – okay, mostly jackasses, but that's why there would be an equal about of good qualities of people to balance those out. 


I'm also curious. Some people would be willing to help you if you tell them what's wrong, because at the moment I'm receiving a "I hate these people only because they're popular" vibe from you.


Here's the post of someone who's completely and utterly missed the point.


First off, I'd appreciate it if you didn't preach that "it is the way it is" mumbo jumbo at me. Just because something is a certain way does not necessitate that I have to like it, nor does it mean that it is above criticism.


Second, what expectations are you speaking of? The expectations that people generally conduct themselves...decently? By not behaving in a despicably exclusionary manner towards anyone who doesn't quite meet their standards? I'm sorry...dunno what I was thinking. Clearly that's an unreasonable mode of thought. How could I have been so blind as to deny that those who do disrespect others in such a way deserve every bit as much of my respect as I would give any decent human being? Mea culpa.


Third, "I hate these people only because they're popular"? That was stated? Could've sworn I said something closer to "I will not bother trying to live up to these people's unreasonable standards and will spend more of my time directing my good will towards the people who matter to me", but you know, I could just be wrong.

  • Brohoof 2
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The ignorance of the world astounded me back then before MLP, now it astounds me even more actually.I used to get bullied in school as well. Would I go back and be popular? Nope. As my teachers (not school teachers) once taught me, you might someday find that when you look back at that terrible thing that happened to you, it might also be one the best things that happened to you. Because it increases your knowledge and awareness later in life.


Edit: I think I came out fine.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm not quite sure what you're talking about. What are these "pissing contests" you speak of?

Ummmmm....I hope I'm not any of the cause of this :\


Like I said above, no fingers shall be pointed here, period. The point of this blog wasn't to shame anyone who just so happens to benefit from favoritism, but rather how favoritism itself necessarily shoves everyone who isn't popular to the sidelines and essentially silences them. I realize it's going to happen regardless of my idealistic viewpoints, and I have no place to publicly shame anyone for it.


Doesn't mean I have to like it, much less participate in it. If I had any semblance of popularity before making this blog post, then I hope I've managed to knock myself down a few pegs in some people's eyes by revealing my true thoughts. After seeing what popularity does to some people, I don't ever want to go down that road. :\

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You sound so much like I did in high school in this post that it is like a thousand memories all flooded in my head at once. Yes you are going to have people who are popular for the wrong reasons and you will have people that will try to suck up to get validation but you know what, fuck them. I have decided a long time ago not to let these people upset me and you shouldn't either. So there are some shallow vain jackasses in this fandom, no fandom no matter how good is going to be completely free of them but the MLP fandom has far less of that than any other fandom I have been in.


I am going to enjoy the show and enjoy the positive aspects of this fandom and let the people who want a circle jerk to let them have it, We have no control over what these people do but do have control over how we deal with it, being an individual a real individual can be hard at times I know but I would rather be a real genuine person than some sycophantic zombie brown noser. You are one of the most real and genuine people on here and it is why you are one of the people here I respect the most. So don't let any of this get you down and stop being awesome.

  • Brohoof 2
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You sound so much like I did in high school in this post that it is like a thousand memories all flooded in my head at once. Yes you are going to have people who are popular for the wrong reasons and you will have people that will try to suck up to get validation but you know what, fuck them. I have decided a long time ago not to let these people upset me and you shouldn't either. So there are some shallow vain jackasses in this fandom, no fandom no matter how good is going to be completely free of them but the MLP fandom has far less of that than any other fandom I have been in.


I am going to enjoy the show and enjoy the positive aspects of this fandom and let the people who want a circle jerk to let them have it, We have no control over what these people do but do have control over how we deal with it, being an individual a real individual can be hard at times I know but I would rather be a real genuine person than some sycophantic zombie brown noser. You are one of the most real and genuine people on here and it is why you are one of the people here I respect the most. So don't let any of this get you down and stop being awesome.


You raise a very good point, there. It certainly does seem true that those who seek popularity above all else essentially end up sacrificing their individuality in order to become something they're not; something the bullshit "cliques" can accept. People can say what they will about me and my convictions, but at the end of the day, at least I have conviction. At least I'm not selling my soul, trying to retool my very personality in order to jam a round peg into a square hole. Fuck that noise.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm not quite sure what you're talking about. What are these "pissing contests" you speak of?


I'm not quite sure what you're talking about. What are these "pissing contests" you speak of?


Like I said above, no fingers shall be pointed here, period. The point of this blog wasn't to shame anyone who just so happens to benefit from favoritism, but rather how favoritism itself necessarily shoves everyone who isn't popular to the sidelines and essentially silences them. I realize it's going to happen regardless of my idealistic viewpoints, and I have no place to publicly shame anyone for it.


That's his way of saying "Yes, you're one of the people I'm referring to but I'm just gonna say it subliminally instead". Personally, I would rather be told directly if someone has a problem with me.


And seriously, what you're talking about is human nature. Those who are more popular are going to get more recognition especially when there's an approval system like brohoofs. If Justin Bieber makes a statement, and you make the same statement, his is going to get more noticed simply because he is more popular. More people know about him, therefor what he says will get more recognized.


I understand your point. I can be a pretty jealous person, and it can be irking to see someone get more recognition and approval for a lower effort post. But I try to understand that the only reason is because they've made a name for themselves. They (most likely) earned their "spot" in the community.


As Clarity said, this is one of the most helpful, kind, and supportive forum communities I've ever been on so far on the internet.


And again, your point seems heavily exaggerated. Who is "treading over" others to get popular on these forums? Who is "selling their soul"? I don't really see that happening to the extent that you make it out to be. 

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That's his way of saying "Yes, you're one of the people I'm referring to but I'm just gonna say it subliminally instead". Personally, I would rather be told directly if someone has a problem with me.


Actually, it meant exactly what it said - "I have absolutely zero right to publicly shame anyone." And you, neighbor, have absolutely zero right to make any assumptions to the contrary on my behalf.


And seriously, what you're talking about is human nature. Those who are more popular are going to get more recognition especially when there's an approval system like brohoofs. If Justin Bieber makes a statement, and you make the same statement, his is going to get more noticed simply because he is more popular. More people know about him, therefor what he says will get more recognized.


I'll reiterate: Just because it's human nature doesn't mean I have to like it. Violence is within human nature. Greed is within human nature. Stupidity is within human nature. Beginning to see a theme, here? These qualities may be part of human nature, but they're not good facets of human nature. And I'll reiterate again, I never said I wasn't naive in my claim that people should actively work to transcend the more negative aspects of mankind. I'm totally naive in that regard. But perhaps I'm just what one would call an "optimist"...fuckin' silly, innit?


I understand your point. I can be a pretty jealous person[...]


I'ma have to cut you off right there, because apparently you don't understand. If you had a set of eyeballs in that head of yours, you'd have seen, both in the OP and in some of my comments, that I have no desire for popularity, and in fact have been dealing with being borderline ignored by society for...well, basically my entire life. Kind of used to it by now, in case that hasn't sunk in yet. My gripe is with the people who take advantage of their popularity/favoritism/whatever you want to call it, and the way it effectively shuts up anything anyone else has to say.


Let's take you, for example. Squirrel, hardly any more brohoofs than your post count, only been here since November. By your and Clarity's "it's human nature, get over it" logic, I - a dragon, far more brohoofs and posts, been here longer, am more "popular" - am well within my rights just to ignore everything you're saying here because, hey, what the fuck do YOU matter? YOU haven't made a name for yourself, ergo, nothing you say carries any weight.


...Beginning to see the problem in that logic yet? I do. Clearly. That's why I made this blog post. That's why I've actually bothered to respond to every comment that's been made on it so far, including yours.


As Clarity said, this is one of the most helpful, kind, and supportive forum communities I've ever been on so far on the internet.


And again, your point seems heavily exaggerated. Who is "treading over" others to get popular on these forums? Who is "selling their soul"? I don't really see that happening to the extent that you make it out to be. 


I never said these forums weren't one of the most kind and supportive communities out there. They truly are. But just because you don't personally see what I'm talking about going on, or don't think it's a problem, doesn't mean that it's not going on or that it isn't a problem. You're arguing ad ignorantium, here - "Oh, I don't see what you're talking about, therefore you must be full of it."


Like I've made note of before, this is not a behavior that's unique to this fandom. As you say, it's human nature. However, in an environment such as this, where the 'creed' of "love and tolerate" has given us a community that is far more accepting (or at least tolerant) of gay/bi/transgendered/autistic/[insert misunderstood group here] individuals than any other community you're likely to find, I don't think it's really asking too much to check other negative human behaviors at the door. We've, by and large, checked our bigotry at the door. All I'm asking is for people to open their eyes and see that favoritism realistically nets you jack-point-shit in an online community, and in fact nets you less than that when your popularity necessarily comes at the expense of the 'n00bs' who just might have something relevant to contribute to this community, but simply can't because, well, who the hell is listening to them?

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