Pencil Pouch
285 -
Last visited
Unicorn Pony -
20 -
Female -
Sire's Hollow -
Sire's Hollow -
Commission Artist -
Character Images
Cutie Mark Image
Physical Description
Pencil Pouch is a purple unicorn with a curly, camera-colored mane. She has dark green eyes, a light pink magic aura, and a pink pocket Cutie Mark with art supplies inside of it. The art materials represent her artistic abilities and her use of different mediums and the stitching on the pocket represents her ability to problem-solve.
Pencil Pouch, ever since she knew how to use a pen and paper, was fascinated by art. Art was a way to put all her thoughts down into a coherent message. She earned her Cutie Mark very early in her in her foalhood, much to the dismay of her younger sister. She was very grateful to learn of her purpose in life so soon, but she was unsure exactly how to use her talents in the real world.
Despite her cheery and adorable personality, Pencil had struggled with self esteem issues for many of her school years and onwards. Sometimes, she believed that she was either not doing enough for ponies or doing too much. She was also very impatient, which can only heighten those issues. Thankfully, her friends and family constantly reminded her that she was appreciated and that it was okay to make mistakes so long as she tried to learn from them.
Mistakes, ironically, were the driving force in Pencil’s artwork. Every time she drew, she would use what she learned to improve her next piece. She would occasionally try new techniques which led her to forming her own style. As she grew a bit older, ponies began to take notice of her work and wanted some of it for their own. Pencil loved drawing for others more than anything and would happily continue doing so. She knew, however, that it was unwise to give a lot of drawings away for free, so she began charging for them. Her workshop soon turned into a small business, which meant she could do her dream job.
Key Moments
- Pencil got her Cutie Mark at the age of six when she shared her first drawing. She shared it with a classmate and felt very happy for both herself and for making the classmate happy.
- Pencil learned a lot about arcade game coding and game strategies from her sister, Frame Clip. Although she can’t use her skills for her career, she is always eager to help out Frame at the arcade.
- At a time where Pencil was feeling extremely low about herself, she thought up of an alter-ego named Pocket Knife. Pocket Knife is a very pale and disgruntled version of herself. The knife was metaphorical as it was more of a personality thing than an actual intention to cause harm. Pocket Knife, in a weird way, was like a mental coach since all of her thoughts paralleled Pencil’s. Despite how strange this coping method was, it seemed to work. Having an alter ego yell retorts in her head convinced most of her bad thoughts to go away.
- Pencil met her best friend, Granite Rose, when she was 6 and he was 8. They met at a summer camp and bonded after bonding over doing sidewalk chalk together.
Pencil is a different pony depending on who she is around. Around friends and family she knows or is comfortable with, she is very bubbly and cheery. It is easy for her to get excited, especially when she’s had a lot of sugar. Around ponies she doesn’t know as well, she is very quiet but polite. No matter who she is around, she can occasionally stumble on her words or forget what she’s saying entirely. Ponies often tell her that she talks too fast.
She can struggle every now and then with self esteem issues which causes her to be extremely sad, distressed, and irritable. She works on these issues as best she can but sometimes, all she can do is wait for the feelings to pass.
Pencil makes it a goal to be as kind as possible whether that’s through words, gifts, or some other means of affection or care. Sometimes ponies don’t see her kindnesses, which makes her think she failed, but a majority of the time, ponies see her as a very nice pony.
Pencil adores cute and lovable things but also enjoys things that are dark and creepy, which makes her family believe she’s crazy. Pencil assures her family and herself that her interests are only her interests, not her personality. Pencil’s interests can be very vast at times which she believes has the power to strengthen her art.
When Pencil isn’t working on commissions, she likes to write stories for herself. Her favorite stories to write are the ones that are very deep and emotional. Writing gives her a chance to learn about things she otherwise would not have the time to, such as mental illness.
Art, heavy metal/rock, friends and family, card games, board games, video games, cute things, creepy things, reading/writing, voice impressions, relaxing -
Judgement, tests, picky clients, rude ponies, conflict, math, pop music, coffee, waiting -
Magic Spells
Natural Element Transformation (the ability to turn natural earth materials into art supplies), Object Teleportation -
Problem-solving, Drawing (with hooves/mouth), Voice acting -
Granite Rose, Turtle Dove, Card Shuffle, Global Gleam, Frame Clip, Samurai Equine, Dynamo Pad, Thundy, Chelsea, Sparkly Green -
Anypony she sees as rude or uncaring
Other Characters by this Player
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Sunset Shimmer (Equestria Girls)
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The Real Sparkly
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