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MLP Dazzleglow

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Everything posted by MLP Dazzleglow

  1. "Well...(noticing Thunder-Dashes sadness) Thank you? Come shining Star, we must not be here for long lest Celestia and Luna will be here any moment and i for one do not what that happening. Thank you again for bringing my daughter back to her rightful home. I guess i was wrong about all ponies. you are not all evil like those Zebras" Chrysalis says. Shining Star quickly walks up to Thunder-Dash and stops in front of him. "I am sorry Thunder Dash. I really am. I just didn't want anything to happen to ponyville. I am sorry for everything that I had put you through." Tears were now rolling down her face and she was choking on sobs.
  2. Chrysallis just stares at Thunder-Dash. "What is this? You take her from me twice, and now you are just going to give her up, I this some kind of trap?" "I have to know, I have to know if what you said is true the second time you took me back into those dark caves"
  3. As Thunder-dash flew to the hive shining star was crying herself trying to figure out if she had made the right choice. After Thunder-Dash left and was out of sight, Chrysalis landed in front of Storm-Rush. "Do not Panic, I am not here on hostile terms. i just wish to speak with my daughter"
  4. Alarms blaring in the back ground and the changelings on their way to ponyville. A runner runs up to the Sergeant standing next to Thunder-Dash and the rest. "Sir! Sergeant! We have confirmed the ETA of the attack. At their speeds, they will be on us in five minutes! All EAF ponies are busy with the evacuation, we will not be able to hold them off!" "Attention, Attention! Attack imminent! Three Minutes till WAR is upon us!" "Filly! We need that answer!" "Umm, i don't know, i don't know!" The sky grows darker as the changelings are advancing from the sky and from the ground. "Attention Attention, War will be upon us in exactly 60 seconds!" "FILLY!!!" Suddenly the EAF Air-force Flies in from out of no where and starts attacking the air-born changelings. As the Count down is being broadcast from the speakers Shining Star could be seen sweating bullets. With only a twenty seconds left, Shining Star makes up her mind. "I will go!" The changelings all around halt, while the air-born changelings continue fighting the EMAF Air-Force
  5. Ponyville Control: What do you mean Radios are down!" ponyville Control sergeant: "Something is jamming our signal. All radios are fully functional, but they are not able to send or receive" In the Horizon hundred of thousand changelings could be seen in all directions just glaring down at the small ponyville waiting for the orders. Shining Star comes running up to thunder dash "What is going on?" "If all they want is that filly, JUST give them what they want before all of equestria is torn to pieces." The sky turns dark as more changelings start filling the sky. Panic and screams of terror start fill the streets as ponies start running for the underground bunker while all the other branches of service are trying desperately to calm them all down.
  6. (occ: this may get a little confusing due to multiple ponies on the radios in several communication rooms. to make it easier i will be writing it as if it was a script and all this is taking place late at night before the sergeant could reply to you) Control Room sergeant: "Captain, we are receiving flash traffic Emergency Action Message, I say again we are receiving flash traffic EAM, recommend Alert 2, Recommend Alert 2" Control Room Captain: "Alert 2, alert 2, EMAF Ponies this is not a drill, man you stations stand by for further instructions!" Proximity Radar Private First Class: "What the buck! My Screens Full!" Code room Major: (Reading screen) "what the hay is this (reading aloud)All units... Running out...of time... we are pushing our plans... destroy all deciphering machines and codes...All units... Can we not decode this part? " Code room Captain: "No sir, that's what alarms us." Code room Major: "(picks up phone) We need to escalate to Alert 1. we have a possible attack imminent. we have picked up transmissions stating to destroy all deciphering machines and codes and unable to decode the last part of the message, Do you read, Acknowledge." Canterlot Control: "We read you Major. Alert 1, Alert 1, this is not a drill, this is not a drill. We are now declaring Marshal Law. Get all the civilian ponies to the evacuation points just in case we need to evacuate. Proximity Radar Sergeant: "My screen is full! I am picking up a lot of movement coming from he East, Now i am picking up on the West-" Radar Captain: "Zoom out on the radar! We need to find out what is going on. Lieutenant start waking up eleven thousand ponies" Radar Sergeant: "Zooming out, standby, the screen is no longer full, but we have a lot of signatures being picked up all around Ponyville. I think there is an attack about to take place! We need to do something. Radar Sergeant First class: "Control-Radar, We have contact bearing 060 At ponyville. Possible hostile intent. Launch the Alert, Launch the Alert, do you read me! LAUNCH THE BUCKING ALERT! Advance Warning and Control (AWAC/Ghost Eye): ALERT 1, ALERT 1, begin the evacuation procedures for Ponyville, sound the alarms: (ooc: switching to the other side now) Praetorian 1: "We are not sure if we managed to get by with out being detected" Drone 1: "Of course we were detected, but with the our shear numbers, we will be unstoppable in our mission. Drone 2: "Wait, what is our mission? Praetorian 2: "Our mission is to get a safe area so that our queen may be able to speak with shining star and convince her to come home." Drone 3: "so we are not overtaking ponyville? All: "NO! (back at the military) Proximity Radar Private First Class: "Judging by this, there has to be at least give or take a few thousand, but i am predicting over 600,000 unknowns heading into ponyville! (In ponyville) Evacuation Captain: "Attention all Ponies of Ponyville, this is not a drill, we need all ponies to start moving to the underground bunkers. Please do this in an orderly and fashioned way. Please do hurry, but do no run" MP Sergeant: "Major Dash, where did you leave that filly! MP Sergeant 2: "What the hay is going on" Radio operator 1: "We copy the Alert 1, we are now evacuating in accordance with SOP" Radar Private "This is not good, hey everypony the unknowns are on the move, they will be all over us in a matter of minutes, thirty minutes if they stay at this speed" (alarms blear at this point AWAC: "Attention Ponyville Control, this is Ghost Eye, Marshal Law has been declared, Evacuations are futile, get them hidden underground. ponyville Control: "Shit! what the buck is happening! Ghost Eye, do you read me?! Dose Any Pony Read Me!! ponyville Control sergeant: "Radios are dead, we are not receiving or transmitting (OCC: ok like i said, sorry if it is confusing)
  7. Shining Star looked at the ground, "maybe they can change?" the MP sergeant looked at Thunder-dash with fear in his eyes. "Well, the only thing going for us right now is having a bunch of changelings prisoner right now, and only one seems to talk to us. the others are just freakishly still in their cells. This is your call SIr"
  8. "Maybe I should go talk with Chrysalis. See what she has to say about leaving me." "Are you out of your mind filly?! That 'Queen' tried to kill all of ponyville!" "maybe we can talk with her, find out the real reason for why all this happened. What could possibly go wrong? Can we thunder-dash" Shining Star sees rainbow-dash having trouble and cast a loose weight spell causing her stomach to disappear.
  9. "I don't know what to do. all i want is to have a family" shining star states with tears in her eyes back at the hive "My queen, I think the best thing to do at this point is to just go in peacefully and actually talk to them. Explain what has happened." "After we went to war with them!?" she yells "Thats all they want is for us to set foot in their land and kill us. NO! Sadly, all we can do is wait, and hope that shining star comes home.
  10. "i dont know what i want. This entire time we have been hunting for my parents, then we get hunted, and now i am being hunted. I Just don't know what to do." One of the MP's walks up to Thunder-dash and tells him, "Well, we got some more information out of the changeling and we didnt even need those bucking zebras. HA, In your face Zebra"
  11. She looked down to the ground, poked at it a few times before looking back up at Thunder Dash. "All i remember is a dream i keep having. I see myself as a smaller foal and i see this black pony, but now i know that they are changelings, standing over me in some places, and holding me in her hoofs in other dreams. but was always the same thing, I looked just like them and it ends in the same way. Something, i dont know what, happens, the big changeling takes me into a room, casts a spell on me, I look just like i am now, and the door blows open, the big changeling screams, runs off, and then i wake up." Mean while in the interrogation room "Why did the Queen want to give up her daughter?" "The Hive was attacked by those damn zebras. They came in out of nowhere, we did nothing to them, yet they come and attack us. It was the third year in the battle when we thought that it was safe in side the hive, we even set the wastelands back on fire to get the Sulfur back in the air." "Ok, So you were at War with the zebras for three years, just going back and fourth. What happened?" "We were attacked in the Hive again, but this time, because they lost so many of their troops on the march up to the hive, they were killing little changelings, The Queen was in her chambers when the attack started, We changelings protected her, even though we changelings lost our lives in the process. The queen refused to leave the Hive, she then went into a room, cast a spell on little shining star, and had her taken to equestria to be put in an orphanage, thinking that this was going to be the end of the Changelings. But We changelings succeed and the zebras ended up loosing their lives instead. So with princess Shining Star already underway, Two changelings were sent out to protect her, and pose as her parents that were thought to be lost in combat." "Staff Sergeant Bright Star" The changeling noded "So what caused you all to be at the POW camp fighting those civilians?" "We were trying to free our brothers that were taken. We have been truthful in every aspect, but if you are allied with the Zebras, then we are going to die anyways. might as well die on a good note." With this the two MP's escort the changeling back to the cell, and put on extra guards to make sure that nothing happens to them
  12. "Alright. Come on Troops, lets get a move on" with this a few of the MP's walk out of the room while the others just got back to what they were doing. In the interrogation room "Ok, lets start off easy. I am Sergeant Dark Heart, this is Sergeant Bright Heart. Can you tell us your name?" ​"we do not require names" "Ok, can you tell us what you were doing posing as EMAF Air-Force Ponies in that Zebresistan POW Camp?" "We were sent to rescue two of our own. We learned that that POW camp kills changelings even after they complied with the zebras." "So what you are saying is that you were sent onto a rescue mission? I think we need to get the Major in here." "yes we were sent on a rescue mission. The queen left her daughter in the hands of you ponies, but when the Queen saw that the ponies were allied with these monsters she wanted to get her daughter out of the hands of ponies." "Wait, what do you mean ponies allied with the Zebras, we allied ourselves when you all attacked." ​"The attacks were to be a diversion to get the filly Shining Star" "Get the Major in here now!"
  13. I use to have many hobbies though as time went on a lot of them stopped. I now only seem to get on my Xbox and play shooter games and go to the firing range. the weapons of choice are my M9 service pistol, and my M14 assault riffle
  14. No problem Now dont get me wrong, its fun on the Xbox and other systems as well i believe i played 2 on the xbox, and i like how you can take control of them unlike the PC. so it has its Pro's and Con's.
  15. I had the game at one point. It is worth getting, i would recommend for the PC though, could not figure out how to play it on Xbox
  16. I had the same situation, and i was in my Military Army Combat Uniform when i was doing it. The clerk just snickered at me and started making fun of me. My reply to him was as follows. "Well excuse me if i am open about what i like and don't like. Your life must be pretty shitty if you have to try and make someone else feel shitty." paid for my MLP toys and left.
  17. i am sure that the rumor is false, but i for one and now this is just my opinion, would not mind seeing twilight as an alicorn. She is very powerful and it just fits that she would be one. now remember this is just my opinion
  18. the games that i am playing right now are as follows. 1. MLP game on cell phone 2. Minecraft just building ships and random things Current making the Titanic 3. Dead space 1 4. dead space 2, (shipping to house on Friday) 5. Battlefield 3
  19. welcome, i would say to add me on my steam, but i rarely get on my PC games being my laptop is getting slow. (time to save up for a new one) but yea, if you do want to add me it should be in my profile info as well, i play MW3 and Portal 2, Flight Sim X special addition
  20. MLP Dazzleglow

    movies/tv Lionking chat

    I love that movie. I think lion king 1 1/2 was good. seeing how tamon and pumba were everywhere before they appeared in the first movie
  21. I dont even go to church anymore. If i have a problem, i go to christian Chaplin we say a few prayers, and i go on my merry way. my old church just ruined it for me. i mean for four years i was trying to get away from Jehovah/God
  22. You know the show Jack Ass? Yea, i did that. Took a shopping cart to the roof of the house, tied it down and said "This is * censored* and this is Jack Ass" cut the rope and it failed immidiatly. i thought i broke my neck and my back. lol good times, good times
  23. I actually am now switching to christan, but i was at one point a Jehovah's Witness, up until i joined the military and got the boot from the church. now i am sure not all the churches are like that, just mine.
  24. struggling. my ship is sinking and i have no way to get off

  25. Welcome to the Community. have fun, here is a barf bag for when you decide to get off the record player.
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