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MLP Dazzleglow

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Everything posted by MLP Dazzleglow

  1. Shining star was so exited that she accidentally pulled out a feather, but she didn't care. She took off to her room and started packing her things enough for one day. She then grabbed her Luna doll and put it on top of her bag. She then came back and sat back on the couch.
  2. Shining Star returned to the inn and went straight to her room. The new food she had ended up making her a tad sick and she grabbed the wast bin from the bathroom and laid in bed. every so often she would vomit, and after a half hour she began feeling better. "I think i am just going to stick with equestrian food for now on." she said to no one in particular.
  3. I really don't mind Twilight becoming an Alicorn. heck, in Season 3 opening, (may have the wrong season in my head) When they went to the Crystal empire to help Princess Cadence protect the empire, you can see Princess Celestia and Princess Luna talking about if twilight was ready. and then later through the season, they are still testing twilight through leadership and friendship. So i knew something big was going to happen to twilight. Could i have said "yea, i knew she was going to be an alicorn." No, i couldn't and it was a huge shock for me. But in my honest opinion, i do believe that she deserved it. she was a great unicorn, and she will be a great alicorn. I guess you can say that my opinion is somewhat bias being i like Alicorns, but i like the other ponies just the same. If you read my signature, not the picture, but the lines in there, Twilight before being an Alicorn, in my eyes, Always seemed to live by three lines in there. "I will always place the Mission First, I will Never accept defeat, I will never Quit" Those are three lines in the United States Army Soldier Creed and with in the Soldier's Creed, those three lines are called the Warriors Ethos. Something i stand true to everyday. and that's what Twilight always did. In the discord episode, she looked as if she finally admitted defeat and quit, but came through for her friends. And when she was given a task to do, she made sure it was done no matter what as long as it did not jeopardize her friends. Many of you are reading that and saying what dose this have to do with Twilight being an alicorn. and in closing i would like to explain that. Alicorns in the show are shown to be royalty, yes, but they are also leaders and somepony to look up to. By Twilight becoming an Alicorn, she has shown to everypony that she can be relied on, not just by ponyville, but to all of Equestria that did not know her until then. She let her Actions speak louder than words could. I know i will remain a brony in heart, and should i ever leave the fandom, the fandom will never leave me. Heh, i am actually should i die put something MLP Related on my tombstone. I dont see me leaving the fandom anytime soon because bronies here have helped me through tough times and i thank you all for that. Twilight has my vote no matter if she is an alicorn or just a unicorn. Thank you...Goodnight
  4. Shining star went and put the brief case back in Storm Rushes room and came back out, plopped on the couch and just waited there until it was time to go. Something in the back of her mind kept nagging at her, but she didn't know what it was. while she was waiting, she began to prune her wings getting any stray feathers back into place.
  5. Shining star stood there unsure of what to do. then she got another idea and once again the light bulb appears, but this time she leaves it floating in mid air. when she comes back she has her saddlebags on and a brief case in her mouth. "am i the only one that is freaked out about that floating thingy?" she asked with her brief case still in her mouth
  6. Still eyeballing the light-bulb, shining star lights up at the sound of this. "yay. So....What is it that you do exactly? come to think of it, i don't remember ever see you go to work daddy." (sorry i seriously cant remember what Thunder-Dashes job is) Shining star looks at the light bulb and touches it causing it to fall and shatter. Shining Star, thinking she was being attacked fired a magic bolt at it leaving a hole in the floor
  7. Shining star thought about this for a while. then her horn lit up and a light bulb appeared above her head. "Light bulb....(looks up at the light bulb) what the hay is that and how did it get there? Anyways, Mom, Dad, Uncle Storm...Can i get a job?" she asked with the biggest smile on her face which went away when she looked at the light-bulb floating above her head again.
  8. "but if they were old machines to begin with, why has it taken so long to get the new one? Wouldnt somepony get hurt if that machine keeps messing up the way it dose?" shining star said as she continued asking questions as if she was on the board of safety herself. "and finally, wont the rainbow factory have to pay the ponies they hurt money even if they were hospitalized because of their negligent?"
  9. shining star sat there for a moment and then went over to Storm Rush. instead of stepping up beside him she flew and hovered over his shoulder looking at what he was doing. "Uncle Storm? What have you and mommy been doing at the Weather factory?" she finally asked after hovering over his shoulder for ten minutes watching what he was doing. the entire time
  10. a praetorian approces. "My queen, trouble i hive 16." she said. "thank you Thunder-dash. If you manage to figure out what the dreams fully means you know how to get to me." With this Chrysalis flies away from and to the hive." In the tunnels. "m-mommy? where did daddy go?" shining star asked
  11. "i..i know, but its my fault. If i would have just stayed in that forest none of this would have happened. Thunder Dash. How is she finding me? Nothing good ever comes out when i am around. that was why i let her forget me. That was why i left her with you." she states still sobbing
  12. "I regret nothing" twilight quickly said for she had to get a cloud somehow. Shining star, while rainbow dash was comforting her, uncovered her wings and snuggled closer to rainbow dash. "I...I saw the big changeling again, and now i could tell that it was a mare. She quickly vanished when she saw me and then the trees attacked me after saying "the guardian as left"" shining star said Elsewhere Chrysalis was crying her eyes out only after receiving news what shining star was attacked shortly after her leaving
  13. shining star comes out of her hiding place still shaking. "are...are all the monsters gone?" She asked still shaken up by the nightmare that she had. Shining star then went over to Rainbow dash, jumped up on her back and laid there using her wings to cover herself.
  14. "I have never dont that with a cloud before. Heck, I have never messed with a cloud before this." Twilight said as she things for a moment. Then she remembers something that Rainbow did in nightmare night. "Ok, here goes nothing" she said as she hits the cloud and causes the lightning to shoot out and strike Thunderdash. With in milliseconds shining star was off Rainbow Dashes hoof and on her neck shaking like a leaf
  15. Twilight flew upstairs and grabbed the cloud like thunder dash had asked for. She then flies back down with the cloud and left it next to thunder dash. Shining Star remained clinging to rainbow dashes hoof still during all of this and had not realized her wing was healed. "Umm, Thunder, What do you want me to do with the cloud?" twilight asked
  16. Twilight gives it a shot and she begins to glow. Shining Star begins to glow a few seconds later. The glowing and pulsating of magic continue for a few minutes when a loud bang could be heard and Twilight was on the other side of the tunnel with books falling on her from the now broken bookcase signaling the failure of the spell
  17. ...she was healed up except for her wing, which remained limp. though her ankle was healed up as well. Twilight Comes running into the tunnels. "I just received a letter from Princess Luna telling me to come here quickly. Whats goin- Holy Mother of Equestria, what happened to shining stars Wing?!"
  18. In the dream a bright light appeared and threw her out of the dream. She wakes up still feeling the pain she felt in her dream and sees everypony in the room. She then sees Rainbow and clings onto her for dear life fearing that if she let go then all the bad would comeback. her scraps and cuts, her broken wing and fractured ankle were a painful reminder of what had happened.
  19. Shining star could not hear Rainbow dash and continued screaming. in the dream shining star was still running away from the forest looking over her shoulder and not watching where she was going. She ended up running onto a very steep hill and tumbled down. she extended her wings only to land very hard on it. In reality a sicking CRACK could be heard and her left wing goes limp. and she begins screaming in agony and now full of scrapes and cuts In the dream she managed to get up but saw that her wing was broken. Crying she continued to run away from the monsters chasing her. both in dream and reality "SOMEPONY PLEASE! HELP!!!"
  20. in the dream Shining Star wondered around, getting very scared. Not looking where she was going she tripped and cut herself on a rock which appeared on her leg in reality. "ouch. that really hurt. Where in equestria am i?" she asked to no pony in particular. She ended up finding that bigger changeling again but she detected shining star and disappeared. The forest then turned on her at that point not detecting any stronger magic sources in the area now. Shining star flees for her life trying to use her magic to keep the forest away from her, though to no help at all. she began screaming and could be heard clearly in reality. "MOMMY!! PLEASE HELP ME!! *crying* I-IM SCARED. I-I dont want to die!!!"
  21. Shining Star looked at the dates with a curious look on her face. She then proceed to smell the bowl and saw that sandstorm was heading back to the inn. not wanting to be alone she took off and trailed behind him while she went on to try the new food in front of her.
  22. As rainbow dash read the story to shining star, shining star fell asleep in rainbow dashes lap. She ended up dreaming of the battle between Princess Celestia and Nightmare moon all the way up to the elements of harmony being weilded by her mother. Then the dream turned dark again and everything around her withered away. "I-i remember this place." she said while looking around for the changelings.
  23. Shining Star slowly followed Sandstorm out to the market and kept quiet. One she was taking the warning to heart, and the second reason was she didn't want to cause any problems between the two. Though after a while questions started swimming in her head, but she bit her tongue and remained quiet, though she didn't like the fact that she cut her tongue in the process. "i hate the taste of blood"
  24. "that was the best talent show i ever saw!!" Shining star said once they all got to the tunnels. Shining Star took off her bags and put them in her room and then came out with a book in her mouth. the title of the book was 'the mare in the moon' "Mommy, can you read this book to me?"
  25. Shining Star put down the paper and looked at sandstorm. "honey covered dates?" she never had those before and decided maybe this might be a good time to try it. so she put down her paper, downed the still very hot coffee and ran to catch up with Sandstorm. "will it be alright if i joined you Mr. Sandstorm?" she asked
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