This role play takes place in Ponyville three years after Shining Star runs away from Los Pegasus her old home. She is trying to find her parents believing that they are still alive, but just has not come back. Her parents are dead, lost their lives in combat. After coming to Ponyville she is trying to hide that she is an Alicorn by wearing a cloak that hides her wings and her cutie mark. While in ponyville she will meet some ponies, but that is up to you all to help with. Please put in an app and help out and we will take the story from there.
28, September 2002, a lone filly could be seen walking down the dirt paths of ponyville. No pony thinks anything of it, being that most fillies always walk around. No pony notices the sad look on her face, as this lone filly walks into town to try and find food.
1.Any type is welcome, Just don't make them god like (unless your Luna or Celestia)
2. *Changed* No double posting. When someone post, you may replie
3. please stay on topic, do not go off story
Application: (please copy and past) I will let you know if you have been approved or denied via re-post here and through private message
What are you:
[ ] alicorn
[ ] Earth pony
[ ] Pegasus
[ ] unicorn
Where do you live
[ ] Ponyville
[ ] Canterlot*
[ ] Los Pegasus*
[ ] Appleloosa*
[ ] other________*
*if you live anywhere other than ponyville, please explain why you are in ponyville:
What is your job (if you want to have one):
Your Character:
(do not copy and past this one) here is my character:
*edit* brought back The Alicorn for those of you that are Alicorn's
Edit- Closed