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MLP Dazzleglow

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Everything posted by MLP Dazzleglow

  1. Shining star hit the cloud with all her might causing the cloud to once again erupt in thunder and lightning. It backfired and zapped herself and she toppled off the cloud. when she hit the ground she said, "Ouch, did not expect that to happen" the tip of her tail was on fire and when she realized this took off running all over the tunnels yelling "I'm on fire!"
  2. Shining Star looked rather confused, but began jumping up and down on the cloud and sure enough, rain started pouring out of it. "I wonder?" she thought out loud and hit the cloud hard causing lightning to shoot out. she laughed and said, "I am so going to prank mommy when we get back"
  3. Shining star smiled from ear to ear at this. She then went about to roll around on the cloud feeling how soft a freshly made cloud was. The tour guide however did not realize that the two had left and continued talking about the other parts of the factory. (ooc: didn't think it would)
  4. The tour guide finally comes up and asks if every pony was ready for the tour. Shining start hid behind thunder dash. "what happens if ponies see changelings?" The tour guide did not heart this for she was busy talking about all the rules every pony must fallow. "and last but not least, no pony should ever, EVER, go through this door. (ooc: going to try the rainbow factory reference)
  5. "but why do they hate us?" Shining star questioned. "why can't ponies just get along with us changelings?"she went quiet for a minute then looked thunder dash in the eye. "is that why those three changelings are at the house? Because something might happen?" Little did she know was that the three praetorians were watching over her from the ceiling.
  6. She looks around looking for things that were wrong on her body and noticed the wings. "ok thus was not my fault." She whined, "that rainbow was allot more spicy than pinkie pie lead on it to be." She then stopped for a moment and looked up at thunder dash. "ok so maybe it was my fault. So what happens now? Am I grounded?" She asked holding her head down and changing her wings back. (ooc: happy hearts and hooves day)
  7. Shining star looked at all the ponies just starring at her and she suddenly felt very subconscious of her self. What she didn't realize was that her wings had changed back from pegasus wings to changeling wings. Being completely unaware of this,tried to shrink behind the vat of liquid rainbow.
  8. Shinning Star nodded. They went into the factory and came across where the rainbows were flowing like a stream. Her being the curious one dipped her hoof into the liquid rainbow and licked it off. her face then changed into different colors and fire shot from her ears. "AHHH! oh horse apples! that's HOT"
  9. Shining Star nodded in agreement and when they flew into Cloudsdale her jaw dropped. "WOW!" Was all she could say while taking in the sights of Cloudsdale. She saw the direction Thunder dash was going and followed him closely until she came upon the Rainbow factory. She strayed from Thunder and entered the Factory
  10. Shining Star finally asked the question that was on her mind. "What is in Canterlot that i am not suppose to be able to see daddy?" She flew up beside Thunder-Dash and looked at him with sincerer and questioning eyes. "Is there something bad over there?"
  11. Shining Star took in the few of Ponyville from the sky. She then hopped off of Thunder Dashes back and continued the light flight flying beside him, constantly taking in the few of Ponyville, but always wondered what was in Canterlot that she was not suppose to see.
  12. Shining Star put the shades on and stepped outside slowly being cautious of the sun. She felt a tingle over her body and then felt calm. "its been a while since i been up here." she explained with a sheepish giggle. "I forgot how beautiful things were up here."
  13. "its too bright outside." She said a little uncomfortable for being affected this way from the sun. "Is there anything i can wear to keep the sun from hurting me daddy?" She said while giving him the puppy eyes look. She looked back outside barley being able to see anything outside the tunnel.
  14. "yes i am. I Just out of curiosity, why is it that i can't go into Canterlot?" She asked before stepping out into the exiting tunnels and flexing her wings a bit. She started stretching her wings and then after a few minutes walked into the bright sunlight which made her retreat back into the tunnel.
  15. Shining Star gives you a puzzled look and looks to her back. "Oh, Oh my, that is simply not going to do." She closed her eyes and green fires appere on her back and wings replace them. She walks into the room at the end of Storm Rushes story and gasps. "You were struck by lightning! Did you get hurt?"
  16. She looked a little puzzled for being restricted from Canterlot, but nodded in agreement, green fires appeared around her and her form lacking the wings returned. She didn't realize this, and trotted outside to wait for Thunder-Dash. "Ill meet you upstairs"
  17. Shining Star paced around the house anxiously, her wings buzzing around, but said nothing. Inside she was getting stir crazy. Finally after an hour of pacing around she said: "Hey dad, im going to go fly around ponyville for a little while. Is that alright?"
  18. "YAY" Shining Star yelled causing the praetorians to glance in her direction seeing what she was doing and then going back to what they were doing, playing poker. Once again the youngest one wins and the other two get mad. (OOC: Just wondering whats going on with the other RP?)
  19. Shining Star saw rainbow dash come on and jumped up, "Mommy, your home!" she states in excitement and runs up to her. "Is everything alright in cloudsdale? Are the repairs coming along nicely?" She asked eagerly. "Next time you go can i go with you? I would really like to see cloudsdale"
  20. "i wouldn't say that they were lost. We didn't loose anything. Level Five was reached and SOP or Standard Operating Procedures stated that we must PURGE all data. This way the weather could not fall into the wrong hands. Now i know what you are thinking. 'any pony can make rain and clouds, but you absolutely correct, Any pony can do that, but its the hurricanes, the wind, the blizzards, all the big storms, and most importantly the Rainbows could not fall into the wrong hands. All that information was purged out of the system, and i caution you, because those areas are still rigged to blow. We have EOD handleing the UXOD or UneXploded Ordnance Devices to disarm them and clear it out." he explained. Back in ponyville, shining star woke up and started pruning her wings.
  21. A factory noticed rainbow dash return and walked up to her. "You know, they say that they are going to make this a historic monument to the 'Changeling Epidemic' being that this was literary the only building in this sector still standing. You seem to have a big interest in the factory. why is that?"
  22. "The princess dosnt remember her blood?" The youngest one asked with his mouth full in surprise. "Looks like we refrain from calling her princess. Unless she knows that part already" The middle one said after swallowing his mouthful. The eldest spoke back up. "So, what dose she know currently?" Downstairs Shining Stars metabolism kicked into over drive, causing her to loos the weight and gut while she slept.
  23. "so whats the deal? how long have we been asleep for?" asked the oldest changeling. He kept glancing back at his younger siblings. "Are they safe is all that i am worried about right now. Their safety and the safety of Princess Shining Star. Dose she remember anything?"
  24. The praetorians reappeared and grabbed the pizzas and took them into the kitchen, the eldest repaying Storm Rush for the pizzas and following the younger ones into the kitchen. Shining Star ended up falling asleep while Thunder Dash was rubbing her belly
  25. shining star was laughing and moving all over the place. the doorbell rings and a delivery pony is outside with nine large pizzas. "Hey, sup, you order the three large Works pizza, the three Meat Lovers Supreme, and the three triple cheese all nine with chocolate chips mixed into the cheese?" He said while hefting the nine boxes on his back (earth pony)
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