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  1. In fact, it most likely will be raids. It depends on the mission type the writers comes up with. We recommend you play this game with friends, but you don't have to. Some quests (might be changed) right now require a friend(s) to finish them. Just because we make it children friendly, doesn't mean we will make it any less entertaining If I get my way with the forest... *starts singing on "Be Prepared" from the Lion King*
  2. I have a question. What would you guys like to see in an MMORPG with ponies? I'm just shooting this question out there and see if the LoE Team is "right on the money". To clarify what I mean is that I wish to see if our current view of the game matches what the public have in mind.
  3. Hello! Legends of Equestria - Public Relations here! It’s correct. Legends of Equestria is a MMORPG. It’s in full 3D, using the Unity3D engine, and we’re building everything from scratch. We make our own CA, sounds, music, models, etc. At the moment we have no issues with Hasbro Inc. and intend never to infringe on their IP’s. We have long been making sure not to violate any of their IP’s and took an early decision in the development, NOT to include any of their official ponies. In every way possible way, we’re building this game to be child friendly. Does it mean that there will be no violence? No. It will be a certain distinct form of cartoon violence. There will be exploring, quests, minigames etc. We try after all, to make it feel as if you’re part of the universe of the series. Here is some art and an trailer from August. Concept art: http://legendsofequestria.deviantart.com/gallery/37043529 2D art: http://legendsofequestria.deviantart.com/gallery/37043562 3D art: http://legendsofequestria.deviantart.com/gallery/37043567 Some various screenshots: http://legendsofequestria.deviantart.com/gallery/42412713 Trailer: - Bare in mind. The trailer is old. For anyone whom wish to help us, we’re still looking for new talents! http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=6800.0 If you have any further questions, ask me here, PM me or email me at swebow@legendsofequestria.com Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter! http://www.twitter.com/legendsofeq http://www.facebook.com/LegendsOfEquestria Regards, SweBow Legends of Equestria PR Leader
  4. Actually, we just wanted to kill the servers. Our servers crashed because of a DB error, but not because of overload. So it's actually quite surprising. (We did fix that error on Saturday) For those who doesn't know, Luna. She is hosted on a HP 2710p laptop. And that she didn't blow up, was somewhat very exciting. She was however the weakest of the bunch. http://www.hp.com/hp...it/ds_2710p.pdf To rotate the camera (but it will go back to chase) is to hold the middlemouse button. The next time, it will be a tutorial. Since we're implementing the cutiemark quests in the Alpha, so they will be ready for Beta.
  5. Hey! I hope you all liked it even for all them spinningheads Believe it or not, but it's one of our oldest bugs. Since we decided a longtime ago we will switch out our ponymodel, we never decided to fix it. Another bug that is famous, yet fun. Is the one called "Buttscooting" or "Ponybumpercars". I heard a lot of people wanted this feature to be intact. I'm going to talk with the design team to see if we can have the same kind of "look" yet add something so it looks me realistic. Maybe sit on a soap? Who knows
  6. Alpha will be closed, sorry But! The Beta will be open, for everyone! The Beta will be more or less the complete game too. I have a sort of plan what we're going to do EDIT: Updates regarding the weekend posted on our website
  7. swebow


    Durpy.... why are you typing here? We need all them SFX! That reminds me. I have to sometime get your IPs so I can join. It been ages ago since I played TF2.
  8. Yeah, I'm around here. Keeping check of Legends of Equestria threads or mentionings. Funny thing is that you can download Maya and 3D Studio Max for free. Since you're a student! You're free to PM me them.
  9. Yes. You can swap your buttons etc. around. Right now it's more a "social game" since we're still working on the other systems. You can see here what we're working on for the Alpha (Checked once are finished).
  10. You can go anywhere, where we can. We got parts of EverFree (We're rebuilding it since the old one wasn't scary enough), parts of Canterlot, Ponyville, SAA, SCC, a gemmine and a bit more. It's still pre-alpha, we just wish to do a stress test now
  11. Show me your models I'm curious on what you can. (I'm SweBow from Legends of Equestria) Also what tools do you use? Is it Blender? Maya? 3D Studio Max?
  12. Sorry for possible old bump, but I think some people might enjoy this even if it's still in pre-alpha. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1C_1r-kL8NIsNaQX0j3CyXBtUpc26ZCAdvK8dblG5L2g/edit (Next week as in this week!)
  13. Oh, it was just RainDrop more or less that was left. The full rest of the team went to Legends of Equestria. So it was business essual. Then again, these are old news. The split happend in March. Next time we appear, it's at Canterlot Gardens if someone is going there.
  14. Hey, former developer of Equestria Online and now a developer of Legends of Equestria. What the OP forgot to post was our reply about this: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WI01lDh8ZLmh5VDdw2YPjjs1y8ui88KaQjBpjK5h5iI/edit?pli=1 We never wished this would happened, we tried to solve everything before the split. Equestria Online is unfortunately shutdown by RainDrop. He redirect people on the Facebook to keep track of us (Legends of Equestria). The vision isn't dead, the MMO is still being developed. We aren't going anywhere but to Alpha, Beta and Release!
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