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MLP Dazzleglow

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Everything posted by MLP Dazzleglow

  1. Welcome. I do hope that one day you will let it out, but dont feel bad during the time being. I was the same way, and leading a double life in the US Army is the hardest thing to do. I hope to see you around on the forums, have fun, make lots of friends, because that's all you need in life is friends to be there when you need them the most. Take care of yourself
  2. Nothing wrong with that. But anyways, welcome to the Forums. I will always have my arms/hooves/paws (yes,paws) open for you and all new comers. This is a great place to be, and i hope you enjoy yourself. On a side note, i read the rules, and i follow them to the leter
  3. welcome to the forms. I litterally had made an intro that when i went and copy/pasted on Microsoft word, it showed up as five pages long, so yea, i edit it, and now i got what i got, so your intro is very good. Mr. Dash is 100% correct on this I have talked with so many Bronies, and they all have helped me in times of need. Hope to see you around, and have fun
  4. Shining Star double checks everything and goes as far as to making a checklist of things that she was suppose to have. Finally after a few minutes of going over the checklist she confirms that she is ready to go on to saddle Arabia. She looks at her tail seeing that now her mane is matching to the tale. "Oh come on, you have got to be kidding me!" she yells thinking that she said it in her head.
  5. "Kick you? i played a bugle in your ear and you didnt wake up, how dose kicking you wake you up?" Shining star got really annoyed at this statement and ended up just leaving to go find some food to take with her on her journey. in her head she hears Chrysalis voice "Come back to the hive and i can teach you how to properly mask yourself" Shining Star bit back and refused. She comes back with both bags full of fruit and a palish mint green mane and tail
  6. She begins playing it again not faltering when the volume was increased. She remained playing all the way through and when finished, she looked very pleased with herself and wondering if this did the job of waking up Goldseeker. "if this dose not wake him up, then nothing on Princess Luna's good graces will wake up this stallion...or maybe i can bite him to wake him up...yes...that sounds nice"
  7. Shining Star runs over to Goldseek and starts hopping around him yelling for him to get up. then she gets a bright idea. She runs over to her saddle bag and sees that she didnt have one with her. she uses her magic and makes a bugle. She then runs back over to Goldseek and starts playing on the bugle." once done she just sits and smiles wondering if she would need to do it again
  8. She looks up at sandstorm, "Well, my parents were killed in some war zone, but i dont know, i always made fun of for being an alicorn." She thinks for a minute and then decides that that was all she was hiding, then adds, "Oh, and because i was made fun of being an alicorn, i get angry very easy and always seem to liberality burn my opponents" she said while wiping away a tear
  9. She spins around and takes a defensive stance with extreme fear in her eyes. "Wh-what? Please don't tell anypony, please. This was the only way to not starve. I was tired of being alone and hungry *sob* i didnt know what else to do, and i found a changeling on the outskirts of Los Pegasus, and took his offer. I didnt realize how much ponies hated the changelings, *sob* a-and-and now i-i'm afraid." she lays down and buries her head her hooves and starts crying.
  10. Shining star wakes up and looks stars. She quickly looks around getting the feeling that she is being watched and dismisses it. She looks at her body to make sure that she is in her 'normal' form but realized that her tail is the palish blue color of the changelings. she tries to change it, but it only changes to palish mint green, she gives up and goes around the area to find a good place to use the little fillies room
  11. "They are just like little fillies, they will go where they want, but i will tell them not to sneak around and see if that has any effect" She then walks up the tunnel leaving shining star playing with a rock. She looks around and realized that Chrysalis left, but she goes back to playing with the rock
  12. Shining Star looks at Thunder Dash as he laid back down. "​sorry" she whispered and got back into her bed thinking of what Celestia was thinking hoof picking a filly as her self for this mission, then she started getting worried that perhaps Princess Celestia knew her secret, and if the other three knew. She got into her little 'bed' and softly sobbed a bit before drifting off back to sleep
  13. Shining Star waits till she thinks everypony is asleep and looks around. "great, that stupid praetorian followed me" She sneaks off in the middle of the night, drops her disguise and talks to the praetorian and find out why it was that she was following her. She put back on the her old lives form and snuck back into the camp knowing more about the mission Celestia gave the four, and what the evil King could do if awakened. She then went to sleep (ooc: finally back home so i can now put more thought into this)
  14. To herself. "why dose it always have to be around a war zone. Can't ponies just get along." Out loud to thunder dash and the others. "sorry about a few days ago. I don't know what came over me." She thinks to herself again, "other than almost changing back into changeling form
  15. "wait, why are we going to go through a war zone? Why not just take the extra two weeks to avoid the war?" Shining star asked very scared and worried. She looks at her main to see the slight change color and bolts out of the door making the excuse of having top use the little fillies room
  16. "Hi, I'm shining star. You must be the treasure hunter. It's so good to meet you, and please don't start about me being young. I got picked to do this and I am going to do this for the greater of equestria. I just love meeting new ponies. This is going to be so much fun." She said while bouncing in a circle.
  17. What's wrong with my size! Yea i may be small, but that should not matter. And what happens if you are too big to be able to fit in places. You should not judge other ponies on their appearances, but on what they have to offer!" she starts getting mad... to herself "calm down shining, dont get mad, just calm down" she calms down slightly
  18. "Some of my Changelings have told me that you left the EMAF, if i may be so bold as to inquire as to why you left? I sent some of my changelings in to see your records, but being locked behind glass and walls, they were unable to find anything. If this is too personal i will understand." She says this while more changelings are moving down the tunnels
  19. "So we are being sent out to find areas to grow Equestria into? Wow, that sounds...well i dont know how to put into words, i am just so exited about being hoofed picked for this. Sandstorm? is there something wrong? is something in my mane?" she asks while trying to straighten out her mane
  20. I dont know how to feel. i dont know what to do. I just feel like ending it all now. My ship has sank and i dont have no one to turn to. :`(

  21. So judging by the slots already taken, i am going to be representing Fire? I hope i was correct when i first saw this, because that was what i was trying to set up with her 'temper'
  22. Shining Star crashed landed about a few feet from Sandstorm and Thunder-Dash. "Ouch...I really need to work on my landing. They say taking off is the hardest part in flying. When i find out who in equestria said that i will kick them in the flank." She looks around and sees Thunder-Dash and Sandstorm. "Hi, I'm Shining Star, you all must be the other two i am suppose to meet, but do you mind explaining how a filly such as myself came to be selected on a mission of this magnitude?"
  23. "Yes, all changelings are combat trained. They start training at age of eighteen, or earlier if they should choose to do so. The training is a four year period, and then they must attend the Equestrian Collage in-order to be able to commission and be an officer. Celestia dose not yet know it, but about twenty-five percent of her collage students are changelings that are learning to be able to obtain a commission. Due to the small problem of their ROTC putting them into the EMAF they come home after four years of collage and go through a four week course of Officer Candidate School. It really is a confusing process, but all changelings have no problem of being a full military group, and some actually end up going to collage to get commissions. My idea behind that was so that they could be educated. We have elementary, junior high schools, and High schools that our younger changelings must attend if they fail to graduate, they are just retested until they do pass"
  24. "Two are in the Wastelands, two are in the Everfree forest, and one is hidden beyond ponyville. Each Hive is built to sustain only a max occupancy of one thousand changelings." Chrysalis said, shining star chiming in and adding "And there is one Hive outside of Equestria to train changelings to be combat warriors." she said happily
  25. "there are actually 4.5 thousand changelings to-date, with five hives active, you only know of two. I was actually debating if i should go to the other hives and hide there for the rest of my days before you showed that changelings could be loved and respected." Chrysalis explained. Shining Star walks through the tunnels and walks up to the group. "Wow, that was easy to navigate." she said
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