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MLP Dazzleglow

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Everything posted by MLP Dazzleglow

  1. After getting air into her little lungs. "Almost? I did choke. wow, i really do overreact to things don't" she said as she got back up and started eating her breakfast again. "I really need to take a chill pill, or what ever those things are....Daddy, whats a chill pill?"
  2. Panicked "Im not ready! i been too busy learning how to be more assertive than flying, or doing all the other stuff." She is so worked up that she ends up choking on her breakfast and falls onto the floor, gasping for air and flailing her hooves in the air
  3. Shining Star awoke, looked at the clock and had to do a double take at how early it was. She went into he bathroom and brushed her teeth. She then went downstairs still very tired and sat down at the breakfast table. "Morning dad. Whats for breakfast?" she asked
  4. "Ok" shining star chirped happily, but then realized that meant she had to go to bed. "dang" she said as she went to the wash room to wash up and brush her teeth. After she finished she put on her wonder-bolts pajamas that Rainbow got her for her b-day and went to bed very exited about what the next day was going to bring.
  5. Shining Star agrees. "Ok. But when i learn to be assertive, can i go to the park alone and try and protect myself? that way they will not have anything to use against me when i try and be more assertive." she asked giving you the applebloom and sweetybell puppy eyes.
  6. After a while Shining star cheered up with the vibrating of the wings. she then started giggling from the vibrations tickling her. "Daddy? If Diamond Tiara was involved in the ponynappings, why was she released from custody? Why was she the only one that got off the hook? That's just teaching her that she can get away with anything." She said
  7. "Sil-silver spo-spoon w-w-w-w-was bulling me" she started while crying. "she pushed m-me off the swing and-and kicked dirt into my face. She said that it w-w-w-was my fault that diamond tiara father was arrested. Then diamond t-t-tiara joined in and they both threw me into the river s-s-s-saying thats where i belonged" she blabbed
  8. Shining Star perks up at this and leaves the room to go outside and play. She ends up going to the park and jumps on the swing. She is having a good time when Silver spoon comes up to her and starts bulling her. Shining Star returns home a few hours later and runs to her room crying because of the bulling.
  9. Shining Star squeaks a little at this and tries to hide behind the chair. "how-how tough is it?" She asked clearly nervous about the race. her mind was swimming with questions, but none of them just seemed to want to come out. She then looks at Thunder-dash. "What time dose the training start?"
  10. Shining stars ears remain flat, but she nods in agreement. and walks up beside Thunder-Dash. "Is mommy going to be coming with us to the competition?" she asked still feeling down. "I knew i should have learned how to fly better. now i am going to make a fool of myself in-front of everypony up there." shining star thinks
  11. Shining star flattens her ears. "I-i don't think I will be able to keep up with any of the other ponies. Plus I don't think they would allow an-an.... They wouldn't allow an alicorn to be entered in the best young flyers competition. I'm sure they will they anything to keep me out of it." She sadly added
  12. "morning daddy. Silver fang asked me to tell you that the went on vacation and that they will be back in two months time." Shining star said as she finished her breakfast and washed her dishes. "how was the piano rehearsals?" She asked when she was done with the dishes
  13. Shining Star ended up waking around noonish and started pruning her wings trying to get feathers back into where they were suppose to go. She then felt the bump on her head from when she fell in the middle of the night. She got into the kitchen and began to pour some cereal. The three changelings however had woken up very early and went out to Los Pegasus to have a nice little vacation.
  14. With the legal papers signed and Shining Star now officially adopted Chrysalis leaves as well as Princess Luna and Princess Celestia after having given her two cents on the topic. "10 years dungeon. And that is me being nice." In the dream shining star got tired and set herself back onto the ground.
  15. "Well, as much as it pains me (she hands luna a bag of bits) i was wrong, i would have though the changelings would have done something first, maybe something small as get in a hoof fight, but i was wrong. But that still dose not tell me why i am drug out of my bed at 3:30 in the morning. Luna What else am i missing?"
  16. Shining Star smiles but still has her ears flattened. She thinks about what Rainbow said and tries to fly again for the first time in two years. She manages to make it off the ground and starts flying. Outside the dream Celestia is just looking at Luna. "Ok Thunder, What happened that i should know about?"
  17. "I am wanting to know why i am out at such a late hour as well..........Wait, Luna, What happened?" Celestia asked eyeing Luna carefully. Shining Star somehow gets into the dream and sees Rainbow dash flying with the Wonderbolts. She looks back at her wings and flattens her ears realizing that her mother will be able to fly much faster than Shining Star would ever be able to. She realized that she could never have the chance to keep up with her mother. Instead of leaving she looks up and just watches the Wonderbolts doing their maneuvers still with her ears flattened and her wings at her side. (She is still in her normal pony form)
  18. Chrysalis sort of jumped at this, but in the end she returned the hug for a second and then signed the papers. Princess Luna entered the Tunnels with Celestia in tow behind her still trying to figure out what was going on. "Luna, Sister, I know you are the princess of the night and everything, but that dose not mean that you can just drag me out of bed at this hour. I would expect you to be asleep this late at night as well." she complainied
  19. Chrysalis looks at Thunder Dash and then to Shining Star with tears in her eyes. "The next thing i do is i leave once again. I can not be the mother that i am suppose to be. After what happened up there has showed me that. You and Rainbow Dash have proven time and time again that you all are capable parents. I have called for Princess Luna to come down into the tunnels (uses magic to pull out a scroll from the air) so that she may legalize the adoption of shining Star. I do hope you do not mind this." In the Canterlot Cells one of the ponies finally spoke up. "I cant believe i let you talk me into this Rich! I had a good life, and Yellow pegasus was right! What the buck did the changelings do to me after the war was over! NOTHING!" The other 22 ponies all agreed hatefully. "If we manage to get released early, you had better hope we never cross paths, or i will make your life miserable" Silver Platter hissed
  20. (nope, that was actually pretty good) The guards took the masked ponies and put them in a cell with in the Canterlot jails. Chrysalis went inside and said good by to shining star again while she was asleep and looked at Thunder dash. "Thank you for stopping me. I almost undid everything that you had worked so hard in preserving. I hope that with these ponies arrested everything will be right for my children."
  21. "I should be asking you the same thing! Protecting these monsters! After what they did to Princess Celestia at the Royal Wedding two years ago. Have you not forgotten? You dare stop us from saving Equestria from these love draining monstrosities?" At these words Chrysalis started forward to get revenge for her two foals that were hurt in all of this.
  22. The guards tied up the ponies and then walked away. Shining Armor stepped forward and removed the first cloaked figure and saw that it was Filthy Rich. The second Pony to be unmasked was his wife. (cant think of anyothers at this time) Shining Star rolled over in the bed only to fall off the edge of it with a loud *smack*
  23. The 25 ponies realize that this was a trap and attempt to flee only to run in night guards in closing the area from all sides. "Stop in the name of the law! Under Princess Luna's Orders you are all hearby under arrest!" Shining Armor calls out. The ponies still try to run not realizing that all the guards in the area were unicorns and they were pinned down my their magic and placed in hoof-cuffs.
  24. It wasn't long before pinkie stopped sliding in the ground. "OH, Oh, Oh, That was fun, lets do it again!" Soon applejack was upon pinkie and twenty seven masked and cloaked figures emerged from the treelines deep with in the everfree forest. "Um, Pinkie, dont get me wrong or anything but i think we done walked into a trap."
  25. within minutes, the five were gathered around and pinkie pie was trotting around town just being a very calm pinkie when suddenly two ropes pope out and drag her away. Applejack being the one to see this happen took off in the direction pinkie was drug. Fluttershy ran to the tunnels, and rarity ran to get the guards. Twilight used her magic to locate pinkie pie. Fluttershy knocks on the door in the house above the tunnels
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