King Sombra
262 -
Last visited
Crystal Pony -
Species (Other)
Umbrum -
Unknown (within the range of 1000-1500 years) -
Male -
Crystal Empire -
Crystal Empire -
Tyrannical King -
Character Images
Cutie Mark Image
Physical Description
In his true form, King Sombra is a demonic unicorn with a gray coat, red eyes with dragon-slits, a flowing black mane and tail, a red curved horn and sharp teeth. His attire consists of metal armor, a red royal mantle and a grey helm with two curved spikes on each side, a tiny cylinder on the front between two red spikes and three black parts that cover his muzzle and sides of his face. By Season 9, the grey lines on the muzzle part of the helm are gone.
At some points, his irises become green with purple smoke coming out, and when forcing anypony to see their worst fears, his eyes turn completely green with the pupils disappearing for a moment.
Sombra is found as a colt in the wasteland of the arctic north and brought to a Crystal Empire orphanage. He could only speak one word - "Sombra" - so it became his name. During his time at the orphanage, Sombra was teased by other foals, but he made a close friend named Radiant Hope. Every year during the Crystal Faire, Sombra suffers severe aches. In one particularly painful year, his unicorn body would have crumbled to pieces if not for Radiant Hope's healing magic.
When he runs off into the frozen wastes one day, Sombra finds a strange red crystal. Calling itself his mother, the crystal reveals to Sombra his true nature: he is actually a hybrid between a Crystal Pony and another race called an "umbrum," created to destroy the Crystal Heart and set free the umbrum army trapped below the Crystal Empire, and then rule over both races. With this knowledge, he became a prominent Scientist, seeking to understand his biology and magic but upon being exposed again to the magic of the Umbrum - his true power and destiny is awakened.
With his dormant powers awakened, Sombra embraces his destiny; he steals the Crystal Heart away, turns the empire's ruler Princess Amore into a crystal statue, and shatters the statue to pieces. When Radiant Hope informs Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, Sombra realizes his defeat is imminent, so he enacts a curse that makes the Crystal Empire vanish.
His second attempt to take over the Empire fails, and his original physical body is destroyed - but his horn allows him to regenerate over months, after being blasted back into the wasteland that surrounds the Crystal Empire. Now that he has returned a third time, he is out for greater plans with a greater mind.
In his first appearance within the Crystal Empire he was formerly a nervous, yet curious colt who ended up becoming one of the prominent Scientists of the Empire, upon being exposed to the Umbrum's influence, he realized his true purpose was to conquer the Crystal Ponies and rule over both races as he learned of his hybrid nature between the two.
In his second appearance in the Crystal Empire, he presented himself as a dark and looming menace. He has very few speaking lines, some of them are partially incoherent, and is a very mysterious character, whose backstory is limited to the fact that he enslaved the crystal ponies.However, he is shown to be extremely cruel, fierce, brutal, sadistic, heartless, destructive, merciless, wicked, tyrannical, manipulative, and power-hungry, viewing crystal ponies as nothing more than his slaves, using fear on them and other characters, and licking his lips as the prospect of possibly killing Spike.
In his third appearance he becomes even more calculated and learns from his previous mistakes - with intentions to conquer all of Equestria and completely overthrow the two Sisters and seeks to take their power for himself. Unlike previous times where he wanted only the Crystal Empire. What he seeks to do this time is to become the ruler of the Crystal Empire, and completely conquer Equestria under the Crystal Empire's rule.
He is extremely vengeful for his previous defeats and seeks to capture the two sisters for himself, as well as the elements of harmony, and siphon their power into his own. To learn all they know, and finally destroy them like the garbage he thinks they are after they served his purposes.
Conquest, domination, destruction, ruling over others, slavery, knowledge, power, might, spreading fear -
Being defeated -
Magic Spells
Extreme knowledge of dark magic -
Shadow shifting and Umbrum Psychology / biology -
None -
Celestia, Luna, Mane 6, Spike, Cadence, Shining Armor
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