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Strong Hooves

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Everything posted by Strong Hooves

  1. (Yes, you do find it, I plan on revealing later why it is so important to him later on)
  2. Strong Hooves felt a wave of relief when Autumn mentioned a locater spell, but then tensed up and blushed slightly when he asked what the item was. Strong Hooves didnt really like to talk about any personal items of his, especially his locket, but he decided it had to be done if he were to ever find it. Lowering his head, he whispered into Autumn's ear, "It's a small locket with a gold chain, the locket is shaped like a circle and is ruby encrusted, do you think you can find it?". He looked at Autumn with pleading eyes as he simultaneously thought to himself, Godesses I hope nopony else heard that...
  3. Strong Hooves took the time that he had to look at his two new weapons, one seemed to be in relatively good condition, the other, not so much. Getting an idea, he reached into his saddlebag and pulled out his weapons book. He flipped through a few pages until he came to the spot he was looking for, to his luck, the book had a section on combat shotgun repair. Strong Hooves immediately went to work taking apart the more broken shotgun, using whatever salvagalble parts he could find to make minor repairs on the other, by the time he was finished, the combat shotgun looked much better, he had unjammed the loading mechanism, replaced the firing pin, tightened the loose trigger, and replaced the worn grip. Smiling with satisfaction, he lifted the shotgun to get a feel of what it was like, he looked through the sights to make sure it was aligned properly, then slid it into the strap on his barding. He placed the book back into his saddlebag, but then froze, the locket he had put in with the book was gone! "Oh no no no!" he said, dropping to the ground to look for it, he began to panick, "No NO NO! This cant be happening! Where is it?!"...
  4. Strong Hooves took in all that the unicorn had said, it wasnt much, but the group could use it. Manticores were a definite problem, gangs of ponies? Well as long as the group had adequate weaponry, they should be okay, I'm gonna have to teach them on weaponry basics though, especially Melody, I saw her during that fight, she wont last a minute without proper training on gun use, he thought. Dragons? Well he will worry about that when the time came, then his thoughts drifted to the NCR... Are they good? Or bad? He thought, his thoughts were interrupted as the unicorn asked him for painkillers, he shook his head 'no', "You can ask her though" Strong Hooves said, nodding toward Melody, "She might have some"...
  5. Strong Hooves contemplated what the unicorn said, he had a very good point, if he hadnt've shown up, he and the rest of the group would either be slaves or dead. He looked to Melody, her expression showed that she was going over the same thing in her head. I'm still not sure we can really trust him, he thought, but seeing how he is the only one that hasnt attacked us and was willing to help us, he couldnt be all that bad. Instead of going back to the other two as Gizmo had done, he asked the unicorn, "So, what all can you tell us then about the wasteland? What are we to be wary of, what are the biggest threats, how do we avoid them, and what civilizations are still around?"
  6. (Okay, hurry back dude! Im really liking how this is so far )
  7. "I may be a murder, but i am quite sane" Was all Strong Hooves needed to hear for his decision to be made, he did NOT like this pony one bit, he started to decide that it would be better just to leave these three and face the wasteland on their own. "Gizmo, you may want to make sure that those chains you made are secure, I'm not sure I trust this pony". He then turned his attention toward Melody then continued to talk soothingly to the tied up ponies, he felt strangely restless, and realized that he was getting impatient, How much longer are we just gonna stay in the open like this?!?!...
  8. Strong Hooves looked at the unicorn who had just woken up as he rambled about what he had said moments ago, he immediately didnt like this pony, he seemed... off, his smile, the way he spoke so casually, everything was... strange. He was glad when Gizmo chained him. He whispered to Melody who was next to him, "Does he seem a little coockoo to you?".
  9. Strong Hooves stepped forward, his face held no expression, he leaned down to the pony prisoner's level, and spoke in a very surprisingly calm tone, "Hello, as you have realized, you are bound down with no means of escape, we mean you no harm, we are only wanting information. This can go rather easily as long as you cooperate, as the unicorn lady said, no pony is going to die again today... Now, do we have your cooperation?"... (I decided to throw in a curveball on what Melody thought Strong Hooves would do while interrogating, lol)
  10. (Just remember Evilshy, youre on my back, so to speak, at the moment, this would be a good moment for some comedy relief... or not, its whatever you want to do)
  11. Strong Hooves found that he agreed with Melody... to an extent... perhaps they did have information, but they couldnt just sit there and wait, thats just asking for more trouble."Well, Im not waiting in the open for him to wake up" He said,"I say we go find shelter, we are prone to another attack if we just lollygag out here".
  12. (Umm... Garth?? You mean Gizmo right? lol ) Strong Hooves waited until Melody finished tending to Gizmo's wounds, then, as gently as he could, he picked up the unconcious unicorn and made sure all of his belongings were securely fastened. He then turned to the unconcious ponies whom Gizmo tied up, "I say leave them, they just tried to kill us" he then looked to the group, "so are we ready to go?"...
  13. "I agree with Mr. Autumn" said Strong Hooves after picking through and taking two combat shotguns from the pile, "Were sitting ducks just sitting here in the open, we need to find some sort of shelter and soon, I can carry the unconcious one no problem, is everypony well enough to travel?" he turned to melody, seeing how serious she took her medical job, he figured it should be up to her to deem who is and isnt able to travel...
  14. Ugh, I just feel... sluggish today...

  15. Strong Hooves nodded, mentally kicking himself for not thinking about the others, and took the bandages, I seriously hope I dont mess this up, he thought as he was about to attempt wrapping his wounds... (Is it ok if he finds a battle saddle, or is it too early for that Auth?) (P.S. I fixed up that bit with the medical tape)
  16. Strong Hooves looked back at his wounds, many were bleeding still, he asked melody if he could have the other half of the healing potion that she had given Sigh. As he did, he glanced over at the weapons Gizmo had collected, "Hey Gizmo, find any... you know, big weapons?"...
  17. (yay im finally back, darn i missed the fight) Strong Hooves breathed heavily, he was shaking slightly from the carnage that surrounded him, I... I killed those ponies, he thought. he limped over to the rest of the group, who were tending to Lunar and the unicorn that had helped them. He himself had many graze wounds where the bullets went past him, but nothing too serious, his father's barding had done its job. I'll tend to my own wounds later he thought. He looked around, not sure it was safe to stay in one area, he walked to Melody and asked, "Is he stable enough for travel? I think we should get a move on"...
  18. "KICK THAT THING AWAY IN THE NEXT SECOND OR YOU'RE ALL DEAD!" yelled the pony that had helped them, Strong Hooves looked to the ground and saw the grenade just a few feet from him, immediately, he darted torward it, threw the grenade in the air and sent it flying with a buck. The grenade didnt go far though before it exploded, the shockwave of it sending Strong Hooves rolling into the rest of his group... (Okay, this will be the last post until about 3 or 4 this afternoon, I got basketball lol, anyway, if anypony has to take control of Strong Hooves for the sake of moving the story along, then I will allow either Auth or Evilshy, and only if it is absolutely needed. anyway, I'll be back ASAP)
  19. Strong Hooves flinched as the shot whizzed right over his head, he gulped down a knot that had formed in his throat, Alright, just stay calm, he thought, what would dad have done? I gotta keep my cool. He stepped forward as the stallions on the hill came down with ropes, one thing that he noticed was, they were puting their ropes extra tight on him...
  20. (ok maybe a couple more posts) this is bad... very bad, thought Strong Hooves as he dropped his pistol and baton, he mirrored Gizmo and sat on his haunches, he'd never been in a situation like this, he was always the one with the upper hoof, now... he just felt vulnerable...
  21. Strong Hooves liked where Gizmo was taking this, he stood next to him, his hulking size towering over the unicorn, "And if it amounts to anything, I can pull any load no matter how heavy, plus I have minor knowledge in weapon identification and repair" Now I'm glad I brought that weapon book with me, he thought... (Well, Im getting off. I will try to get to this in the morning, but if i dont, then i will be back on here about, threeish in the afternoon)
  22. As much as Strong Hooves wanted to disagree, he saw the serious look in Gizmo's eyes, he sighed, "Fine, but if this gets screwed up and they start shooting, I'm kicking your flank first before I even think of them, stay back Mr. Autumn, let Gizmo do this"...
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