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MLP Dazzleglow

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Everything posted by MLP Dazzleglow

  1. at the sound of food shining's stomach started growling. "yes, i didn't have any breakfast either. It is a pleasure to meet you mister Storm-Rush" Getting hot she took off her cloak and tucked it into her saddle bags. "I have never been to Manehattan before, what are good places to eat at?"
  2. Shining Star looks in the distance and sees the coast approaching "is that Manehattan? is your cousin nice? will he come see the Pony of Liberty and the towers with us?" suddenly she freezes and looks down, "will he freak out when he sees my wings?" she said softly
  3. im a console person and a PC person. I like to play games on the PC when i know that they did not mod anything or hack anything that i am wanting to play, for instance, i play Skyrim on the PC, let my old roommate play the game and come back to it to find that he modded the game so that he could jump off the highest point in the game and not even have the life bar go down a single nano-meter. I know that this risk is still big on the console but there are some games that i just can not play with a mouse and the arrow keys, like Skyrim again for example on the PC. I use the Wired Xbox controller to be able to play the game, and call of duty will not allow me to use the controller so i play it on the console, but mainly stick to Battle Field 3 being that it is more realistic than call of duty. So yea, i go both ways between PC and Console and i am a Xbox Person when it comes to consoles. Thank you for your time
  4. "Manehattan? we get to go to Manehattan?!" Shining star yells happily. "Can we see the pony of liberty and the twin towers when we get there? please, please, PLEASE!" the little filly starts getting very exited being that she has never once been to any of these two places
  5. "i think that might be a good idea." She looks at the balloon. "Dose anypony know how to fly this thing? and how long will it take for us to get to canterlot?" She remained in Thunder Dash's arms being that she felt safe for some reason while she was held. i wonder if dad will hold me like this
  6. shining star looks at Thunder dash with worry in her eyes. "Whats the bad news Thunder dash?" She looks at Rainbow Dash, "Whats going on? Did we fail before we even left to save celestia?" Shining star starts panicking while still in Thunder Dashes hoofs
  7. Shining star wakes up and realized what Thunder Dash was doing. She quickly tried to wiggle out of his arms and then stops squirming. She just looks to the ground remembering what they are going to be doing now. "I think we should go ahead and lift off. im sure the other two will catch up. they are Pegasus after all"
  8. i got a friend that on this game and he could use some more friends. if you all would be so kind as to help both me and him out on the mlp game. my game loft account name is: dazzlglow. my friends game loft name is: reaperx12191. thank you in advance
  9. Shining star walks up to the balloon and looks up at it. Being so small she is unable to get in and she tries to fly up into the balloon. Finally she manages to get into the balloon and collapse on the floor. "So tired, why am i so tired?" She falls asleep and curls into a ball.
  10. by the time Shining Star caught up with everypony Luna came in behind her. "Ok everypony, It appears that Celestia has been missing for the past four days. She never got to Saddlearabia. It is up to you all to find her and bring her back. Outside is a balloon that will take you to Saddlearabia. Once there you will need to find out what happened." Shining star looked around noticing her parents not present. "is my mom and dad coming with us?" "No, i am afraid i need them to stay with me to protect equestira." Shining Star looks at the group. "I am ready to leave when you are ready"
  11. i wish i could say that i am happy. I have so many things going wrong in my life. I can not financially support myself, All my friends are dead. I sometimes wish that i was dead, but i have to live on for my friends and the men that i lost under my command. That's the only thing that keeps me going. *sigh*
  12. "i think we should stay here, I mean, what if the EMAF Air Force is out in ponyville are looking for us. I don't want to be captured by the bad guys." Luna takes them all to the guest bedrooms and she bids them a good night. "Good night everyone. Hopefully we can talk to Princess Celestia later two days later a guard comes running down the halls yelling "celestias missing CELESTIAS MISSING!"
  13. I think it looks great. though with the way Big Mac looks, i would not want to be going anywhere near sweat apple acres. What program did you use?
  14. After seven days of traveling they came up to the Canterlot Gates and were met by EMAF Army earth ponies. "Halt. I need to see some identification before allowing you into the palace." Golden Star looked at the guard and yelled "I am 1st LT Golden Star of the 2nd brigade 5th Marine ID!" "Sorry sir, but you have been dead for three years, i need to see the identification sir." Bright Star showed the guard her ID and the guard let them in" Luna said "I will go get Celestia, you all just wait right here, and if you see any Air force personnel, call for the other guards" Luna Comes back a few minutes Later "Well, looks she is out of country at the moment and will be back in three days. If you all would like you can take the guest bedrooms or return back to ponyville and i will talk with Celestia about what is going on"
  15. "Now my big sister can be unfair at some times, but im sure she would not send out corrupted EMAF personnel" Luna Said. Shining Star was asleep on her fathers back and Bright Star was mending Rainbow Dashes wing. "You should be able to fly now, but i would not try to fight for the next few days" bright star said
  16. "I wish i knew, but i sadly i dont. And their is a small possibility that the one that wrote these fake orders were in the blast, but at the same time they may be out their alive somewhere. We should take these to Celestia at once. and so as to show Celestia that Bright and Gold Star are still alive." She looked at Bright Star." LT Bright Star, do you have any objections to this?" "Ma'am No ma'am"
  17. "Fighting each other? Who else was here? I only sent out the Marines" Shining Stars ears perked up at this and she explained. "the EMAF Air Force were deployed here as instructed in the classified documents" she pulled out the documents and gave them to Luna. "the Marines then came in after we got to the camp and were told to surrender by the Air Force." At this Luna laughed and she pointed at the EMAF seal explaining that the seal has not been in use for over fifty years. that those orders were sent in by a fake
  18. Golden Dash walked up to Luna and bowed "Ma'am 1st Lieutenant Golden Star 2nd brigade 5th Marine infantry division. we just managed to escape in the nick of time thanks to these civilians and our daughter Shining Star-" Bright Star cut him off, "But in the process we found out that the entire EMAF Air Force might be corrupted and someone needs to look into it." Luna Looks at the group, looks at the mushroom cloud and then looks around. "Where is the 478th Marine Infantry Division? When i left you all in the everfree forest i dispatched them all out here to try and assist you." Shining Star lowered her head and looked back over to the mushroom cloud that was now disappearing and the the dust settling leaving a crater in the ground that was about 500 feet deep
  19. "My parents are up in front with Rainbow Dash" Shining Star said. "Good luck getting back to Equestria. Sadly we can not escort you back home. We have to end this corruption of military personnel right here right now." With that the Marine Pegasus flew back to his commander and when everyone got to where the POW camp looked like a little ball in the distance the Marines detonated the explosives. The explosion was so huge that everyone was knocked to the ground and all that was left of the camp was a big rainbow colored mushroom cloud. Shining Star ran up to Thunder Dash and Artifact and asked "what did they do? did they make it out?" Suddenly Luna appeared in front of them "Congrats on your mission being a success, as i knew it would be. but can someone explain what that big explosion was?"
  20. "im over here" yelled shining star hiding in a broken down hut. fighting directing behind her were three EMAF Air force and EMAF Marine ponies and shining star could not get out with out being spotted. one of the Pegasus from the Marines ran up to Ace and yelled "You civilians need to get out of here. We cant hold them off and we have been ordered to blow this place up.".
  21. Shining stars mother gives herself wings and tells them that they are ready. as Golden Star heads for the rear, a EMAF Marine Pegasus bumps in to him. "Oh for the love of Luna" Golden Star yells as he body slams the pegasus knocking him out. "Ok the coast is clear. If we had a good time to leave, this might be it.
  22. With that said shining star goes and gets her parents out of the camp and brings them back to the group. "What do we do now? two military groups are going at it with each other and we are caught in the cross fire. I am really confused as well now. I thought Celestia was the one that issued the arrest order for me, but now the Marines are saying that she and Luna issued the arrest for the EMAF Air Force. WHAT IS GOING ON!"
  23. As everypony was running the spell wore off and the EMAF Marines Commander yelled "Cease fire! CEASE FIRE! We have civilians in the open. Delta squadron, get them out of their." A small group of pegasus all jumped up and flew over head of the group and one of them yelled "Commander Night!, Bright Star and Golden Star are Alive!, they are over here!" Shining star looks at Thunder, Rainbow, Ace, Artifact and Rarity. "I think this group might be on our side."
  24. "EMAF Air Force, This is your last chance. Lay down the prototype weapons, and surrender, or we will open fire!" With the the unicorns all charged up their horns, the earth ponies and Pegasus all pulled out experimental weapons. Shining Star with out thinking did a duplication spell and made two of her. "What did i just do?!" yelled shining star "If that's the way its going to be, then all EMAF FIRE!" The EMAF Marines all oppened fire and the EMAF Air force did the same. everyone was now caught in the cross fire.
  25. Suddenly another voice from behind the Village came out. "This is the Equestrian Military Armed Forces Marine Corps. All personnel under the flag of the EMAF Air Force, you are hear by charged by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna for war crimes against Equestria and zebregastan. You are ordered to surrender now or prepare for battle." Shining star looked in the direction of the new voice and her jaw just dropped. "That is a lot of Pegesi. wait, i see earth ponies and unicorns among them as well." "well this is going to be better than surrendering" golden Star said. "Yea, last time we surrendered we were tortured for three years before they finally let their guard down" bright star said
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