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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by Tomiix

  1. I know Big Macintosh won't fall in love with Cheerilee. I. JUST. KNOW. IT!!!

  2. I know Big Macintosh won't fall in love with Cheerilee. I. JUST. KNOW. IT!!!

  3. How many new threads are made every day? It used to be way less, and they used to get more posts... I liked it better that way

    1. Tomiix


      Why would you want to do a auto purge. A mod posts a rules thread and then locks it so no one can be smart and reply 'smartly' the purge would also get those. Also, it isn't that hard to get 5 replys on a thread.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. Have been awake 30 hours to avoid commatose, how is your day?

    1. Tomiix


      Yup. I see ponies which isnt a terrible thing!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. The first time I heard of Cupcakes, I read the fic, and listened to music related to it in one night. I was literally shaking because I was so disturbed. Now I am rewriting it in my spare time at school, and I have all the music on my iPod.(:

    1. Tomiix


      I hate cupcakes it makes my skin crawl.


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  6. Moderator on Bungie.net has not continued our little conversation once I explained that ponies and the fandom is what changed me. He must think I'm saying a bunch of bullshit but I was completely honest ;)

    1. Tomiix


      Sucks that Bungie.net is dieing sine there not doing halo no more. Why can't anypony appreciate there earlier games and future ideas? Cause they are bandwagoners.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. Im filled with love and i want to share it with you guys :D I love you everypony!

  8. Your very nice! I love to meet new ponies! You'll love it here! ^^

  9. Hey fellow bronies! I'm Rainbow Dash. Welcome to my profile. Enjoy your stay, ponies!

    1. Tomiix


      Hello, nice to meet such a nice welcoming Bronie, who happens to think of me as a friend, although I don't believe we've talked before. You're my first friend on this website, which is cool.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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