*Once they had reached Markarth, Alzack hopped off his horse. He had enough strength to walk again. He left Ivory at the stables.*
"Im going to go find a healer, someone who can fix up this eye of mine. Ill come and find you guys once Im done."
*Alzack hobbled off into the city and walked up to someone.*
"Excuse me..."
*Alzack said to the person, the man turned towards Alzack and smiled.*
"How can I help you sir?"
"Do you know where I could find someone with skills in the restoration school?"
*He asked, pointing at his bandaged eye.*
"Oh sure, Miss Aya is quite gifted, she lives in the hall down this path, and up the stairs to the right. Im sure she could fix you right up in a jiffy."
*The man said cheerfully.*
"Thank you, have a nice day."
*Alzack said with a smile. He walked off in the direction the man had pointed in. He went up the stairs and arrived at a doorway that had a sign that stated, "Herbs and Healing." He knocked on the door.*
"Come on in!"
*A voice shouted from inside. Alzack pushed the door open and stepped inside. The entrance hall was illuminated by several large torches suspended from the ceiling. Alzack walked down the hall and into the main foyer. The room was filled with growing plants and potions, and bookshelves were lined with books on various magics of restoration and illusion.*
"How can I help you?"
*The woman stepped into the foyer, saw Alzack, and stopped with a shocked look. She was obviously a few years younger than Alzack, she was good looking, with lightly tanned skin and a long mess of blonde hair. She looked shocked, seeing Alzack.*
"If its not too much trouble, would you mind healing my eye? I got into a bit of a scrap, and took a bad hit."
*The woman stepped forward, her shock starting to go away.*
"What is your name, sir?"
*She asked.*
"My name? Its Alzack, Alzack Den."
*After saying his name, the woman was on him, embracing him in a tight hug.*
"You haven't changed a bit big brother."
*The woman said.*
"Wait, you are that Aya? Aya Den? But Dad took you away when you were little! How did you? When did you?"
*Alzack was surprised to see his little sister here. He had thought all of his family to be lost. The woman stepped back from him, and wiped some tears off her face.*
"You cut your braid. I guess you really did loose. He must have been pretty damn strong, huh?"
*She said with a smile.*
"Just got a lucky hit in while I was distracted."
*Alzack assured her.*
"Well, lets see it!"
*She said. Alzack began to remove the bandages around his face. The wound was swollen and looked very badly damaged.*
"Ah, thats nothing, lets get you fixed up. Here, have a seat."
*Aya led Alzack to a chair and sat him down. She placed her hands in front of his wound and her hands began to glow. The glow began to fix the wound.*
"So what happened? After Dad took you away, I never heard from you again."
*Alzack asked.*
"Father took me to Winterhold, to the collage. He wanted me to become a great and powerful mage, but the only magic I could really get my hands around was Restoration and Illusion. I just couldn't manage Destruction, Conjuration and other magics. After I had mastered what I could, I went and found someone who could teach me alchemy, I already had the skills to heal with magic, why not learn other means of healing? I could make a career out of it. After I learned what I could of Alchemy, I came here, to Markarth and bought a home with the money I had earned from working underneath a master alchemist. What about you brother? What has been happening on your end? How is the family?"
*Alzack looked down.*
"Keep your head up."
*Aya instructed. Alzack did so.*
"They...... they were killed.... by bandits. They raided our town a few weeks after I turned sixteen, and took me, planning to make me one of them. They held me for a couple years, until I managed, one night, to off them all in their sleep, and get out. Not very honorable, but I managed. Got a new sword out of it too."