Vibrant Grove
Everfree Roleplay-
53 -
Last visited
Sir Hugsalot
About Vibrant Grove
The Musical Wanderer
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Colt -
Ponyville -
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Vibrant would continue rushing after her, doing his best to catch up. He still found his hooves moving rather erratically, adjusted to obstacle course that favored dodging and jumping instead of simple trot forward. He was picking up the pace albeit slowly. That's when he noticed her stopping and suddenly going in for a hug, which he, without hesitation accepted and returned.
"So, darling, ready to win this race?" He smiled. We can't let those rascals best us!
"Says our darling friend c: Do not think this will allow you to win though! We are still winning this!" He grinned with challenge on his face
Total: 226
"Oh, a challenge, huh?" Vibrant responded to @Ice Princess Silky <3 "Don't think I will go easy on you, darling!"
He rushed after her down the left path, to the obstacle course, ready to take on the challenge and handle his weakness - agility. He found himself surprised by the fact that, while he still had to put much effort into his hoofwork, finding himself trapped and knocked over numerous times, he managed to get out of it relatively unscathed.
As he finally dragged himself out from all the contraptions designed almost perfectly to slow him down he saw that the lovely pink mare was already ahead. She actually did beat him. So without further ado he rushed forward to catch up with her, while still feeling dizzy from all the jumping and dodging he just had to do.
Obstacle course roll:
Regular roll after the obstacle, no penalty applied
TOTAL: 212
Vibrant would rush forward and after some quick thinking he'd take the path towards obstacle course and shyly wave at @Ice Princess Silky <3 to follow him that way.
Total: 187
Vibrant would keep rushing forward, doing all in his power to finally catch up with those ahead of him. He still saw others, particularly @Shiny Silvermoon and @Felis Amafeles, but due to his recent exhaustion he really needs to put some effort in his trot.
Total: 155+16 = 171
OOC: Catching up on missed days, courtesy of work taking up all my time D:
Vibrant would continue his decisive race, doing what he can to at least keep up with @Ice Princess Silky <3. The sudden erratic behavior of sun and moon caught him off guard, but when Vibrant is fixed on a specific goal few things can distract him.
Total: 155
Vibrant would keep trying to keep up the pace but for now it feels like he's still gaining his strength back. So for now he is merely trying to keep up with @Ice Princess Silky <3 who did manage to get in front of him. "You won't stay in the front forever, darling!" he said, challenging her
Total: 92
Vibrant would release quite a gasp itself as his feast was interrupted. That's when he's struck with sudden realization.
He would grab @Ice Princess Silky <3by the hoof and pull her with him, completely forgetting that they're supposed to compete with each other for a moment. He still felt the cake batter all over his coat, slowing him down a bit
Total score: 88
What?! Someone else win?! FULL AHEAD, NO STOP!
Vibrant would find himself able to speak as his fatigue was still immense, but he managed to respond, albeit rather quietly
"Thank you, Shiny! I really hope she is, but I wish this was a break... I think I pushed myself a bit too hard. I will not let her win easily though, no matter how much I love her" he winked with a cheeky, competitive smile
He would notice Silky getting closer and closer to him and blush softly against himself at the prospect of close company of the pink pegasus. He was trying to pick up a pace still, but with poor results as his hooves definitely need a bit of a rest
"I love you, but don't think you'll beat me so easily, darling, this is a mere silence before the storm" He smiled at her softly, but also showing a hint of competitiveness, definitely fixed on making sure that even if she wins, it will be no easy victory. She wouldn't like such victory anyway, always appreciating the challenge
Total steps: 70
(fun fact: I also rolled 12 today :3)
Vibrant continues to trot as fast as he can. However, what he noticed is that @Ice Princess Silky <3 is picking up the pace, managing to continue at the same speed as he does. "Now the challenge begins" he whispered to himself, smiling, knowing that his darling still apparently has plenty tricks at the ready to become a challenging opponet.
Total steps: 63
Vibrant Grove would resume his steady trot. He noticed @Shiny Silvermoon doing spellcasting shenanigans, fortunately she already had another pony to catch in the spell - @Wizard. Using that opportunity he further picked up his pace, both to use the distraction Shiny Silvermoon caused and to avoid being the next pony targetted by her magic. He'd also look behind to see if @Ice Princess Silky <3 is still behind him and would notice @Rethajnikeeping quite close distance as well.
Total score: 1+19+13+18 = 51
Topics I Participated In
The Running of the Leaves (2024) Race Event!
Started by Dynamo Pad ·
As your OC arrives at the gathering spot, they can see the starting line, a hot air balloon, empty seats to sit in the crowd, as well as other ponies gathering to either watch or participate.
There are serval things that you can do in this situation.
They are able to:
Interact with other participants taking part in the race.
Head on over to Dynamo Pad, who's standing near a desk full of numbers to hand out to the participants.
Do something else.
It's completely up to your OC on what you'd like to do, before the race begins. Once everyone has their numbers, everyone can line up at the starting line for the race to begin.
Good luck and have fun, everypony!
OOC: Don't forget that posts in this thread should be in character (IC) to help build a storyline. A prompt shall appear shortly.
OOC: If you wish to sign up for the race event, be sure to post your response and interest in the Sign Up Thread:
@Silly Druid @Usual Crypty @TheRockASaurus Rex @Lawyer Slip @Yourlocalpegasister @Azure Dawn @Silverspark184 @GeneralDirection @DecemberBreeze @ComanderZhabikKlavik @Shiny Silvermoon @Igloostellar Snow @Lucky Fire @Ice Princess Silky <3 @Rikifive @Tao @Felis Amafeles @Princess Moonlove @Nitobit @Astralshy @Rethajni @Sir Hugsalot
As you all make your way towards the location of the race for this years, Running of the Leaves. You can see many things when taking a look around the area. Bleachers for spectators, a pink hot air balloon tied to a post sitting and ready to fly. Ponies and other creatures begin to make their way over to take their seats. Popcorn, cotton candy and other delectable treats and beverages in their possession.
Meanwhile, the host of the event, Dynamo Pad, is looking around frantically to make sure that he has everything he needs for the race. "O-Okay, let's see. Number paper for everypony to wear to give out their numbers in the race? Check! Commentators to have a bird's eye view of the race? Check! Everything set up in perfect condition to meet racing requirements?" He asks, looking around to see the starting line, banners and everything one could think of for this year's Running of the Leaves. "Check!" He exclaimed, checking off each box to make sure nothing was out of place. "Okay! All we need now are the participants and then we'll be all ready to go. I just hope that everything works out." He took a breath as he tried to exhale slowly. He would be lying if he was saying that he was perfectly calm. He could feel his heart racing a mile a minute and he wasn't even taking part in the race. He would keep repeating a mantra in his head that everything would be fine and to take things one step at a time.
The Running of the Leaves (2024) Sign Ups!
Started by Dynamo Pad ·
Hey, everypony! This is your Event Lead, Dynamo Pad, wanting to wish and hope that everyone is having a wonderful Fall season and October, as well!
With the Fall season a little halfway over, the time has come to spice things up! That's right! With the Fall season comes the falling leaves. And what better way to make the leaves fall than to have our classic tradition of The Running of the Leaves! The time has come to sign yourselves up if you wish to take part in the race! Fun, challenging, exciting, memorable and fun times are to be had! Did I mention fun? If not, then I shall say it once more! Many fun moments are to be had! If you wish to take part, then please sign yourself up in the thread below, or you can send me a DM saying that you'd like to participate! I hope to see you in the race!
OC Detail:
That's correct, everypony! Time to stretch your legs, get on your marks, get set and go! To the races, of course! The event will be RP-based, so it'll all come down on who will race to the finish! All the while making the leaves fall in your wake as you head from the start through Ponyville to the finish line! Obstacles may be in your way, but it's up to your courage, skill, cleverness and luck on how well you do!
Please send me a DM or comment in the thread below if you wish to participate.
Deadline: The event will take place on November 3rd and shall continue all throughout the entire month.
Rules: Dice shall determine how many leaves will be knocked down. Even though a race can bring out the competitive spirits in us. Please never forget to be kind and courteous to your fellow friends! It's always great to get to know friends throughout the competition and never forget to always have fun!
What is this?: A Prompt for Roleplaying, engagement and fun!
Any other questions: Feel free to send me a DM
Who may apply?:
Any and all are more than welcome to take part!
In the end, it's all about having fun, making friends and putting your best hoof forward when it comes to the race! Especially if there's an opportunity to win something awesome by the end of the race!
I look forward to seeing everyone taking part!
Your friend,
Dynamo Pad
The World Cup Begins!
Started by Ice Princess Silky <3 ·
"Hey ponies! Bet you can't catch up with me!" Izzy giggled as she ran ahead, normally, she had a tennis ball at the end of her horn but this time as she ran she'd bump into this ancient ruin's pillar and then something would fall to the ground with the sound of clinking.
She'd lower her gaze to peer upon it. "Oh!"
Happily nodding, "a new decoration for my horn!" She'd nuzzle it with the tip of her horn before donning it like some time of new accessory to show to her friends.
"Ow!" With a light green zap, she'd jump back and watch it fall to the ground, one again.
"Hey! What was that?!"
Looking back towards her friends, she'd wondered if they had witnessed it.
"Izzy!! Wait up!!"
Sunny would gallop as she followed behind.
The small bell would zip and spark with green phosphorescent colors!
"AHHHHH -- what is that?!"
Sunny would take a few steps aside and then suddenly the sound of tearing could be heard as the fabrics of reality itself would begin to rip and warp in a form of spinning like a cyclone. Stars, moons, and the sound of thunder could be heard as many characters from different universes and dimensions would flail and panic as the chaos ensued.
"WHAT IS HAPPENING?!" a familiar voice would erupt as she'd land in the center of the ruins and look around.
A purple alicorn with long, majestic legs would stand in place suddenly and try to uphold her dignity despite the lack of it from the fall out of nowhere. She seemed confused as she'd dart her eyes left and right, as if trying to register sense into any of this.
Pinkie Pie's voice would now follow as she'd collapse on Twilight's back. "That was funnnn!"
A myriad of characters of all kinds of species and realms would unite in a series of confused mumbling and general gatherings. "What's happening? Why are we here?"
Twilight stops and looks down, noticing the bell. "It's broken."
Izzy makes an innocent face and darts her eyes. "I... I found it like that."
Sunny makes a not-so-convinced expression.
Twilight proceeds,
"The magic that emits from it is strong.... but we may need to restore it somehow... "
Pinkie Pie casually rolls off of Twilight's back and slowly stands up in a playfully robotic manner like a transformer might. "Oooooh -- it's colorful!"
"Stand back!" Twilight would call towards everyone standing around it. "Make sure you're safe. Divided in confusion, we may not know how to handle this.. but united, through the power of friendship, we may be able to figure this out!"
As Twilight would speak this with booming authority of a majestic nature, the mixture of different characters were far too diverse and complex to simply merge "through friendship" as she had said.
"This is not going to be easy, is it?"
And so begins
The World Cup!
Gather your teams and your clubs! Let the matches commence!
How to join:
(This is an RP thread. The RP that prompts the storyline to The World Cup. You may RP as your OC to follow the story along and engage with many other characters from many different realms of the MLP world)
Have fun!
A Chaotic Mystery - A Mystery RP
Started by Starforce ·
With permission from the mayor of the city, Pinkie Pie is throwing a get-together party for all ponies and creatures alike at the Ponyville! Just when things are about to go accordingly as planned, everyone at the party begins to act strange. Ponies and creatures started to tell jokes nonstop and laugh at almost everything even when things aren’t even funny! Some even go far by pranking each other. While Pinkie pie loves a good prank and laughs this has gotten a bit out of hooves. With the help of two fellow ponies on her side; Vibrant and Star Silk, the three must put in their thinking cap and figure out this strange phenomenon. Detective Pinkie is on the case and she needs you to help her find out what caused these ponies/creatures to act funny and who’s behind it!
This is an open RP- every member is welcome to join and participate in it. Members are also welcome to interact with one another according to the story. Be sure to always @mention a user if you wish to interact with the user.
RP will be expected to be openly large, don't hesitate to bring members into the conversation if you see someone is being left behind or have no one to interact with. We want everyone to have a fair chance to feel connected with the story and a chance to interact with members and their OCs! Be respectful to each other, any unacceptable behavior from a member will be removed from the RP immediately. Inform me or @TBD if any unacceptable behavior is noticed or if there is something that needs to be said in private relating to interpersonal conflict in the RP or something of that sort. We will try to find quick resolutions for it. No characters that are not from MLP will be allowed in this roleplay. We want to keep it to MLP related characters only, for the sake of simplicity. Please post images of your character and give basic background information about your character, then me or @TBD will approve them, from then on you are free to use your character in the RP! RP starts as soon as there is a group of players! Bring a friend, let's have a good time!
An orphan's journey
Started by Ice Princess Silky <3 ·
(As requested, a start up for @Silverspark184@Sophie H. + any other fillies or ponies who would like to join)
Silky would scribble notes on a parchment as she sat on her desk near a window. The dancing light of the candle moving gracefully as she'd lost herself in thought before continuing the correspondence.
A Vibrant Future
Started by Star Silk ·
Silky would sit politely amidst the small group she had gathered, slightly blushing in the presence of Vibrant Grove @Sir Hugsalotand averting her gaze with a soft humility before she'd notice the familiar glacial colors from the peripheral of her eyes. "Oh no..." she'd utter under her breath in alarm, as if mortified and trying to prevent a complete disaster to be noticed by the stallion at her side. "WILL YOU excuse me?!" Her voice fluctuated and the clanking of silverware against glass could be heard as she made to stand up. A few awkward glances her way but she was a pleasantly eccentric pony all around -- so it was nothing too out of the ordinary. Hurrying off, she'd rush to the two ponies. An icy blue colored kirin with a narrowed gaze to match and tall, slender mare to match his coat at his side.
@Cagey@Empress Magloria
Silky's elegance and grace was composed, until she had attempted to lure them away from the civilized party to suddenly whisper "What are you two doing here?!" Her expression was one of incredulous shock.
OOC: Oh my gosh, lovelies, I am laughing so hard at how bad my art is. Just bear with me... It's essentially a giant garden with mazes and lots of tables with a banquet of food -- what do you mean you don't see the food yet?! Help us set it up D: *gigglefits* just kidding!
As your OC arrives from the personal invitation they've received, they look around for their matched pair.
There are several things they can do in this location.
They can:
Keep exploring in search of their match
Help out with the party decorations for the gathering
Go into the garden maze in search for flowers
Do something else.
It's entirely up to your OC and your match. Please refer back to the letter you've received for some hints. Also, if you are seeing this but have not received the final card with your match, please know that it is arriving soon. Many members applied so sending them out takes time. Some OCs were quite shy and delayed their response, as well. So please be patient and have fun! <3
OOC: Maybe sometime soon my rushed art will be more improved
Other Characters by this Player
A Curious Parasprite
- Everfree Roleplay
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An impersonating changeling
- ...not the "real Skylight" anymore *coughs in glitter*
- Everfree Roleplay
- Player: Sir Hugsalot
GaryCus The Adequate
- Chaos incarnate, clad in elegance
- Everfree Roleplay
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Mossy wall
- It's just a wall, but with an evil twist.
- Everfree Roleplay
- Player: Sir Hugsalot