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  1. So I'm guessing we might hear some actual official news about this around toyfair in March. That'll be around the time the DFam contract ends.
  2. I think it needs to be emphasized that this is not fake. They may not be Hasbro but Panaderia is a legit, professional marketing agency with a website and social media handles and everything, and they wouldn't add "fake out" news to promote the brand if they didn't believe their internal information supported that claim. It may not end up being something that pans out, but it is a claim they are intending to make in good faith, so at the very least it's indicative of Hasbro consideration if not execution. And given the current circumstances of the IP with sluggish G5 interest and the Discovery contract expiring next year, it definitely seems more than plausible. In any event, there's a licensing expo happening in London in a few weeks, so might be getting some more concrete info then.
  3. I wouldn't hold your breath for substance with only 5 minutes an episode. TYT is just going to be something parents can put to distract their kids while they're busy. Think the best anyone can hope for is some good gags (which tbh Pony Life did not have very much of). What I do hope for is since the MYM "season" is essentially going to be less than the length of one Lord of the Rings installment that it is more serialized and dramatic than G4 with legit CG visuals. Definitely encouraged by G Berrow being the showrunner since she was one of the better character writers late in G4's life
  4. Re the VA recasting, I've heard something about Canada requiring Canadian VAs if you're going to produce your show there, though I don't know where one would go to verify that. Anyway, from the vocal samples I've heard, they seem like good fits for the roles and would honestly probably be better at maintaining a "G4" vibe than the movie actors would. If they had originally been cast as the movie VAs I don't know if anyone would've complained.
  5. I don't mean to raise anyone's anxiety w/ my random thoughts but between this and the G4 Movie moving to Hulu next month, I am kinda wondering if Disney is starting to take a vested interest in the G4 IP. Not sure how it would work out legally but it wouldn't be the first Hasbro/Disney partnership.
  6. Jim Miller has said the show was already wrapping up before the movie was released, so I don't think its box office performance was a real material effect (although perhaps the movie itself might have been if it was a particularly tumultuous production). The insane amount of concept art we've gotten for the G5 movie really shines a light on just how much of the process is throwing around random ideas and figuring out how to condense them into something coherent. In any event, I personally would be happy to see the M6 show up in something new again.
  7. I will say I think it'll be to this G's advantage that it will be on Netflix. They won't be hampered by network time slots and commercial breaks and can make episodes as long as necessary to execute plots/morals. That was an issue that often held G4 back. Definitely looking forward to seeing more of these ponies.
  8. I thought it was awesome. Hoped for the best, but it was far more entertaining than I ever could've expected. Movie gave me a high at the beginning that never let up, everything worked on a technical and storytelling level.
  9. It appears the "embargo" on movie reviews was lifted today, and reviews are starting to come in for the film https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/my_little_pony_a_new_generation So far, four positives and no negative reviews. It's early, but I think it's safe to say film critics as a whole will like this better than the G4 movie.
  10. I really hope the trailer/movie delivers, this is like the only thing I can look forward to with complete certainty at the moment.
  11. Definitely looking forward to seeing more imagery of Maretime Bay. Got some big Porto Rosso vibes from it from those book images. Looks incredibly detailed.
  12. Since the series is evidently still being produced in Vancouver, seems to leave the door open for many old faces to return
  13. So I've been watching a bit season 2 and it's a shame that it couldn't find its groove until much of the G4 holdover hype had passed. It's far more coherent and enjoyable than the first season, and the "Wild Side" characters are pretty cute.
  14. Yeah, this fandom clearly ain't going nowhere. Pretty impressive tbh how the art community exploded with material after just a few stills and video for the new generation were released.
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