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~Galloping Rainbowdash~

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Status Updates posted by ~Galloping Rainbowdash~

  1. So, I know I haven't been on in like a year, but I hope those of you that still remember me will help out a friend of mine: Arctic Skitle. He is brand new to the forums and needs some ponies to hangout with. Thanks all! :) <3

  2. Guys, I'm back...I've been gone for about 6 months, and I happy to be here. I've been feeling a little depressed lately, and more aggressive then when working on the forums, so I thought "why not"? opened up a new tab, and typed in mlpforums.com. To make a long story short, I've been missing you guys, and thats affected my life. Thanks MLP forums, and thanks to all my friends. <3

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. ~Galloping Rainbowdash~

      ~Galloping Rainbowdash~

      Ahh, I am a bucket full of joy ;)

    3. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      *huggles' =)=)=)=) that is good to hear =)=)=)=)=)

    4. Midnight Seeker
  3. Just beat the whole Borderlands 2 campaign in 12 hours. World Record is 7. Not too bad.... Anyone know where the minecraft easter egg is?

    1. ParsoOfEquestria


      caustic caverns in the top end of the map i think

    2. ~Galloping Rainbowdash~

      ~Galloping Rainbowdash~

      Yea, thought so. I know where is it, but i didn't know the fast travel. Know how to get the warp?

  4. Answered this test with honesty and didn't really read the questions till I saw my result: http://www.playbuzz.com/kattw10/what-type-of-dragon-are-you I can't imagine this is really me and how I just realized I am like that dragon.

  5. Now thats really scary. As I was playing minecraft on a server, it started to rain. The freaky thing is that it also started to rain irl at the EXACT time the mc rain started.

  6. Just learned that bloodwing DIES in the second borderlands. I swear, no one will miss him more than me...D:

    1. Nuke87654


      I don't know, Mordecai went apeshit with his sniping when you began your escape and he was covering you.

    2. ~Galloping Rainbowdash~

      ~Galloping Rainbowdash~

      I haven't even PLAYED Borderlands 2 yet. Getting to it this friday. But I swear, me and Mordecai have the same thinking. I used Bloodwing every single chance I got in BL 1. I spent all my points and this is what happens? I will kill Jack as brutally as possible.

  7. Just heard Beautiful Day by U2 and it brought up so many memories that I just started crying.

  8. 1 more profile view to have 2014! Still feel depressed though..

  9. I feel terrible right now.... D:

  10. Omg wow....The movie was REALLY great, until something bad happened. About 1 hr in, the movie froze. The people restarted it and it froze again. We got a refund and all was well. Go see the movie! Amazing Songs!

  11. Off to go see Rainbow Rocks! Wish me luck! I might have internet at the theaters, so I'll get back to all of your guys's status updates , etc.

  12. Going to watch RR in 2.5 hours. THE HYPE IS REAL!. Gonna wear My Brony shirt, RD backpack, and other swag I have. Anyone else going?

  13. Night Everypony! Sweet Dreams!

  14. Another scary happening: Parents are gone maybe, car is gone, but they didn't tell me where they were going. I'm honestly so scared right now.

  15. OMG CREEPY ASS SHIT!!!!! Just logged on to google chrome and this popped up: "Application/Log-in Attempt (Prevented)" Guess the location? Lets have 5 guesses before I reveal where and the ip address!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ~Galloping Rainbowdash~

      ~Galloping Rainbowdash~

      DOT ON COLON! It was from Nanchang, Jiangxi, China Any hackers help me find out who did this? IP:

    3. Soul Flare

      Soul Flare

      It's probably just a botnet or something.

      Whatever it is, it will probably never touch your account again, and even if it does google won't let them in

    4. ~Galloping Rainbowdash~

      ~Galloping Rainbowdash~

      Thanks for helping colon. I did change my password too, so.....Oh, and props to google! Thanks guys!

  16. Anyone know good, funny, preferably minecraft youtubers? JeromeASF, BajanCanadian, PrestonPlayz, and SSundee I already know. Thanks!

  17. Normal Routine when I get home from school: Start downloading videos, Check all mlp forums and reply to status updates, then watch videos with a snack before I spend 2 hours waiting for more status updates and replies. :) So happy when I get it done well.

  18. I just realised how depressing my out-of-school life is. I spend at least 8 hrs a day on the computer because my 2 good friends moved like 30 min away. I have no friends to hang with after school.....

  19. Just tried to ask a girl out and was ignored. Damn im feeling depressed.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Thunderchild


      At least you had the balls to ask her. Good for you man-keep at it.

    3. ~Galloping Rainbowdash~

      ~Galloping Rainbowdash~

      I spent a day trying to find out when and how to ask her. lol

    4. SCS


      That sucks man, but at least you tried. I almost never have the guts to tell a girl my feelings.


      There's many people out there you could like that way though, so don't let this get you down.

  20. I'm back! And just in time for school! What is your favorite schoo, year and why?

  21. HOLY CRAP, IM BACK! It's been, like 8 months since last post, and i'm really sorry I haven't been able to talk to you guys for a while. Family issues came up and I had to deal with them for a while. I'll try to be on daily from now on! :D

  22. Ever go to school one day, think that it will be an awesome day, only to be treated like an ass the whole day?

  23. Can anyone create a sig for me? Anypony going to Running of the Leaves Con?

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