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Status Updates posted by Avery

  1. Finally done for the day...wait...homework ¬_¬

  2. 3 consecutive classes of science, music and maths and my day will be done. Just have to sustain my boredom for 4 more hours -_-

  3. I am super bored out of my mind :( Undertones in the background makes very little difference, any ideas before I go to bed?

  4. Finally recorded some Borderlands 2 gameplay, it made me realize how much I am in need of a new DVR!

    1. ParsoOfEquestria


      i need to get one of them, come to think of it

    2. Avery


      Well they are not cheap I can tell you that ¬_¬

    3. ParsoOfEquestria


      yeah, cheapest I've seen for the is about 150 AUD but that was on ebay and I dont trust ebay

  5. I don't think my brain cells can take these levels of boredom anymore -_-

    1. MiStErUnMeRry
    2. MiStErUnMeRry


      There a bunch of things to help you stay off boredom, buddy. Enjoy.

    3. Avery


      Bit late but alright thanks ^_^

  6. Woah woah...people who play COD don't take kindly to bronies in the UK...when I am beating them senselessly. So much hate:(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Avery


      I did know that, just TF2 doesn't interest me very much. It just extremely annoys me on how some people are so prejudice on the whole matter and complain and mock people about things they don't even know about ¬_¬

    3. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      The same thing happens in Planetside 2. I'm part of a brony outfit, which appends [PONY] to our names. I even have the word "brony" in my name. If I even use the chat window some people will fly into a fit of rage. After helping to capture a large base with lots of people in the area, my outfit likes to yell "THIS BASE IS NOW 20% COOLER - THE PONY BRIGADE" before we move on. Some people take it very seriously.

    4. Avery


      But I do not force it on other people that I like MLP, the extent is my COD Emblem is Rarity; and clan tag MLP, I am not being up in peoples face with it. They just start on me for no reason ¬_¬

  7. Damn...when playing Call of Duty was the highlight of your day...you know you've had a crap day ¬_¬

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Avery


      That i'll try ;)


    3. Avery


      I see what you mean by similar avatars now, thats the one i was gonna use but it seemed a little over the top

    4. Shiki


      ^ Made me chuckle

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