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Status Updates posted by FancyPhoenix

  1. Well... I guess I'm a godfather then ^^ This is kinda exciting :P

  2. Oh, what a lovely crisp autumn-morning. What productive to do today? Wait... What's that, bed? Come back, you say? Naaaw, I don't think it would be okay... No, bed! Let go of me! I said, LET GOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAARRRHHH!!!.... And now it's 12:55PM... Fuck...

  3. Is it strange that my dad just told me he and my mom are getting a divorce and the only thing I feel about it is relief..?

  4. Oh how I thought this day would never come. But so it has and I'm FINALLY done with army! Nine months of service behind, filled with awesome memories with the best possible unit. Thank you conscript band! (Though I doubt any of you hang around here :P) Now I can try and ease myself back into the fandom ^^

  5. Happy Midsummer everypony! :D

    1. Acoustic Cloud

      Acoustic Cloud

      Ummmm, a lot of ponies aren't there yet. So it's just "someponies".

    2. FancyPhoenix


      But it's Midsummer here, so I get to wish Happy Midsummer, no? D:

    3. Acoustic Cloud

      Acoustic Cloud

      It isn't until I have arrived, then the Midsummer can start at my command.

  6. Something EVERYONE needs to read through ^^ http://www.equestriadaily.com/2014/06/not-doing-hurtful-things-to-your-waifu.html?m=1 I have not seen anything this adorable in a good while! :3

  7. Well, this is it, guys. It's my last night as a private. Tomorrow I'll become a Jaeger. (I actually think that's kinda cool 0.o)

  8. My hatred for Hasbro grows... I know it's old news by now, but taking down "Ask Princess Molestia" was a dick move. It's almost like they want to suffocate all good fan content. Why??? What is it but free advertisement for them? Even if the nature of the blog was a bit NSFW-ish, I don't see any reason to put it down. Bad Hasbro! >:I

    1. Yellow Diamond

      Yellow Diamond

      Hasbro didn't take "Ask Princess Molestia" down. The only thing known is that the tumblr was taken down and JJ decided not to contest it.

    2. FancyPhoenix


      It was confirmed by JJ that he received an e-mail from Hasbro asking him to take down the blog. After this Tumblr shut down the blog by the request of Hasbro, due to "copyright issues"

  9. Well, here we go! In the army now :P 255 days, the clock is ticking.

  10. Här kommer jag igen, Sverige! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      Jiggle bobby snot obtuse sidewalk?

    3. FancyPhoenix


      Dsanders: You should ^^ It's a great place, and there's pretty girls :P

      A Makusu2: Wat..? o.0

    4. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      Zap bap pattycake.

  11. Supernatural, why do you always make me feel for the bad guys??? D: Poor Crowley... (note: end of season 8)

  12. Merry Christmas everypony!! :D (And yes, I'm allowed to say that because we celebrate Christmas on the 24th in Finland and it's 25 minutes past midnight here ^^)

  13. Steam Holiday Sale is on!!! ARGHBLARGHGLARBH!!! (Goodbye munniez :'( )

  14. Hej då pappa ha det bra! Ses på hotellet sen! (Whoever gets what this is from wins a cookie XP)

  15. Now you can ask me questions!!! :D (Though why anyone would want to remains a mystery) ask.fm/Jamzza

  16. Anyone got a link for a decent quality version of the new episode? I can't find it anywhere D:

    1. ~StatesTheOblivious~


      I wanted to give you the link for the one I watched earlier today... but it's already gone! D:

    2. Moonlight
  17. As a saxophonist myself, I just can't not share this. AWESOME!!! http://youtu.be/XCwTNvkO8SU

  18. Season 4 Episode 3 thoughts: Not impressed

    1. GoneForeverBye


      It sure would be great to know WHAT THE FREAKING POINT WAS. :P

  19. I'm feeling... inexplicably happy :) Might this be the reason..? I wonder...

  20. What was the lesson in the Season 4 premiere episodes?

    1. FancyPhoenix


      ANSWER: "Friendship is NOT jewelery"

  21. I laughed at this way more than is approppriate XD

  22. I'm writing again!!!

  23. Feeling very emotional...

    1. FancyPhoenix


      And here's the main reason for it

  24. Just finished watching Supernatural's fifth season and... I'm not gonna lie.. Liquid pride was shed.... Buuutttt.... nowit's3:40AMandIneedtoworktomorrowat8sobaii!

  25. Listening to this and remembering the most important person in the world who loves the song :3 (and I have to admit, it is awesome)

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