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  1. I don't really dislike any character in FiM in the way I feel they removal would benefit the show, or dislike them to say I'd like them to be removed from the show. All the characters play their parts beautifully, and form an incredible story-arch and build a dynamic world. The being said, I do maintain a lot of grienvces with characters: The Worst: Ponies I really don't like that much: Gilda: I suppose Gilda would be my most disliked character, but then again, I can't stand in full with that statement. GIlda's a terrible person and an awful gryphon, making the sweetest of all cry in tears of agonizing pain makes Gilda a despiseable character, but I'm more disliking of Rainbow Dash for that than Gilda. Gilda's a tough-biker gang leather-coat who would keep away from anything that's not cool enough for her. It's not like Gilda rolled up into town and started tormenting the place; she rolled into town to see her friend Rainbow Dash. Gilda might be a bitter-spirited person with a mean-streak, but it's only because of Rainbow Dash's connection to her that she was with people. Left to her own devices, we could hope Gilda would at least serve to stay out of town, and never come in. Diamond Tiara: I could continue the obvious, but Diamond Tiara just isn't a nice filly. Maybe she has her own demons (being the little brat of a mutli-generation old money family does have it's down-sides), but Diamond Tiara's just a spoiled little twerp who needs to learn her lessons and try to become a better little filly. Prince Blueblood: Of all characters, I dislike Blueblood the most. Blueblood is all the worst of everything every character I have issues with is, and that exemplified hundreds of times over. Blueblood has all the arrogance of every other character combined, with nothing to back his self-centered desires. Blueblood's in love with himself, and views every other pony with contempt, treating everyone as a sub-pony species. Blueblood takes advantage of pony weakened by her desire for love, and proceeds grant her only his cold-heartless shoulder as she bends over backwards trying to get to know him. Blueblood's a self-centered misanthrope who concerns himself only with nothing but himself, expecting his privileges without the slightest though of any pony else. Blueblood probably did nothing to obtain his royal privileges, and continues to usurp everything he can get his greedy hands on. In fact, usurp isn't even the word, because Blueblood is so worthless, he couldn't even bother to steal anything. Blueblood is a miserable pony who cares nothing about what he does to others, and would gladly throw anyone under the bus, perhaps literally, just to get more for his miserable little existence. The silver lining to Blueblood is that he's a one-time character, and only served as a plot device to make Rarity see she really needs to re-consider just what she wants. I Don't Quite Understand These: There are some ponies that I just don't tend to feel any of the grievances the consensus feels about them: Spike: Yes, Spike can be that way sometimes, and he really does need to work on being friendlier and a more kind individual; but he's a baby, a boy going through an awkward stage in his life. He's surrounded by adults all the time, and frustrated he's not like the others; all Spike wants, at his heart, to be loved, and disliking him isn't going to make him any better a character; all he wants is love. Trixie: I know she's arrogant and dislikable, but that's her show presence; the only way she makes money. Trixie's not the best position in her life when she's met, and she's only trying to make her living the only way she knows how. It's seen when she talks to Snips and Snails that she really does have problems, and that's only topped by the tiny little house that she has to call home because she has nothing else in the world. Trixie's just in a bad position, and, while she's a jerk on stage, it's not as if a little compassion for her would go astray in helping to see what's really wrong with her. Snips and Snails: Alright, honesty here: I had no idea Snips and Snails were this prevalently disliked anywhere, but apparently they are here. I never had any problem with either of them; they severed as problems in Boast Busters, but every other appearance, they're comic relief played to keep the plots nice. In fact, in Magic Duel, I really like them, and love their appearances; perhaps that's subconscious for I really dislike them, as they were being tormented by Corrupted Trixie. The Mane Grievances: These are my Mane grievances with characters in the show, but not characters I specifically dislike: Cherry Jubilee: I really dislike Cherry. She's just not that interesting a character, and her personality's one that I can do without; I just don't like her that much. Luna: I like Luna a good bit, and her appearance guarding Canterlot in Season 2's finale is my favorite part of the Season; this is a recent development. Luna's been acting considerably distant to her sister lately, which, while with reason, Luna's been acting up and being cold and distant just because she doesn't get her way. In addition, I wish Luna could break away from a bit of her good girl traditionalist self, and really showcase her dynamic personality. Rainbow Dash: Rainbow Dash is, in large part, a jock. She's heavily into sports, devotes her life to athletics, and generally doesn't associate outside hyper-athletic crowds. Rainbow Dash associate's herself in shady crowds, and, while she's faced adversity that's built her personality, it's not as if Rainbow Dash isn't a major cause of her own problems, I.E. Dash Academy. All of Dash Academy showcases the major dislikeable aspects of Rainbow's personality, that have been exemplified through-out Season 2. Rainbow Dash often acts in sole care of her own wants, rejecting her friends and the needs of those around her that she could help , but instead chooses her own cares over their needs, which is not very loyal of her. Rainbow Dash is arrogant and jockish, with a one-track mind concerning herself, and I really don't like that Rainbow Dash. This being said, I do really like Dashie; the fun, cheerful, often lazy and unmotivated, competitive pony, who puts her friends above her own desires. I really like Rainbow Dash in the pilots and through-out Season 1, even in the Sonic Rainboom when she's trying to get something for her own wants. While I couldn't find this Dash for most of Season 2, Rainbow Dash's adorability, love, and loyalty found their way back in Dragon's Quest. In Season 3, while it was more of Rainbow's personal desires, I love her in Just For Sidekicks when she's being adorable around Tank; maybe he and Daring Do have cut back on Dashie's arrogance and selfishness. Rairty: Of all the members of the Mane Cast, Rarity tends to be the pony I most hold grievances with. Rarity's the element of genorosity, right? Arguably, she's the least generous of all the Mane Cast. Rarity perpetually dumps her friends to hang out with the upper-crust of Equestria disregarding the people who love her for upper-class twits who could care less about Rarity.Rarity's episodes center around either her love of high fashion, her desire to be more than she is now in society, or about building her fashion career. While I can't in good knowledge say that Rarity's wrong for trying to capture her dreams and live her life, her episodes just don't have that much to do with friendship, generosity, or her beautiful heart; they're all about her and her own wishes. Rarity spends her first episode spending her time making dresses for her friends, spending all her love and effort to make sure her friends have the perfect gowns to go to the Galla with. After that, Rarity proceeds to spend every episode she gets collecting materials for her business, using her sister as a tool to live lavishly, subtly asking an emotional kid with a gnarwling crush on her for the gem he really loved, and generally basking in her own self-interest. Heck, her second song was all about her saying she wanted to be in the upper-crust of society, with everyone gawping over Rarity, and she wants exactly what her best friend had, going as far to wallow in self-pitty because she wasn't fortune enough to get what Fluttershy was able to get. With a few gasps of air from her generosity and heart, Rarity spends her entire time after her initial few acts of generosity concerning only with herself and her life, which, regardless of good it makes episodes, just isn't that fitting for Friendship is Magic. Rarity's grown me, and I love a lot about her, from her fashionista esch, to her elegance, when she is loving and generous, and her contrast into the show, she's just really not the best pony. I really wish Rarity was little more generously beautifully-hearted. So, those are my grievences. Oh wait, I forgot one, because I want badly to forget about her: Princess Cadance: ​There are a number of bronies that detest Candace, calling her a Princess Wanna-be, a fake, worthless, alicorn poser, OC, and generally want her out of the show. I tend to relate heavily with these feelings of dislike; I want Cadance out. Cadance was handed down in sole part by Hasbro; her entire existence, her timeline for entering the plot, and everything about her has Hasbro Corporate Office written on. Candace is nothing more than a device; she's a tool used to carry on the story archs of the show, of which she's thusly recieved 3, without any reason to. Cadance is a bland and increasingly dislikable character; she offers little to the show, and commandeers a massive amount of the show's precious life-force. Cadance is a royal princess alicorn without any reason to be one; she doesn't deserve any credit, and she's done nothing to earn her credit she's gotten since she's been forcibly implanted at the end of 2 seasons of the show. Cadance was Twilight's foalsitter, and she was nice in the flash-backs, but she's not important any more than any of the characters she's taking time away from. Cadance isn't interesting, and has no significance less to be some heir to the thrown of a misplaced historical Empire that she has no relation in importance to the Empire. Cadance is a marketing tool of the worst kind; a malignant tumor that just keeps growing because of Hasbro's radiation on the show. There are so many better characters to see, and even a new good character would be much more appreciated than anything Cadance can be to the show. Also, she's ruined alicorns; only Luna and Celestia can be alicorns, along with other major players in the world; even Princesses don't get to be alicorns, and it needs to stay that way.
  2. Always been isn't the same as it is now. Hasbro's politics were kept out of the show by Lauren and her writers; with her gone, Hasbro's influence is increasingly detrimental to the series. The writers are already in a deficient for development because Lauren hosted the entirety of the process in Season 1, and held onto influence in Season 2; the more time that passes, the less FiM remains in the show. We're already seen Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie's characterizations take a nose drive since Lauren left, especially season 3 Fluttershy; she's now presented as a 3 way switch between shyness-calmness-anger, without any of the balance, or pacing that kept Season 1 Fluttershy in perfection. Couple all the factors, and more Hasbro influence will cripple the show. It's widely known the CMC weren't an original design of Lauren; but were they were a design of Lauren, not Hasbro. It was only at the request of Hasbro that Applebloom have friends; everything was left to Lauren's creativity. At this point, Hasbro is openly declaring new characters without any word from the writers; you don't think that will increase with time? Two, that isn't major influence; that's an overhead that Lauren had to fill; Lauren and the writers had complete development of the story-lines. and the decisions of the characters; Hasbro did not hold that much sway against Lauren's team early on. I'd personally say a balloon is a marketing tactic rather than a rather story-device, but to each his own. Derpy was canned because of Hasbro, not because of writers. You can't argue what Lauren would have done; that's heresay that we can't speculate on, because it came 9 months after she left. Hasbro was concerned of the backlash that could have strung around Derpy; one crazed parent group that decides not to mind their own business and sticks it's head into a show can cost a company considerable amounts of money, an investment to fans Hasbro is not willing to make. Also, Hasbro can make the final decision in a show if it's allowed that leniency, which means it can make a terrible blow to the show. One parental group interjects their distaste, and an empowered Hasbro can murder the show, something that wouldn't be allowed with a Lauren Faust MLP. I never said that Lauren would be so bold; but she did manage to keep Hasbro out of FiM; the previous generations are just too bad to say that she didn't. Well I couldn't argue with that point; Lauren certainly has won a victory with that, and a lasting victory that's continued to spread subsequent of her departure; but that's only one aspect. We have seen that characters continue down the same un-winding paths, which, just isn't what made the show great. Pinkie Pie had a vast and assorted personality in Season 1, and her exponentially variable personality was tempered with robust nature, those little things that kept her slightly cemented to Equestria. Rainbow Dash especially; as the seasons have worn on, she's worn down from a vibrant, outstanding, and dashingly cute character, down to a Rainbow Dash who's more arrogant jock, with her sporty cuteness increasingly becoming a breath of air from a drowning Dashie. The characterization have increased down the same path, and, while they can be cute now, another season down this same path, and they'll quickly devolve into the Spongy model of character hell. This is, however, the major factor in her decision to leave the show, even if she continues to maintain her vow of silence on the issue. Lauren, being a professional, and a kind hearted individual, is too polite to bring up the real reason she left. Lauren would never go against Hasbro in some media frenzy to discredit a major corporation; it's too big a damage to her, and it wouldn't accomplish anything. If Lauren had publically stated she left FiM because Hasbro had interfered with her show, she's just be seen as an artsy bitch by Hasbro, and that image would spread far and wide. There would be nothing to gain from Lauren saying her real reasons to quit, only things for her, and her show, to lose. She had other projects to work on, and she might even try to consider that was a silver lining to the whole fiasco; but it's not the reason she quit, and she knows that too.
  3. Oh, sure, it's called My Little Pony Meets Metal; it's a very popular selection, only takes a few minutes to find on Google,max just google My Little Pony Metal, and you're right there Why not buy one? There are plenty choose from, and selections are vast enough to suit just about any brony: http://www.redbubble.com/people/dfragrance/collections/97946-my-little-pony-shirts
  4. I ussually watch the livestream from Bronystate; that keeps my pony levels for episodes right in check, and gives me a nice scoop of some of the fan creation. Also, early releases on YouTube are nice.
  5. That was old Hasbro motif when Lauren Faust was still running the show. With Lauren's vision in place, and influence strong enough to keep Hasbro's politics out of the show in large part, Friendship is Magic broke away from every previous MLP series to be an incredible show. With Lauren gone, that's removed the check that's been slowly drifting away from the past 2 production seasons. Hasbro's slowly leaching it's influence into the show, not just with mixing in more advertising tools, Hasbro's been launching itself onto FiM, attempting to control characterization, openly forcing plot-lines on the writers, and taking control of the show from all angles. This isn't just a few benign marketing slicks like in Season 1; Hasbro's trying to take over all of production of the show, and dictate all levels. Derpy was only canned because of Hasbro's influence; the writers were fine to ignore all criticism, and, had the controversy sprung up at the end of Season 1, Derpy would still be on the show because Hasbro would have lacked the leeway to control the show in the way they see fit. It is, however, sure that Hasbro will keep up it's efforts. I of course couldn't foresee the extent of the power usurped by Hasbro; but I do know one thing, it will get worse, and that's a bad thing. This is an issue that will only inflame itself if left unchecked; the loss of any freedom on part of the writers will undoubtedly results in progressively worse storylines, and suck the life from the show with increasing vigor as time goes on, With more Hasbro, anything Hasbro wants gets into the show, and anything they distaste for gets obliterated. Hasbro isn't a semi-apathetic host that just says to meet the quota for toy placement in the show before it airs, it's becoming a monster that wants to control all aspects of the show, and it will ruin the show if it's allowed; they'rs just too much money out for grabs, and Hasbro's greed sense is too strong to fight if left unchecked. Plus, here's another factor; Lauren Faust quit the show for the main reason being Hasbro's interference; her baby was being abused, and she's couldn't stand to see it. If you can't see any other writers leaving for this reason, you're not really looking hard; and once the good writers go, the show is finished.
  6. That story sounds like an amazing way to introduce Princess Skyla; but, it needs a good plot twist. Just like the changlings, there needs to be some underlying yay factor that really pulls the entire episode into a perfect one; maybe something that builds up a feeling of sheer anxiety and looming danger, something mysterious and perfect. I love the plot start!
  7. If you need any support for your argument, I might have a suggestion for you. Now how can any friend possibly argue with that?
  8. Maybe it could be practical, but not if it was solely a MLP themepark; presumably, Hasbro would contract it out (and own it in large part). Hasbro is a major player in the toys category, but it only has a few million in assets it could use to expand it's operations. and a themepark would tie down most of it's disposable income, and keep it tied down for years. Hasbro would have to find some way of financing it, and a market outside of MLP (because bronies and other MLP viewers alone aren't seen as demographic to Hasbro, let alone one large enough to open a theme park for). MLP itself isn't large enough to support a theme park (presumably, Disney World in mind?) and, it doesn't have anyone fighting for it, as Disney did for it. Now, the reason I say it's possible is because Hasbro is a major player, and it can look to broaden it's horizons. However, it's only recently made it's TV play with the Hub, and it's ownership might be weary of taking on another major project so soon. Hasbro definitely could make a play to set up a themepark, but it would be a Hasbro themepark, with all of Hasbro's properties (Monopoly, Transformers, Pound Puppies, ect,) MLP would be one aspect, but not a MLP themepark overall.
  9. Most of that's aesthetic; Celestia's name, all the Cutie Marks and names aren't that considerably important. All of those things, those little tid bits are fairly irrelevant; they were just little extras to the show, and Habsro can get along with that. However, Hasbro putting it's boot down on story lines, however, isn't going to be fruitful for the show. This isn't a free-for all for Hasbro to run a series anyway they like; they have to keep their distance and understand what will make the show good, not what will sell toys. Hasbro doesn't own the best interests to the show, nor can it be allowed to own the stories. FiM is beautiful because Hasbro was forced to step down; ignoring that under the guise of Hasbro owning the merchandising of MLP will only lead FiM into a grave, or worse. This is a major situation that bronies have to be aware of and fight back against; Hasbro needs to stay out of FiM.
  10. Generally dis-information, and the media in general is harmful to bronies. For every news source that gives bronies a semi-fair outlet to speak, their are 5 radio shows that spew lies about Friendship is Magic, fueled by a lack of any knowledge about FiM. If we want to spread the messages and love of MLP, we need to keep calm and act exactly as we do otherwise. Bronies are our our own worst enemies, too. MLP only spreads when people who the love and friendship that springs from the community, too many people instead spread hatred and terror around with them under the brony banner. Instead of letting things go, or being nice and loving, too many bronies still attack outside sources that don't understand Friendship is Magic. MLP is a fandom that can't be described with my limited vocabulary; it needs love and perseverance to spread further through-out the internet. The alarmist media keeps pounding on the door of bronies; but, as long as we keep up our ways and show what the fandom is really about, the media's attacks will be drowned out
  11. I've always liked the old Sweetie Belle cutie mark from previous generations; it's simple, sweet, and look adorable on Sweetie Belle. Though, the heart with a few lines around it would be a bit of a stretch to signify Sweetie Belle's name, and her special talent (although, judging from Sleepless in Ponyville, maybe singing isn't her special talent. )
  12. That's kind of what Hasbro does to shows. The original MLP generation was only made to sell toys, and the 3 generations that followed were heavily in-twinned with merchandising. It was only a combination of factors, spearheaded by Lauren Faust's presence, and the excellent animation and VAs that really built the show. Hasbro's been making inroads to take the show in Seasons 4 onward, and made strides to in earlier seasons (Cadence being an alicorn, ect.). Hasbro's just trying to cash in on a property while they can, and unless the show gains it's independence from Hasbro again, Lauren Faust's leaving the show will be the sign of the turning point in Friendship is Magic.
  13. Thanks! Although, I've never been on mlpforums before; this is my first time joining here! Thanks for the warm welcome; and, is Dragon Quest IX fun? Well thank you! I should be ok though; I'm a veteran of forums
  14. Yay! Lotsa hugs to you for your kind introduction! The Welcome Song! yay! Science! No, I'm not waiting for Dead Space 3 myself, but I am waiting for Episode 3.:3 I'm into Chemistry! I was always watching Bill Nye as a kid, and now I can't get enough Science! How about you?
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