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Status Updates posted by Avery

  1. I have done absolutely nothing today...Mission accomplished!

    1. khaine21x3


      Ahh the joys of being young

    2. Avery


      I should have been doing something but...ahh well :3

  2. Sometimes...I just hate this country... -_-

  3. *sigh* The boredom is back...can't believe I have nothing to do on a Saturday night. ¬_¬

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rocco


      i once spent a hour watching derpy watch a lava lamp on youtube.

    3. Avery


      Time well spent...completely ponified my entire computer. It is the best thing I have ever done!

    4. A Jewel of Rarity

      A Jewel of Rarity

      i might "ponify my computer might even change the folder icons to have a derpy pop out them

  4. I'm so full of energy drink... XO

    1. A Jewel of Rarity

      A Jewel of Rarity

      what about metal are you full of metal :P

    2. Avery


      I could never be full on metal!!

  5. Too...many...apples!! xP

  6. Is any pony up for a late night/early morning chat? I guarantee the content will be of high quality at this time -_-

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Avery
    3. Rocco


      all ill say is this, spitfire's hair sucks to draw but is very pretty!

    4. Avery


      Yes it is :3

  7. Uhh 4 hours until complete, utter boredom… ;_;

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Avery


      Yeah…but I wish I had more talent -_-

    3. Rocco


      dude dont be like that! you got skilles! i can see it in your work, what little i have seen anyway. at any rate thats a great show quality piece you got there. here, heres my info http://rozzi1987.deviantart.com/, i know you can do good work and i want to see it.

    4. Avery


      Aww…thanks. :'3

  8. Does anypony want to talk or something?...Super bored ¬_¬

  9. I'm going to give myself brain damage with all this headbanging!!

    Just wait to the breakdown :3
  10. Everypony headbang with me!!! X3

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Avery


      Although this is just my opinion...but does anypony else who listens to Metallica think the singer sounds very similar?

    3. Rocco


      very close, very close. he has more energy though.

    4. Avery


      Or less "ahh's" and "oooo's" than James xD

  11. Ugh XP Something feels seriously wrong with my insides...

  12. "Be Still and Know" What a song xD

  13. Could this day go any slower -_- Something happen pwease!! :3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shiki


      @Riclo - Perception is not fact, it is perception. Time will move at a constant, but it will feel like it moves faster/slower, BECAUSE OF the way people perceive it. We could say that time does indeed vary in speed relative to a single person's brain, but relative to the universe, time is a constant.


      At least that's what I would think. I'm not very good with complex things cuz im akshuly prety stoopid. :v

    3. Avery


      Well you put up a fair argument for somepony who claims to stupid! XD

    4. Riclo



      Good point. Didn't think of it that way.

  14. So tired...yet can't sleep...what's wrong with my brain!? -_-

  15. A few short hours into a new day! I can feel its going to be better!

  16. Day of love and happiness...and yet I have never felt so disconnected... :(

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Fire Runner

      Fire Runner

      i think im going to watch the hearts and hooves day episode now :3

    3. Avery


      Funny that's what I was doing! xD

    4. Fire Runner

      Fire Runner

      nice, hahaha XD

  17. Well it's Valentines here now! And I know exactly how to spend it...6 guys alone in a room playing video games...weeee! -_-

    1. Fire Runner

      Fire Runner

      sounds legit.

      better then spending it with a bowl of chocolate peanut-butter ice-cream... lol

  18. Does anypony want to talk or add me on Skype. Need some form of distraction.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Avery


      It doesn't matter. I am going to attempt to sleep soon anyway, you can always add me though! ;)

    3. Fire Runner

      Fire Runner

      alright, I'll add you later :P

    4. Avery
  19. Thanks Education for giving me one of the biggest tests of my life, on Hearts And Hooves day..no no just thank you! ¬_¬

  20. ...I got nothin'! -_-

  21. Perfectly reasonable question I think "If a/sinA = b/sinB = c/sinC...what are the chances that you will use this in real life?"

  22. Happy and full of life for some reason!! xD

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf
    2. Avery


      Aww don't worry, it's just because I've been listening to hypnosis recordings to get me into a happier mood. If anything it's fake happiness.

  23. Anypony want to chat for a while?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Flutty


      Skype =D (if you talking about chatting ;p)

    3. Avery


      Sure if you want! ;D

    4. Flutty


      Fluttershy711 Add me =D

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