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A Chaotic Mystery - A Mystery RP


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With permission from the mayor of the city, Pinkie Pie is throwing a get-together party for all ponies and creatures alike at the Ponyville! Just when things are about to go accordingly as planned, everyone at the party begins to act strange. Ponies and creatures started to tell jokes nonstop and laugh at almost everything even when things aren’t even funny! Some even go far by pranking  each other.  While Pinkie pie loves a good prank and laughs this has gotten a bit out of hooves. With the help of two fellow ponies on her side; Vibrant and Star Silk, the three must put in their thinking cap and figure out this strange phenomenon. Detective Pinkie is on the case and she needs you to help her find out what caused these ponies/creatures to act funny and who’s behind it!

This is an open RP- every member is welcome to join and participate in it. Members are also welcome to interact with one another according to the story. Be sure to always @mention a user if you wish to interact with the user. 

  1. RP will be expected to be openly large, don't hesitate to bring members into the conversation if you see someone is being left behind or have no one to interact with. We want everyone to have a fair chance to feel connected with the story and a chance to  interact with members and their OCs!
  2. Be respectful to each other, any unacceptable behavior from a member will be removed from the RP immediately. 
  3. Inform me or @TBD if any unacceptable behavior is noticed or if there is something that needs to be said in private relating to interpersonal conflict in the RP or something of that sort. We will try to find quick resolutions for it. 
  4. No characters that are not from MLP will be allowed in this roleplay. We want to keep it to MLP related characters only, for the sake of simplicity. 
  5. Please post images of your character and give basic background information about your character, then me or @TBD will approve them, from then on you are free to use your character in the RP!

RP starts as soon as there is a group of players! Bring a friend, let's have a good time!

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  • The title was changed to A Chaotic Mystery - A Mystery RP
8 hours ago, Bart Cheval said:

Bart saunters in. "What did I miss? What's so funny?"

Silky blinks once as she turns around and see the curious pony step in. "F-funny?" She blinked once, confused. A soft giggle escaping her out of awkwardness but it came off as ironic. "Nothing is funny." She'd tilt her head to the side curiously as if trying to understand. "Goodness... I have no idea what Magloria @Props Valroa has planned or why we were all invited to arrive here but I'm sure it's going to be something quite... " she'd wince and shift her eyes away "interesting."

After an awkward pause, she'd catch herself. "Oh!" Looking back up to meet his gaze. "I'm Silky, by the way." Extending a hoof politely. 

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@Brony Number 42 @Ati-KISS

Magloria walks into the room from behind the curtains, she looks to the two ponies with a discordant smile - grinning ear from ear as she walks in. She is pushing a cart with many muffins and cakes, and lays them out on the table for all to enjoy. "Hello!" she says to Bart, and then looks to Star Silk, "And hello, my beautiful, pink daughter!" 

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As Silky was speaking to @Brony Number 42, hoof extended, she could not believe her eyes. She stared over at Magloria in sheer surprise. "Muffins? Cakes? Beautiful pink -- what?!" Silky lofted a brow in suspicion. What was going on here?

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Vibrant Grove would step inside, wondering what was the gathering about. He quickly perked up seeing @Ati-KISS Star Silk. He also noticed a new pony @Brony Number 42, wondering who may that be! 

"Silky, darling, hello!"He said as he squished her, happy to see such a company on this gathering. Then he approached the new pony and extended his hoof "good to see You! My name's Vibrant Grove! Who are You?" He smiled with a welcoming expression. 

He also noticed @Props ValroaMagloria being unusually... perky and happy. He got a bit suspicious of that behaviour, but hesitantly he said to her "hello, Magloria... what makes You so happy today?" 

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Silky would take comfort in the company of Vibrant, happy to see she was not seeing things in how oddly Magloria was behaving. Also, who was the new stallion. She looked oddly curious.

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@GaryCus the Adequate @Ati-KISS

Magloria chuckled, before she'd suddenly dash a bit closer and give Star Silk a sudden squish, then a hug. She would bring out a pink bow and put it into Star Silk's mane. "I'm in a good mood, I guess you could say! Hehe!" Magloria chuckled, and gave Star Silk some happy pats. Magloria would take a step back, before a pair of translucent blue wings would appear on her back, she'd flare them like an elegant dove, dashing a fond look to the two ponies.

"A realllyyyyyyyy good mood!" she said, then yawned slightly, before she put a muffin in her mouth and started to eat. 

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Moments ago, Magloria said:

@GaryCus the Adequate @Ati-KISS

Magloria chuckled, before she'd suddenly dash a bit closer and give Star Silk a sudden squish, then a hug. She would bring out a pink bow and put it into Star Silk's mane. "I'm in a good mood, I guess you could see! Hehe!" Magloria chuckled, and gave Star Silk some happy pats. Magloria would take a step back, before a pair of translucent blue wings would appear on her back, she'd flare them like an elegant dove, dashing a fond look to the two ponies.

"A realllyyyyyyyy good mood!" she said, then yawned slightly, before she put a muffin in her mouth and started to eat. 

Silky couldn't help but make the only correlation between the two. Looking from @Props Valroa Magloria to @Brony Number 42 Bart Cheval. "Hmmm... did you two find love or something? Is there something you're trying to tell me?" She'd look at the muffins and cakes completely perplexed. "What's going on exactly?" :blink:

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Vibrant would continously get more suspicious. He has never seen @Props Valroa Magloria like this. "What is going on?" he thought. "Well, I am very happy to see You so... happy? I wonder what happened?"

He would look at @Ati-KISS Silky and whisper to her "what is going on with her? I didn't imagine her even being capable of smiling before" 

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@Ati-KISS @GaryCus the Adequate 

Magloria levitates and turns upside down, her snoot almost touching Vibrant. "I just decided I was in a happy mood today, you are more than welcome to have some of my DELICIOUS and TRUSTWORTHY cakes!" Magloria giggled, and would float over to one of the cakes to take a bite to show it was safe. 

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Vibrant would also take a look at the muffins... they seem to have been very well made, clearly Magloria has either hired some talented pony to prepare them or has talent for baking muffins herself. He would also take a bite from a muffin finding the flavor to be quite remarkable. "Oh wow, they're amazing!"

He would look at @Ati-KISS"now that would be truly a surprise... but maybe You're right?" 

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@GaryCus the Adequate @Ati-KISS

Magloria giggled and dropped back to the floor. She gave Vibrant another happy pat and put a blue bow on his head. "Oh, if Frrrrrrostbite was here, I'd totally be down!" she giggled and strided over to a door and opened it. Out hopped a white rabbit, and it walked out, Magloria would take it gently into her hooves. "I'd like you to meet Sir Squiggles here! He says hi!" the rabbit would give them a distinct scowl before turning away. "He's a very grumpy rabbit, maybe you can cheer him up!?" Magloria would ask.

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Silverspark:arrived as she kind of look different one her horn is turned into a candycane her hoodie turned into a dress she cannot  walk in and a crown that is too big  for her eyes trying to pull it off but couldn't  and her wings were too big for her body "ah help "she said running onto walls and trees running into other ponies 


Edited by Silverspark184
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4 hours ago, Star Silk said:

@Props Valroa Magloria to @Brony Number 42 Bart Cheval. "Hmmm... did you two find love or something?

Bart laughs. "My dear, I find love everywhere." He takes a short bow. "But, no, not in this specific case. I heard laughter, and where there is laughter, love, or adventure, I am there."

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Silky blinked once as she looked down at Silverspark in complete confusion. "Oh!" She'd then look over to Bart, "Well, it's lovely to meet you .. but why is everyone and everything being so peculiar? Is this some kind of joke?"

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2 minutes ago, Star Silk said:

Silky blinked once as she looked down at Silverspark in complete confusion. "Oh!" She'd then look over to Bart, "Well, it's lovely to meet you .. but why is everyone and everything being so peculiar? Is this some kind of joke?"

Silverspark:for a long time does her pranks she already had a fun prank idea but most of it back fired on her though this morning she start her first prank just a practice on Silky she brought in baby bunnies into her room and full of grass and the bed was made of moss  "Silky I hear your voice tell me I in the right direction "she said as she walked she tripped over her large wing and the large dress snagged on things "who ever did this me is in for it "she said as the candy cane horn is now a traffic cone saying danger on it

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Hello everypony!!! 

oh my gosh oh my gosh *sqeeeeee*! How’s everypony doing on this fine day!? No need to introduce yourself here, since as a party host yours truly, Pinkie Pie, it’s my job to know everypony and creature’s names!! I’m so excited that I almost forgot to breathe! (Hold off the CPR)

oooooh is that homemade muffins??? *staring hungrily at Magloria’s for pastry*

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ooc: Hello. I know I'm new here, but this rp looks like so much fun! Might I join in as my pegasus oc, Nook Cranny? Do I post my character info here or do I pm the thread starter with said info? Sorry for all the questions. I'm still trying to figure out how this forum works.


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Moments ago, Nook Cranny said:

ooc: Hello. I know I'm new here, but this rp looks like so much fun! Might I join in as my pegasus oc, Nook Cranny? Do I post my character info here or do I pm the thread starter with said info? Sorry for all the questions. I'm still trying to figure out how this forum works.


OOC: Go ahead and join, all are welcome!

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ooc: Okay, thank you! I'm not much of an artist, but I did use pony creator, so you can at least see what her colors are. Hcavbby.jpg



Nook Cranny was on her way to pick up a once lost guitar pick for an earth pony musician from her lost and found shop in Ponyville when she spied what appeared to be a large gathering of ponies standing around laughing and eating muffins beneath her. Normally, due to how dedicated she is to her work she would have passed them by and continued on her way, but something compelled her to drop by as it were and join in on the festivities. After a smooth landing she pushed up her purple flight goggles and smiling made her way over to the group. She recognized the famous bright pink party planner pony right away! And why wouldn't she? Pinkie Pie knew pretty much everypony. Heck, she probably even knew her even though prior to this rather sudden meeting they never really spoke before. Nook Cranny couldn't help, but go into fangirl mode over this occasion. 'Oh wow I cannot believe this! I am actually at one of Pinkie Pie's parties! How lucky am I? Just keep it cool, Nook and maybe she and nopony else will notice how nervous you are! Cool it... That's it Nookie!'


In an attempt to look cool, Nook casually leaned herself against the muffin cart. "Hey, there Pinkie! What's up?" she asked in a thick Haystralian accent with a forced smile while sweating nervously. 'What's up? Seriously Nook, that was the best you could come up with? Why don't you just trip over your own wings while you're at it?' she mentally scolded herself. As she did so she found herself putting too much weight against the cart only to fall over spilling the remaining muffins all over her.

Embarrassed, Nook Cranny did her best to duck down and hide behind the cart. Maybe if she was lucky nopony would even notice her due to being too busy talking to one another. Oh who was she kidding? Of course they saw! How could they not? 'Why just why?' she thought. 'And all in front of one of the saviors of Equestria too! How embarrassing! How could this day possibly get any worse? No! Stop saying that! You'll only jinx yourself,' she mentally scolded, worried that her own thoughts might just make her situation even worse. 'So much for making a good first impression,' she thought sadly.


Edited by Nook Cranny
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