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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Apollo

  1. Well the RP has only just begun, so there is still a lot to do. Oh right, and the reason Shale never talks is actually because he doesn't have a mouth, believe it or not.
  2. I watched EQG, It was good, I enjoyed it very much.

  3. "First drinks are free." *Taker said with a smile.* "But only on your first visit. It encourages people to come back." *Taker picked up and empty glass another patron had left and began to rinse it in the sink behind the counter.* "As for news, I hear our local organized crime group is acting up. I hear they are planning a big heist, maybe today or tomorrow." "We all have our reasons to be here." *Titan said.* "My purpose is to bring our kind together, and offer them a safe place to stay. Taker is our financial support. Shale," *Titan pointed at the bulky grey skinned man guarding the door.* "He keeps the peace. Thats just a few examples. Some of the guys read waaay to many comic books, not that thats a bad thing, and they perceive themselves as superheroes. And then there is your type. The kind that just wants to make our world a better place. Thats my favorite, no delusions of grandeur, just a levelheaded peacekeeper." *Titan chugged down the rest of her beer and placed the empty bottle down on the table.* "It takes a lot of courage to stand up for what is right, and I respect that. Even if it is sometimes done in unsavory ways."
  4. "Taker and I started this place up about eight months ago. We decided that he would watch over the place, while I go and seek out others like us and offer them the safe haven. Eventually, word spread amongst the superhumans, and our little group got bigger and bigger. In total, we have about twenty-three people who know about the place." *She took a sip of the beer she had gotten.* "Twenty-four now, counting you. As for interference, well, we got in a bit of trouble once when the building owner found us down here about a month and a half in, but Taker has some cash, so he bought the building from the guy. Many of our members moved in, myself included." "A, like your drinks a little more fancy, do you?" *Taker asked. He held out his hand toward the shelf that held most of the drinks. A bottle of wine appeared in his hand.* "Perhaps you would like a glass of wine? Its quite well aged."
  5. I feel like if our founding fathers were here to see our country today they would do a few things: 1. Freak out because of our technology. 2. Cry because of the state of the country. In that order. The way America's founders outlined the country, if we had stuck to that, while maintaining ACTUAL PROGRESS (abolishing slavery, equal rights, everyone can vote, etc. etc.) we would be a much better country. But in all honesty, no one is perfect.
  6. This .gif sums up my reaction also. Seriously, Nation, we need to fix up all the shit that is going on here. We need to educate the public so that they are not so god damn stupid! It is outrageous that there are actually people who think this shit! And these same people are often the ones who go off spouting, "America is the greatest country on the planet in every single category. Fuck you if you disagree." except they do it with much worse grammar, especially if its in the written word. I love my country as much as the next guy, but seriously, you have to admit that as a whole, America is on a decline. Big time. Happy Birthday America, lets hope our people get less stupid this year.
  7. "Then let us be off!" *Crow said as they began to limp towards the hospital. It took them about half an hour, but eventually, they made it there. Crow stopped with Silas in front of the hospital.* "Question, are we going to look suspicious walking into a hospital like this? A hooded man, with a claw, roller blades, and a tomahawk, and a guy covered in soot with a broken leg." *Crow looked at Silas* "I guess we will have to see, wont we?"
  8. "If that is what you desire my fair maiden." *Crow said with a smirk.* "Or maybe I could lock the wheels and walk like a normal human." *He lifted up his foot and flipped a switch between the wheels, he did the same on the other skate.* "There, locked wheels, now my beautiful princess, shall we be off to the wonderful land of far, far, away?" (I am having way too much fun with this. xD)
  9. "Its an alias." *Crow said with a shrug.* "Cant go giving out my real name, now can I?" *He grinned.* "Guess we could just walk. Ill lend you my shoulder if you need it, Hospital isn't too far away anyhow." *Crow looked over at the city. He pointed to a tall building a few blocks away.* "Thats the one, there. If only I was more like my namesake, then I could fly us there." *He joked.* "But alas, my flight is artificial, my skates do most of that for me." *He lifted up his foot to show off the motorized stunt roller blade.* "These let me fly like no one else. Shock absorbers too, so I don't shatter upon landing. Takes ages to learn how to use em though. So, you ready to go?"
  10. "Illegal smuggling, you know the deal." *Crow said with a smile and a shrug.* "My name is Crow by the way, nice to meetcha." *Crow grabbed Silas' left hand with his own, gauntleted one and pulled Silas to his feet.* "So whats with all the soot? Been in a couple explosions lately? Sounds fun."
  11. In the original Super Hero RP, I had a character very similar to this. A guy named Rick, who could manipulate his bone structure and use them as weapons, he would often shoot his knuckle bones out of his hands like bullets, he could do this because he had a super advanced healing factor that could regrow his bones in minutes. So good choice in power, I can say, its a lot of fun to use. xD
  12. Oh you guys KNOW that I am up for this. Always have been always will be, but this time, I am mixing things up a bit, and not using Weiss. Name: Alec Thork Alias: Crow Powers: No real powers, but is unnaturally lucky and extremely acrobatic Equipment: A left hand clawed gauntlet, a collapsable tomahawk, motorized stunt roller blades. Alignment: Neutral, leaning towards lawful Character Sheet: Not done yet. Dis gon be good. Also, since I cannot access this account from anywhere but my main home computer, I will often be posting via the account Erperler. Just an FYI.
  13. I signed up for LoL...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. pinkiepool



      loki opens locker

    3. Apollo


      If that is how you interpret it, then so be it.

    4. pinkiepool


      i don't know what else to say.

  14. Oh right. Info on Aya. Aya Den Race: 3/4 Nord 1/4 Redguard Gender: Female Age: 19 Appearance: Looks a lot more Nord than her older brother Alzack, but still has slightly tan skin. She has long, messy, blonde hair and bright green eyes. Height: 5'9" Weight: 102 lbs. Gear: Restoration robes, boots and one glove on her left hand. Her right arm is armored in a unique kind of metal (exclusive to Jyggalag's champions), and she has a short sword made of the same metal. Champion of Jyggalag. History: Taken away from the rest of her family when she was young by her father, she spent a large amount of her life training at the college of Winterhold. She trained in Restoration and Illusion, and once she had mastered those arts, went on to learn alchemy and botany. After she had learned these skills she moved to Markarth. On her way there, she encountered a wounded warrior in the woods. She helped him, and healed him, and once he was all better, he revealed himself to be the deadric prince of Order, Jyggalag. Jyggalag made her his champion and gave her special armor and a special weapon. She continued her move to Markarth after he took his leave and opened a "Herbs and Healing" shop, waiting to hear from Jyggalag again.
  15. *Alzack looked surprised to see Eos there.* "Oh! Eos, hold on." *He said. Aya noticed her too.* "Who's this?" *Aya asked.* "Eos, this is my little sister, Aya. Aya, this is one of my traveling companions." *Alzack had his head pushed backwards by Aya. She eyed the now healed wound and let go of him.* "All finished. You still won't be able to see very well out of it for a while, but if I know you, you heal quickly." *Aya said. She turned to Eos.* "Its nice to meet you. Im Aya Den, Alzack's little sister. Is there something I can help you with?"
  16. *Once they had reached Markarth, Alzack hopped off his horse. He had enough strength to walk again. He left Ivory at the stables.* "Im going to go find a healer, someone who can fix up this eye of mine. Ill come and find you guys once Im done." *Alzack hobbled off into the city and walked up to someone.* "Excuse me..." *Alzack said to the person, the man turned towards Alzack and smiled.* "How can I help you sir?" "Do you know where I could find someone with skills in the restoration school?" *He asked, pointing at his bandaged eye.* "Oh sure, Miss Aya is quite gifted, she lives in the hall down this path, and up the stairs to the right. Im sure she could fix you right up in a jiffy." *The man said cheerfully.* "Thank you, have a nice day." *Alzack said with a smile. He walked off in the direction the man had pointed in. He went up the stairs and arrived at a doorway that had a sign that stated, "Herbs and Healing." He knocked on the door.* "Come on in!" *A voice shouted from inside. Alzack pushed the door open and stepped inside. The entrance hall was illuminated by several large torches suspended from the ceiling. Alzack walked down the hall and into the main foyer. The room was filled with growing plants and potions, and bookshelves were lined with books on various magics of restoration and illusion.* "How can I help you?" *The woman stepped into the foyer, saw Alzack, and stopped with a shocked look. She was obviously a few years younger than Alzack, she was good looking, with lightly tanned skin and a long mess of blonde hair. She looked shocked, seeing Alzack.* "If its not too much trouble, would you mind healing my eye? I got into a bit of a scrap, and took a bad hit." *The woman stepped forward, her shock starting to go away.* "What is your name, sir?" *She asked.* "My name? Its Alzack, Alzack Den." *After saying his name, the woman was on him, embracing him in a tight hug.* "You haven't changed a bit big brother." *The woman said.* "Wait, you are that Aya? Aya Den? But Dad took you away when you were little! How did you? When did you?" *Alzack was surprised to see his little sister here. He had thought all of his family to be lost. The woman stepped back from him, and wiped some tears off her face.* "You cut your braid. I guess you really did loose. He must have been pretty damn strong, huh?" *She said with a smile.* "Just got a lucky hit in while I was distracted." *Alzack assured her.* "Well, lets see it!" *She said. Alzack began to remove the bandages around his face. The wound was swollen and looked very badly damaged.* "Ah, thats nothing, lets get you fixed up. Here, have a seat." *Aya led Alzack to a chair and sat him down. She placed her hands in front of his wound and her hands began to glow. The glow began to fix the wound.* "So what happened? After Dad took you away, I never heard from you again." *Alzack asked.* "Father took me to Winterhold, to the collage. He wanted me to become a great and powerful mage, but the only magic I could really get my hands around was Restoration and Illusion. I just couldn't manage Destruction, Conjuration and other magics. After I had mastered what I could, I went and found someone who could teach me alchemy, I already had the skills to heal with magic, why not learn other means of healing? I could make a career out of it. After I learned what I could of Alchemy, I came here, to Markarth and bought a home with the money I had earned from working underneath a master alchemist. What about you brother? What has been happening on your end? How is the family?" *Alzack looked down.* "Keep your head up." *Aya instructed. Alzack did so.* "They...... they were killed.... by bandits. They raided our town a few weeks after I turned sixteen, and took me, planning to make me one of them. They held me for a couple years, until I managed, one night, to off them all in their sleep, and get out. Not very honorable, but I managed. Got a new sword out of it too."
  17. Okay, before I post again, I need a decision. Second character, Yay? or Neigh? I have a post planned if Yay, if Neigh, than I need to think up something else.
  18. Come on guys, someone post in this thing. Its the first rp I have been in in a while, and its a lot of fun, I dont want it to die so soon. Someone please POOOOOOSSSSTTTT!!!!!
  19. I guess either we wait for a random member to post so you can advance it, or we wait for Krein to post, perhaps he could advance it as well. Anyway, what are your thoughts on us having second characters that are not daedric champions?
  20. I want to post, but I dont know what I should have Alzack do next. Im waiting for something to happen, Maybe we should do a time skip to when we arrive in Markarth, so we have something to do.
  21. I have now officially graduated from High School.

    1. Nohbdy



    2. Apollo


      Thank you! ^^

    3. duidamasterXD
  22. I graduate from high school today .http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m101o5Pgzo1qlwcce.gif

  23. I do not know what to set my status as.

  24. "Poisoned? Thats not good." *Alzack dug back into his backpack and took out a small poison antidote.* "They don't taste very good, and they take some time to work, but this should help." *He handed her the antidote.* "You helped me, its only right that I should help you."
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