
Glory Feather
35 -
Last visited
Nightmare Saturn
Other -
Species (Other)
Angel Pony -
19 -
female -
Clouds -
Springfield -
Cloud bucking -
Character Images
Physical Description
Glory Feather is described as a baby blue pony with wings, the tips of which are purple, her mane is cotton candy pink, purple, and sky blue. her eyes are pink with purple speckles. she has freckles above her snoot. she also has fetlocks which are the same colors as her mane and tail. Her cutie mark is a cross.
How did Glory become the angel she is now? Well, it all happened with an accident, Cloud Crash and Glory were having a flying contest, Cloud didn't see where she was flying, because she was too caught up with how amazing the race felt. So she accidentally knocked Glory down and into a cloud, breaking her wings. Later, Glory is upset, so she decides to take out her sadness by jumping up and down on a cloud, but she slipped and fell to her death. Willow Wisp, a purple unicorn mare, and friend of Glory, tried to speak to the ghosts of Everfree Forest to reunite Glory's soul with her body. She soon left, thinking this was a silly thing to do. But Glory soon arises, scaring the daylights out of a stallion grave attendant.
She flaps her wings, realizing she got better, but how? She returns to Ponyville, she walks past a mirror shop and sees the glowing halo. She trots home, realizing that other ponies think she's still dead, she gathers up her stuff. While doing so, a book on angels (conveniently) falls off a shelf. She picks it up and learns that she is an angel specifically, she decides to become a guardian angel to her friend, Pixel. They set out on an adventure together!
Zen, calm, friendly
Meditation, Keeping her friends calm, flowers -
Any situation that can put her friends/herself in danger -
Magic Spells
none -
flying -
Particularly finds friendship with Sienna Cinnamon and Pixel -
Other Characters by this Player
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