Strong Hooves took the time that he had to look at his two new weapons, one seemed to be in relatively good condition, the other, not so much. Getting an idea, he reached into his saddlebag and pulled out his weapons book. He flipped through a few pages until he came to the spot he was looking for, to his luck, the book had a section on combat shotgun repair. Strong Hooves immediately went to work taking apart the more broken shotgun, using whatever salvagalble parts he could find to make minor repairs on the other, by the time he was finished, the combat shotgun looked much better, he had unjammed the loading mechanism, replaced the firing pin, tightened the loose trigger, and replaced the worn grip. Smiling with satisfaction, he lifted the shotgun to get a feel of what it was like, he looked through the sights to make sure it was aligned properly, then slid it into the strap on his barding. He placed the book back into his saddlebag, but then froze, the locket he had put in with the book was gone! "Oh no no no!" he said, dropping to the ground to look for it, he began to panick, "No NO NO! This cant be happening! Where is it?!"...