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Strong Hooves

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Everything posted by Strong Hooves

  1. Nope, Dont listen to the guy so i could care less TPAM is addicted to chocolate
  2. Strong Hooves gave an impressed whistle as he listened to Gizmo's story, "Yeah, I do remember that time" he said. "Well I guess I'll go next, Im sure you remember when we still had classes as little colts and fillies, I think we had the same class together Gizmo. Anyway, the teacher never really liked me all that much , called me a 'waste of time and energy' mainly because I just slept in class all day. I wasnt very social, mainly because I was so much bigger than the others and they shied away from me, so i spent most of my time with my dad during his patrol rounds. I idolized my father and everything he did. You all remember Commander Ironbuck right?" his father was a well known and greatly respected guard in the Stable, "Well, I wanted to be just like him, and it showed because I was the one who broke up most fights in school, standing up for the smaller colts and fillies who couldnt stand up for themselves. My dad saw this, and said that he was proud of what I did, he told me I was being a 'Shield against injustice' that I was 'A symbol of strength to others'. It was when he said this that I got this" he gestured to his cutiemark, "It is a celtic symbol that represents the shield of strength and protection, it was then that I decided to follow my father's hoofsteps and become a Stable guard". (Here is what the symbol looks like of you are unfamiliar with it)
  3. (Well I'm going to go on and get this moving on since no one posted after Slendermane, sorry if I ninja'd anyone) Walking to the town could be accurately described by Strong Hooves in one word... quiet. Any other time, Strong Hooves would enjoy the quiet, but then again, any other time it was quiet was when he was alone. This is madness! he thought, How can we all expect not to go crazy with this silence? Even I dont like this quiet, and I'm probably the least social of anypony in this group! As nonsocial as Strong Hooves was, he knew he had to try something to at least break this silence, "Soo..." he began, "Since we got this time on our hooves, why dont we get to know eachother a little better? We could... uhhh..." then an idea popped in his head, "Oh! We could talk about how each of us got our cutiemarks!" Dear Celestia please dont let this backfire on me...
  4. Strong Hooves gave a sigh, then turned to join the others, "Actually, I've been ready for a while now"...
  5. (hey I have a basketball game so I'm gonna be off for a couple hours, how much longer are you all planning to post tonight?)
  6. "Jettson's right" said Strong Hooves, "if we let what happened here effect us, then we're no better than the rest of this wasteland, now let's go find that town and get some of these weapons sold, I dont plan on toting these around the rest of the day"...
  7. As soon as Melody had struck Gizmo, Strong Hooves' instincts as a guard kicked in, he jumped in between the two ponies, using a forehoof to hold back the little unicorn. He didnt use enough strength to push her, but it was assertive enough to get his point across. He then glared at Melody and said, his voice having a more baritone pitch, "Melody! I'm not sure you realize this, but those ponies were out to kill us! What Gizmo did, no matter how dark it seemed, was the right thing to do! You need to realize that he has more sense of any of us right about now and especially more than you! We cannot expect to live in this hostile enviornment unless we adapt to it, and that means doing things we would never dream of doing!" his gaze then softened, "I dont like this any more than you do Melody, but sometimes... doing the right thing isnt always gonna be the moral thing, the faster you realize that, the more of a chance you will have to survive. We are all we have to hold onto" he gestured to the group, "I dont want us to split up so quickly"...
  8. Strong Hooves followed as he saw the others leaving, knowing the hurt and anguish in Melody's voice, and the emotionless tone in Gizmo's would haunt him. Even though he didn't know these ponies all too well, he still felt a paing of sorrow seeing them like this. He didn't know what to say to them to make them feel any better, he was never good at talking, so he kept quiet as he walked with them.
  9. Strong Hooves joined the others after Sigh had left, he looked at Silent Melody, she was very quiet ever since the battle had ended, he wasnt sure how she was handling all that had happened. "Hey Melody" he said gently, "Are you doing ok?"
  10. Strong Hooves nodded in agreement with Gizmo, "Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's get going" he then turned to Sigh, "How long are you planning on accompanying us?"...
  11. Strong Hooves looked at the crudely drawn map, "As long as this town is friendly, I'd say that's the best place to go. What do you think Gizmo?"... (as of right now, I'm rping during a tornado warning lol)
  12. "It might be a little bit much, even for you, but sure", Youve gotta be kidding me, thought Strong Hooves, this guy has no idea what I am physically capable of, well he'll learn soon enough. He waited for the guns to be loaded onto his back, the weight of it was nothing compared to what he can carry...
  13. Strong Hooves gave a snort when he heard Gizmo about the load getting heavy, "Uh hello? Did you forget I was here? Let me handle the loads, we can take the whole pile" he said rather smugly. He normally never gloated, but when it came to a question of strength, he never took the matter lightly...
  14. Strong Hooves sighed and put back his shotgun. he was just glad he wasnt the one who had to pull the trigger... if only for the time being. "Gizmo is right, we need to find a place to rest"...
  15. Strong Hooves found the logic in Sighs explanation true, if not somewhat grim. It was then he remembered something his father had told him many years ago while he was still in basic training. He had a mental flashback of a younger Strong Hooves, looking up at his father, who had just shot a stable pony because the poor pony had gone insane. His father then looked to his teary eyed son as he solemly said, "Strong Hooves, I want you to remember this even when I am long gone, I didnt want to do this, but there are times that the right action to take dont exactly follow your own morals. Just remember, whenever the time calls for it, you just have to pull the trigger"... Strong Hooves came out of his flashback and sighed, "Fine, we'll kill them" he then reached for his shotgun...
  16. Strong Hooves contemplated over what Gizmo had said, he had a point, but was unsure as well about what to do with the prisoners. "Perhaps just knock them out and leave them?" he said. When Gizmo asked about his weapons book, he pulled it out of his saddlebag again, after a minute of flipping through, he finally came across a section labeled, 'Hunting Rifles: Mechanics and Repair'. Strong Hooves turned the book to Gizmo so he could see it.
  17. Strong Hooves nodded understandingly as Sigh answered his question. "Well, now that we have made proper introductions, are we ready to get a move on? Or does Gizmo wish to interrogate the other two further?" he then turned back to Sigh and asked, "Do you know of any places nearby that we can go to for rest? A town perhaps?"... (just thought I'd go ahead and start this off for today, at least it could get everypony's attention)
  18. Oh you know... I just stalk unsuspecting vicitms within a dark forest... nothing major
  19. This day just started, but I want it to end right now!!!!!(Well, maybe after a little RPing :3)

  20. (My brain hurts now oh evilshy why did you have to mention the NCR lol)
  21. Strong Hooves joined the group when he heard Melody ask about the drugs, he then remembered the section of batlle enhancement drugs in his war book, "Of course they have side effects" he snorted, "Battle enhancement drugs were created during the war, they were meant to be used only if the odds were against the group that had them. What they didnt realize was how bad of a crash they had after they wore off, as you all saw, these drugs are harmful enough to render you unconcious" He then turned to Sigh "If I remember well, you used Hyper Spark, a magic enhancer, and a common battle drug known as Stampede, am I correct?"
  22. Strong Hooves stifled a yelp of joy upon seeing his locket, he gave the teacher a gracious look and whispered, "Thank you" to him as he rejoined the group. He opened the locket, breathing a sigh of relief as he saw the picture it held was undamaged, he closed the locket and began to put it back in his saddlebag, but then, thinking twice, he put the locket around his neck and tucked it into his barding. He then got back up to join the rest of the group...
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